


1. 场 [cháng]2. 场 [chǎng]场 [cháng]平坦的空地,多指农家翻晒粮食及脱粒的地方:~院。量词,指一事起迄的经过:下了一~雨。集,市集:赶~。场 [chǎng]处所,许多人聚集或活动的地方:~子。~地。~所。量词,用……





汉语拼音:cháng yuàn







  1. 谷场;空地。

    《儿女英雄传》第二八回:“那里有我家一个大大的场院,场院里有高高的一座土臺儿。” 老舍 《柳屯》:“老两口子分了五十亩地,去住场院外那两间牛棚。”

  2. 五代 、 宋 时官府设置的盐铁等专卖市肆。

    宋 王溥 《五代会要·盐铁杂条上》:“百姓农具,破者须於官场中卖,铸时却于官场中买铁。今后并许百姓取便铸造买卖。所在场院,不得禁止搅扰。”《宋史·食货志下三》:“先令 解州 场院验商人钞书之,乃许卖。已请盐,立限告赏,听商人自陈。”



  1. I stared at nothing for an eternity before my cat streaked up and nestled between my quaking legs, looking stiff and ready for attack.


  2. Still, it has no running water and one outdoor latrine.


  3. Facing my door and not the dark shapes of the yards bushes and trees behind me I called to him.


  4. You are asking my guardsman not to empty the magazine of his weapon into the compound wall from which he is being shot at.


  5. But now victory gardens are springing up in backyards, school grounds and even on front lawns in posh neighbourhoods.


  6. According to the definition the concept of the harden ground, the harden ground is classified as road, town block and farmyard.


  7. On a summer evening, I would lie on the ground near a pond and try to count the stars in the sky.


  8. Little is known about the presence of the virus in small backyard flocks, where the greatest risk of human exposures and infections resides.


  9. The whole place looked like a junkyard, and nothing could be accomplished there.


  1. 场院的活让王大爷张罗。

    Uncle Wang will take care of the work on the threshing floor.

  2. 他们说要有一场院暴风雪。

    They say we're in for a snowstorm.

  3. 我不喜欢这个既脏又乱的场院。

    I disliked the messy farmyard.

  4. 但是, 还没有自来水和屋外的场院。

    Still, it has no running water and one outdoor latrine.

  5. 俺不是那种干场院活的黑奴。

    Ah ain'nebber had nuthin'ter do wid cows.

  6. 看被扔出的鸽子轻飘在场院的惊恐!

    Flakedoves sent floating forth at a farmyard scare!

  7. 他们撞见他在他们的场院里偷牛。

    They caught him rustling cattle in their farmyard.

  8. 人们从场院里抬眼就可以看见

    And from there those that lifted eyes could count

  9. 他们发现翠茜坐在场院的鹅卵石地上。

    They found Trish sitting on the cobbles of the stable yard.

  10. 他设法回到了自己的团驻扎的农家场院。

    He made his way back to the farmyard where his regiment was encamped.

  11. 他换挡,倒车,又换挡,然后在亮光中穿过场院。

    He clutched it, backed up, shifted again, and headed across the yard under the light.

  12. 小狗穿过场院跑过来围着卡车嗅来嗅去。

    The collie came across the yard, sniffing around the truck.

  13. 场院的门边站着两个人, 为他们把门打开。

    Two men were standing by the yard gate, holding it open.

  14. 附近的场院里也看不见她啄食刨土的身影。

    Nor was she pecking and scratching in any of the nearby yards.

  15. 她听到救护车刺耳的当当场院总是感到紧张。

    She thrills at the shrill clang of the ambulance bell.

  16. 他看着他走出厨房门,穿过游廊走进场院。

    She watched him go through the kitchen doorway, across the porch, and into the yard.

  17. 整个场院就象个废料堆积场,什么事情也干不成。

    The whole place looked like a junkyard, and nothing could be accomplished there.

  18. 整个场院就像个废料堆积场,什么事情也干不成。

    The whole place looked like a junkyard, and nothing could be accomplished there.

  19. 附近得场院里也看不见她啄食刨土得身影。

    Nor was she pecking and scratching in any of the nearby yards.

  20. 遗址曾被辟为农业社场院, 建筑基址已不见踪迹。

    Today, its building site is nowhere to be seen.

  21. 我们来到一个农家场院 我看我们可以径直走着穿过去。

    We're coming to a farmyard I suppose we can just walk through.

  22. 我跌跌撞撞地趟过泥地来到一个堆满麦秆的场院。

    I stumbled through mud to a yard strewn with straw.

  23. 预计2005年底完成联合国在巴士拉和埃尔比勒的场院。

    The completion of the United Nations compounds in Erbil and Basra is expected by the end of2005.

  24. 场院必须彻底迁走, 还要多种些树把铁匠铺子遮开。

    The farmyard must be cleared away entirely, and planted up to shut out the blacksmith's shop.

  25. 我无奈地挥一挥双臂, 冲进场院, 又穿过长满牧草的空地。

    I threw up my hands, stomped into the yard and through the pasture.


  1. 问:场院拼音怎么拼?场院的读音是什么?场院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:场院的读音是chángyuàn,场院翻译成英文是 threshing ground; threshing floor

  2. 问:场院限制拼音怎么拼?场院限制的读音是什么?场院限制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:场院限制的读音是chǎng yuàn xiàn zhì,场院限制翻译成英文是 yard restriction



场院 chángyuàn 农村中用来打谷、晒粮食的平坦场地。 场 cháng:1、平坦的空地,多用来翻晒粮食,碾轧谷物。 2、量词,用于事情经过,如:一场大雨。