


1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……





汉语拼音:huì shèng






  1. 有超人的本领;有神通。

    宋 曹组 《忆瑶姬》词:“恁时节、若要眼儿廝覷,除非会圣。” 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷一:“欲要成 秦 晋 ,天,天,除会圣!”



  1. General: That the laity and the Christian communities may be responsible promoters of priestly and religious vocations.


  2. Evangelize China Fellowship Saint Too Canaan College


  1. 这些年轻人说几乎每天都会看到圣母马利亚显圣。

    The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.

  2. 有时, 他们还会试着驱鬼显圣。

    Occasionally, they would attempt to drive out evil spirits.

  3. 巫妖王我们下次见面的时候,将不会在圣地上,圣骑士。

    The Lich King yells When next we meet it wont be on holy ground, paladin.

  4. 他们希望圣?尼古拉斯仍然会像以前一样给他们礼物。

    They hoped that Saint Nicholas would continue to give them presents.

  5. 圣母圣心会

    the CICM Mission.

  6. 盛放圣会提供的物品的盘子。

    a tray for collecting the offering from a congregation.

  7. 管辖一届圣会的牧师职位的任期

    A pastors term of office with one congregation.

  8. 它成立于1991年,下设三个圣会。

    It started in 1991 a congregation of three.

  9. 我们不需要一个新的信仰圣会。

    We don't need a new reIigious congregation.

  10. 创办一个新的圣会,是为了什么?

    What's the point of a new congregation?

  11. 我们可以让传教圣会远离这个丑闻。

    We could keep the order of the missionaries out of this scandai.

  12. 我在圣会里,几乎落在诸般恶中。

    I was in almost all evil in the company of the people.

  13. 我提名布莱克伍德为四圣会领导

    I nominate Lord Blackwood as manager of the Order.

  14. 头一日你们当有圣会, 第七日也当有圣会。

    On the first day hold a sacred assembly another one on the seventh day.

  15. 圣母和圣老楞佐都会保守我们。

    Our Lady and St. Lawrence will keep us steady.

  16. 第一日应召开圣会, 一切劳工都不许做。

    And the first day of them shall be venerable and holy you shall not do any servile work therein.

  17. 第一日当有圣会。什么劳碌的工都不可作。

    On the first day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work.

  18. 第一日当有圣会。什么劳碌得工都不可作。

    On the first day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work.

  19. 第一日当有圣会, 什麽劳碌的工都不可做。

    On the first day shall be a holy convocation you shall not do any ordinary work.

  20. 第八日当守圣会, 要将火祭献给耶和华。

    On the eighth day you shall hold a holy convocation and present a food offering to the LORD.

  21. 第七日当有圣会, 什麽劳碌得工都不可做。

    On the seventh day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work.

  22. 第七日当有圣会, 什麽劳碌的工都不可做。

    On the seventh day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work.

  23. 他们在耶和华的殿中喧嚷、像在圣会之日一样。

    They have made a noise in the house of the Lord as in the day of an appointed feast.

  24. 圣骑士的短时祝福不再会覆盖长时祝福。

    Paladins shorttermblessings no longer overwrite longtermblessings.

  25. 第七日当有圣会,什么劳碌的工都不可做。

    On the seventh day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work.

  26. 到第七日再召开圣会,一切劳工都不许做。

    The seventh day also shall be most solemn and holy unto you you shall do no servile work therein.

  27. 教派成员选举具有相似背景的人来补充这个圣会。

    The church members co-opted individuals from similar backgrounds to replenish the congregation.

  28. 当这日, 你们要宣告圣会, 什么劳碌的工都不可作。

    On that same day you are to proclaim a sacred assembly and do no regular work.

  29. 第七日应当有圣会, 什么劳碌的工你们都不可作。

    On the first day shall be an holy convocation ye shall do no servile work therein.

  30. 由牧师进行的连续祈祷组成的祈祷词来回应圣会的会众。

    A prayer consisting of a series of invocations by the priest with responses from the congregation.