







汉语拼音:yú jīn








  1. 至今。

    《书·盘庚上》:“先王有服,恪谨天命,兹犹不常寧,不常厥邑,于今五邦。” 三国 魏 曹冏 《六代论》:“大 魏 之兴,于今二十有四年矣。” 唐 裴谐 《观修处士画桃花图歌》:“一从 天宝 王维 死,于今始遇 修夫子 。”

  2. 如今,现在。

    《史记·季布栾布列传》:“于今创痍未瘳, 噲 又面諛,欲摇动天下。” 唐 元稹 《谕宝》诗:“于今尽凡耳,不为君陈説。” 曹禺 《北京人》第三幕:“象往日那般欢乐和气概于今在 曾 家这间屋子里已找不出半点痕迹。”

  3. 至今。

    《左传·襄公十八年》:“不穀即位,於今五年。” 汉 王充 《论衡·死伪》:“寡君寝疾,於今三月矣,并走羣望,有加而无瘳。” 唐 韩愈 《赠别元十八协律》诗之三:“寤寐想风采,於今已三年。”

  4. 如今;现在。

    《史记·儒林列传》:“《礼》固自 孔子 时而其经不具,及至 秦 焚书,书散亡益多,於今独有《士礼》, 高堂生 能言之。” 晋 陶潜 《和胡西曹示顾贼曹》:“流目视西园,曄曄荣紫葵。於今甚可爱,奈何当復衰。”《警世通言·崔衙内白鹞招妖》:“真个是亘古未闻,於今罕有!”



  1. Shang Shu is one of the remotest historic literature handed down from ancient times .


  2. Sofradir, a French remote-sensing defence contractor, plans to start making a "multichannel" missile-detection system later this year.


  3. Its annual board of governors meeting is taking place today and tomorrow outside the continent for the second time in the bank's history.


  4. His paper - T test of dominance - the value of obedience and types of tests, is still widely used.


  5. With a heart filled with grief, I only wanted to buy my few items and leave, but even grocery shopping was different since he had passed on.


  6. This is even truer of imperialism today, for it is only the oppressed nations and the oppressed classes that can wage just wars.


  7. Please write down the columns the photos appear in this issue of New Voice.


  8. And, Shariputra, since Amitabha realized Buddhahood, ten kalpas have passed.


  9. A: Mr. Bosworth, US Special Representative for North Korea Policy is visiting China today and tomorrow.


  1. 延安一别,于今10年。

    It is ten years since we parted in Yan an.

  2. 宁亮丑于今,勿遗患日后。

    Better bad now than worse later.

  3. 其始建于唐, 扩建于明, 重建于今。

    Was built in the Tang, Ming expand and rebuild this.

  4. 尚书是流传于今最为久远的一部历史文献汇编。

    Shang Shu is one of the remotest historic literature handed down from ancient times.

  5. 传说中华民族的始祖之一炎帝曾活动于今山西长治一带。

    It is said that Emperor Yan, one of the legendary ancestors of the Chinese nation, has moved about in the area of Changzhi.

  6. 目前仅存的孤本今收藏于上海图书馆,是国宝级的文物。

    As a treasured cultural relic, it is collected Shanghai Library.

  7. 他于今晨6时逝世。

    He passed away at six o clock this morning.

  8. 他于今晨5时谢世。

    He passed away at five o clock this morning.

  9. 代表于今晚动身回国。

    The delegation is scheduled to leave for home tonight.

  10. 飞机将于今晚午夜到达。

    The plane will come in at midnight tonight.

  11. 女足决赛将于今晚举行。

    The women's football finals will be tonight.

  12. 结果将于今晚广播公布。

    The result will be announced on radio tonight.

  13. 代表团于今晨到达广州。

    The delegation arrived in Guangzhou this morning.

  14. 我们得客人将于今晚到达。

    Our guests are arriving this evening.

  15. 我们的客人将于今晚到达。

    Our guests are arriving this evening.

  16. 我们的词典将于今春问世。

    Our dictionary will make its bow in the spring.

  17. 这出戏定于今晚试演。

    The play is due to be previewed tonight.

  18. 首相将于今晚发表广播演说。

    Prime minister will publish the broadcasting speech this evening.

  19. 铺路石将于今夜用卡车运到。

    The paving stones will arrive by truck tonight.

  20. 我们坐的船将于今夜起碇。

    Our ship sets sail tonight.

  21. 我们坐的船将于今夜起碇。

    Our ship sets sail tonight.

  22. 我们坐得船将于今夜起碇。

    Our ship sets sail tonight.

  23. 水星将于今晚开始转入处女座。

    Mercurys new transit of Virgo will begin tonight.

  24. 这位得道高僧于今晚子时涅槃了。

    The eminent and learned monk went to nirvana at a time between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. this evening.

  25. 定于今晚举行的会议暂不举行了。

    The meeting set for tonight is off temporarily.

  26. 这场足球赛将于今晚由电视播放。

    This football match will be televised tonight.

  27. 纪念攻击受害者将于今晚在五角大楼举行。

    Memorials will also be held tonight for victims of the attack at the Pentagon.

  28. 我们高兴地告知贵方寄售货物于今晨收到。

    We are pleased to inform you that the consignment was collected this morning.

  29. 四名骑手将于今晚晚些时候进行越障决赛。

    Four competitors will be jumping off later this evening

  30. 官方称,两列火车于今晨罗马交通高峰期相撞。

    Authorities say two trains collided during the morning rush in Rome.


  1. 问:于今拼音怎么拼?于今的读音是什么?于今翻译成英文是什么?

    答:于今的读音是yújīn,于今翻译成英文是 since; nowadays

  2. 问:于今为烈拼音怎么拼?于今为烈的读音是什么?于今为烈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:于今为烈的读音是yújīnwéiliè,于今为烈翻译成英文是 More serious at present.



“于今”是个多义词,它可以指于今(政治学者), 于今(汉语词语)。