


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà yuàn









  1. 谓房屋多、进深大的院落。

    《红楼梦》第十九回:“我不过是赞他好,正配生在这深堂大院里。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部二:“ 韩老六 有时接济他一点,就这样他成了 韩 家大院的腿子。”

  2. 指多户居民聚居的院子。




  1. Now they are enmeshed in a scandal over a CIA compound in a suburb of Vilnius, which may have been a secret prison.


  2. Lives in the area regarding the yard not to be suitable the total repudiation, but is should take it long to make up short modern community.


  3. BARACK OBAMA: "Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. "


  4. He made the courtyard of the priests, and the large court and the doors for the court, and overlaid the doors with bronze.


  5. I used to go and see him in the office of the Court of Wards in Maniktala.


  6. He said the Afghan government can not enter, because this compound, "a NATO coalition forces, " the police can not enter.


  7. Tianjin, a famous tourism as one of the classic rock of the Grand Courtyard with its traditional Chinese architecture and famous.


  8. The visitor dose not arrive by an obvious path to this spot but is diverted along the way by other pavilions and their adjacent courtyards .


  9. Rhodes: There was a lot of concern about, was the compound going to be booby-trapped?


  1. 大院的后门

    the back gate of a compound.

  2. 小溪胡家大院

    Hu Family Courtyard in Xiaoxi.

  3. 这是一个大院

    This is a large compound

  4. 大院的四周,绿树环绕。

    The compound is surrounded by trees.

  5. 大院本身有三个大门。

    The compound itself has three entrance gates.

  6. 这大院里有点鬼气。

    This place must be haunted.

  7. 教堂大院里通常设置日晷。

    Churchyards often have sundials in them.

  8. 大院掩映在树木灌丛之中。

    The compound was hidden by trees and shrubs.

  9. 办公大院总占地面积为10。7英亩。

    The total area of the compound amounts to10.7 acres.

  10. 他把那些人领进监狱大院。

    He led the men into the prison compound.

  11. 生态美学视野下的晋中大院

    An Ecological Aesthetic View on Homestead Compound in Jinzhong Area.

  12. 这个大院属于传教士托尼阿拉莫。

    The compound belongs to evangelist Tony Alamo.

  13. 我朋友的家住在那个大院里。

    My friend's family lives in the compound.

  14. 然而,下午大火蔓延到了大院各处。

    However, fires had spread throughout the compound in the course of the afternoon.

  15. 自行车必须走在校园外, 自行车锁在大院。

    Bikes must be walked on and off campus and locked in the bike compound.

  16. 大院的门户紧,外人很难进去。

    Rich families have very secure doors, so it is hard for outsiders to get in.

  17. 所有3个设施都在行政大厦大院中。

    All three facilities are located in the Executive Mansion compound.

  18. 救护车在国防部大院外排成一列。

    Ambulances lined the street outside the ministry compound.

  19. 卫兵奉命对任何闯入大院的人开枪。

    The guards have orders to shoot anyone breaking into the compound.

  20. 国庆前, 居民大院里人们忙着洗国旗。

    Before National Day, people are busy with washing national flags.

  21. 国有设计大院改制应重视人员安置工作

    Reorganized Big State Owned Design Institutes Should Put Emphasis on Personnel Aftercare Work

  22. 浅析榆次常家大院建筑形态的演化

    Simple analyses on the shape evolution of the architecture of Chang family's courtyard

  23. 祥子怕进这个大院,更怕往屋里走。

    Xiangzi feared coming into this yard, and even more going into his own rooms.

  24. 他习惯于每天夜里提着煤气灯,巡视大院。

    He is used to carrying gas lamps and patrolling the yard every night.

  25. 他习惯于每天夜里提着煤气灯,巡视大院。

    He is used to carrying gas lamps and patrolling the yard every night.

  26. 晋商文化的兴衰对王家大院建筑的影响

    The Impact of Vicissitudes of Jin Merchant Culture Upon the Architecture of Wang Family.

  27. 清洁负责车间楼梯, 大院, 办公楼的卫生管理工作。

    Cleaning responsible for cleaning the stair of workshop, courtyard, office building.

  28. 当他们逃进使馆大院时,警察向他们开了枪。

    Police fired on them as they fled into the embassy compound.

  29. 他又进了大院,找住个老邻居探问了一下。

    Back he went and asked an old neighbour, but without getting any definite news.

  30. 他们在和平大院里接待了川流不息的欧洲来客。

    They entertained a stream of visitors from Europe at the Peace Compound.




拼音:dà yuàn基本解释1. [courtyard]∶房屋多、进深大的院落 大院2. [compound]∶多户居民聚居的院子居民大院3. [big institution]∶大机关海军大院详细解释1. 谓房屋多、进深大的院落。《红楼梦》第十九回:“我不过是赞他好,正配生在这深堂大院里。” 周立波《暴风骤雨》第一部二:“ 韩老六 有时接济他一点,就这样他成了 韩 家大院的腿子。”2. 指多户居民聚居的院子。