




对着,朝着,与“背”相对:~背(bèi )。~北。目标,意志所趋:志~。方~。偏袒,袒护:偏~。近,临:~晚。秋天漠漠~昏黑。从前:~日。~者。从开始到现在:~例。一~。姓。……







汉语拼音:suǒ xiàng wú dí





力量很强,到哪里都没有对手。《三国志·吴书·周瑜传》裴松之注引《江表传》:“士风劲勇,所向无敌。” 向:指向。



  • 【解释】:敌:抵挡。力量所指向的地方,谁也抵挡不住。形容力量强大,无往不胜。
  • 【出自】:三国蜀·诸葛亮《心书》:“善将者因天之时,就地之势,依人之利,则所向无敌,所击者万全矣。”《三国志·吴书·周瑜传》注引《江表传》:“士风劲勇,所向无敌。”
  • 【示例】:我自起兵以来,~。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、宾语;含褒义


  1. And behind the dim light, disguised beyond recognition, how the heart can be the same as ever to the brave and fierce wounded, invincible?


  2. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS.


  3. Liston had been world champion for two years, and was deemed by many to be invincible.


  4. The Yamato cannon is a terrifying weapon that uses an intense magnetic field to focus a nuclear detonation into a cohesive beam of energy.


  5. He thought he could beat anyone at tennis, but he's met his match in her.


  6. In their diversity, insects and their relatives have evolved in an array of weapons and a killing ingenuity unmatched in the animal kingdom.


  7. So, I'm considered even by the best players on the island to be unbeatable on my own court.


  8. Barcelona's star-studded squad includes the irrepressible Lionel Messi and a sizeable chunk of the all-conquering Spanish national side.


  9. There once lived a great warrior . Though quite old, he still was able to defeat any challenger.


  1. 祝他旗开得胜,所向无敌。

    Be his Banner unconquered, resistless his spear.

  2. 现在你已经所向无敌了。

    Nothing can stop you now.

  3. 我们所向无敌, 大获成功。

    We make out like a bandit.

  4. 这个比赛项目她所向无敌。

    It is an event in which she reigns supreme.

  5. 人们一直以为美国所向无敌。

    People used to believe that the US couldn't be beat.

  6. 是我们所向无敌的时候了。

    When you are that young you feel invincible.

  7. 义勇的人民军队在战斗中所向无敌。

    The people's armies, which are righteous and courageous, are irresistible.

  8. 西门吹雪是所向无敌的, 怎么会输?

    Simon the snow blower is invincible how can he lose?

  9. 一个人的力量一旦爆发是所向无敌的!

    Once the outbreak of a person's strength is invincible!

  10. 谈到速度与惊魂体验, 云霄飞车所向无敌。

    For speed and thrills, nothing beats a roller coaster ride.

  11. 利物浦队高居甲级队之首, 所向无敌。

    Liverpool have an unassailable lead at the top of the First Division.

  12. 该队一年来所向无敌,现已称雄全国。

    After a year without defeat, the team now reigns supreme as the finest in the country.

  13. 迄今为止,人类文明的历史是勇往直前,所向无敌的历史。

    The history of man's civilization is hitherto a bravely advanced history.

  14. 也许我已所向无敌, 但我仍想百尺竿头更进一步。

    I might be unrivaled but Im still trying to reach new heights.

  15. 其声势之浩大,威力之猛烈,简直是所向无敌的。

    Its influence has been so great and its impact so powerful that it is invincible wherever it goes.

  16. 该足球队一年来所向无敌,现已称雄亚洲。

    After a year without defeat,the football team now reigns supreme as the finest in Asia.

  17. 他以为他打网球所向无敌, 但遇到她却是旗鼓相当。

    Adam whistled cheerfully as he tacked up the wire netting round the tennis court.

  18. 那时利斯顿已经蝉联了两年世界冠军, 公认所向无敌。

    Liston had been world champion for two years, and was deemed by many to be invincible.

  19. 你们是一群没有明天的球员,但正是这样让你们所向无敌!

    There is no tomorrow for you, and that makes you all very dangerous people!

  20. 打败波斯之后,所向无敌的亚历山大却败了给自己。

    After he defeated Persia, nothing could stop Alexander but himself.

  21. 从前有一位伟大的武士,他虽然已经年迈,但依然所向无敌。

    There once lived a great warrior. Though quite old, he still was able to defeat any challenger.

  22. 仅凭这点,就足以使我们成为精神上所向无敌的贵族。

    This and this alone, is enough to lift us in spirit to the rank of the indomitable nobles.

  23. 人民的军队所向无前。

    The people's army is invincible.

  24. 他们在德尔斐神示所向神请示。

    They consulted the oracle at Delphi.

  25. 付还贵方的款项请于见票60天所向我支取。

    Take your reimbursement by draft on me at sixty day sight.

  26. 我们必须信赖主, 正如126节讲他治愈麻风病人所向我们展现的。

    We must rely upon him to cleanse us as the healing of the leper in verses1216 shows us.

  27. 我们必须信赖主, 正如1216节讲他治愈麻风病人所向我们展现的。

    We must rely upon him to cleanse us as the healing of the leper in verses 1216 shows us.

  28. 我们应该向所爱的人感谢与祈福。

    We should give thanks and pray, to the one, to the one.

  29. 多亏勇气,我们得以向所爱的人表明以意。

    Thanks to courage, we professed love to our lover.

  30. 会所前台向经理和主管汇报。

    The Club receptionist will report to the General Manager and club supervisors.


  1. 问:所向无敌拼音怎么拼?所向无敌的读音是什么?所向无敌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:所向无敌的读音是suǒxiàngwúdí,所向无敌翻译成英文是 be all-conquering; be ever-victorious; invin...




