


1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……









汉语拼音:cháng qū zhí rù








  • 【解释】:长驱:不停顿地策马快跑;直入:一直往前。指长距离不停顿的快速行进。形容进军迅猛,不可阻挡。
  • 【出自】:《战国策·燕策二》:“轻卒锐兵,长驱至国。”汉·曹操《劳徐晃令》:“吾用兵三十余年,及所闻古之善用兵者,未有长驱直入敌围者也。”
  • 【示例】:我根据数日来的~,满相信着先头部队是已经进入了武昌。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;用于战争


  1. The game was opening up. Rooney powered goal-side of Essien and raced for goal, but Cech claimed it from his feet when he over hit it.


  2. Once during an air raid he marched his seventeen men into the grill of the Manila Hotel.


  3. Britain has no such natural protection from a flood of Hollywood products.


  4. and, perhaps, with luck, it may even end in my driving up to Toad Hall in a motor-car!


  5. has no such natural protection from a flood of Hollywood products.


  6. Following this victory, he advanced without opposition as far as the Mediterranean and exacted tribute from Phoenicia.


  7. Tanks are now allowed to drive right up next to some of the woodpecker colonies.


  8. To bully and spines door's camp, however, general and its subordinate to send all of them on horseback.


  9. As women vagina is an open organs, so a no attention, the bacteria will proceed.


  1. 你们将长驱直入。

    You will go straight ahead.

  2. 长驱直入南太平洋战役。

    Uncommon Valor Campaign for the South Pacific.

  3. 以闪电战术长驱直入几个国家

    blitzed through several countries

  4. 无须钥匙,她早已打开心门,长驱直入。

    And she may unlock it without eer a key.

  5. 我们击溃了敌人,长驱直入下一个城池。

    Brushing the enemy aside, we swept into the next town.

  6. 现在坦克已经允许长驱直入到啄木鸟的家园附近。

    Tanks are now allowed to drive right up next to some of the woodpecker colonies.

  7. 现在坦克已经允许长驱直入到啄木鸟得家园附近。

    Tanks are now allowed to drive right up next to some of the woodpecker colonies.

  8. 结果证明基因载体是一个很直接的方法 病毒长驱直入

    So it turned out that this was a very productive time in gene therapy, and lots of viruses were coming along.

  9. 亚历山大派遣方阵,长驱直入波斯军阵列的中央。

    With the Macedonian cavalry engaged on both flanks, Alexander sends his phalanxes straight into the center of the Persian lines.

  10. 在第四节,他长驱直入,隔着加内特在篮筐上暴扣。

    In the fourth quarter he routinely posted up and burst past Kevin Garnett to finish at the rim.

  11. 皮肤上得任何一处伤口都可能让细菌长驱直入你得体内。

    Any break in the skin can let bacteria enter the body.

  12. 皮肤上的任何一处伤口都可能让细菌长驱直入你的体内。

    Any break in the skin can let bacteria enter the body.

  13. 午餐后他们长驱直入到教堂内,再听取导游的另一次讲座。

    After luncheon they march into the cathedral and undergo another lecture.

  14. 我军长驱直入,所向披靡。

    Our army drove straight in, carrying everything before it.

  15. 他们长驱直人,攻打漳州。

    They made a long drive to attack Zhangzhou.

  16. 这支部队长驱直入, 攻下了许多敌军军营。

    The army fought its way down and captured many enemy camps.

  17. 我军长驱直入, 所向披靡。他曾任这所大学校长。

    Our army drove straight in, carrying everything before it. He is sometime president of this university.

  18. 他又入长了线以防逃离的鱼将线挣断。

    He reeled out more line in case the getting away fish should break it.

  19. 他不收宫凯的钱,相反,他抓起了长矛刺入了海豹的脑袋。

    He refused to take Gong's money. Instead, he snatched up his spear and stabbed the seal in the head.

  20. 然后长入肿瘤。

    invading the cancer.

  21. 和平长入社会主义

    peace eternally entering socialism

  22. 长入肉的头发

    an ingrowing hair

  23. 长入肉内的脚指甲

    an ingrowing toenail

  24. 太猛烈的爱不长入久。

    The love that's too violent will not last long.

  25. 材料的孔隙结构对骨长入有关键性的影响。

    Higher porosity and pore size result in greater bone ingrowth but diminish mechanical properties.

  26. 材料得孔隙结构对骨长入有关键性得影响。

    Higher porosity and pore size result in greater bone ingrowth but diminish mechanical properties.

  27. 我们没有观察到任何神经长入环状穿刺针孔灶处的迹象。

    No here ingrowth into the needle track lesion at the annular puncture site was observed.

  28. 我们没有观察到任何神经长入环状穿刺针孔灶处得迹象。

    No here ingrowth into the needle track lesion at the annular puncture site was observed.

  29. 融入长三角。

    Part of the Yangtze River Delta.

  30. 炸弹和引信绑在长竹竿上, 放入事先砖好的洞里。

    The dynamite and the fuses are strapped along sticks of bamboo before being shoved into predrilled holes.


  1. 问:长驱直入拼音怎么拼?长驱直入的读音是什么?长驱直入翻译成英文是什么?

    答:长驱直入的读音是chángqūzhírù,长驱直入翻译成英文是 drive straight in; push deep in

