


1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……




1. 万 [wàn]2. 万 [mò]万 [wàn]数目,十个一千:~户侯(中国汉代侯爵的最高一级,享有万户农民的赋税。后泛指高官)。喻极多:~物。~方(a.指全国和世界各地;b.指姿态多种多样)。日理~机。气象~千。极,很,绝对:~~。~……


核算:~时。~量(liàog )。~日程功。测量或核算度数、时间、温度等的仪器:晴雨~。湿度~。主意,策略:~策。~谋。谋划,打算:~划。~议。姓。……



汉语拼音:shù yǐ wàn jì









  1. THE Postal Service is taking the "ship" out of shipping, and thousands of small online booksellers are bracing for trouble.


  2. All of these businesses combined, he said, employ tens of thousands of workers.


  3. In Yemen, tens of thousands protested in the capital, Sana'a, on Thursday. They called it a "Day of Rage. "


  4. Still widely used, this electronic nose is able to sniff out a few parts per trillion of chemicals found in the soil, water or air.


  5. My friends daughter is just one of thousands of school children around the city who are learning foreign languages in evening schools.


  6. Just suppose that ten of the thousands of genetically modified vegetables or fruits sold over the next twenty years produce health damage.


  7. Tens of thousands of grassroots protests and disturbances have erupted across the country, usually to be met with unforgiving police force.


  8. Millions of songs, thousands of movies and TV shows, and so much more. Browsing and buying are just a tap away.


  9. Furthermore, hundreds of thousands of those concerned are far from convinced that it's a good idea to use toilets in the first place.


  1. 数以万计的活火山。

    Tens of thousands of active volcanoes.

  2. 数以万计的人饿死了。

    Tens of thousands of people died of hunger.

  3. 数以万计的人们需要他的庇护。

    Millions of people need its sanctuary and protection.

  4. 有数以万计的事我们还可以做

    There's tons of other things that we should think about doing.

  5. 现在每年数以万计鲍鱼 自产这种壳。

    Now, millions of abalone every year make this shell.

  6. 数以万计的保密文件现在被解密了。

    Thousands of classified documents have now been declassified.

  7. 数以万计的美国人参加了那次音乐会。

    And a jubilant outdoor concert attended by tens of thousands of Americans.

  8. 数以万计书和纸卷居住于它得架子。

    Thousands of books and scrolls populate its shelves.

  9. 数以万计书和纸卷居住于它的架子。

    Thousands of books and scrolls populate its shelves.

  10. 数以万计的人们一早就忽略了这个谜底。

    Tens of thousands of people had earlier overlooked the answer.

  11. 每一天, 都有数以万计的人访问反波。

    Every day, tens of thousands of people visit Antiwave.

  12. 每一天,都有数以万计得人访问反波。

    Every day, tens of thousands of people visit Antiwave.

  13. 他签个名,数以万计的人就劫数难逃。

    His signature it was that sealed the doom of tens of thousands.

  14. 霎那间数以万计的人失去了家园, 失去了家人。

    Shana between tens of thousands of people lost their homes, lost family members.

  15. 数以万计得关节炎患者感到膝盖僵硬,关节疼痛。

    Millions of people have stiff, painful knees thanks to osteoarthritis.

  16. 数以万计的关节炎患者感到膝盖僵硬,关节疼痛。

    Millions of people have stiff, painful knees thanks to osteoarthritis.

  17. 由于对象牙的偏爱,数以万计的大象遭到屠杀。

    It is because of the human lust for ivory that countless elephants have been slaughtered for their teeth.

  18. 成千上万的数以万计化合物是已知的化学家今天。

    Thousands and tens of thousands of compounds are known to the chemist today.

  19. 数以万计的树木被伐倒, 包括一些珍稀树种。

    Thousands upon thousands of trees have been cut down, including some precious species.

  20. 数以万计得树木被伐倒,包括一些珍稀树种。

    Thousands upon thousands of trees have been cut down, including some precious species.

  21. 数以万计得村民离开了他们得家往高地去避难。

    But Larry Birkhead says the test will prove he is the father.

  22. 数以万计的村民离开了他们的家往高地去避难。

    But Larry Birkhead says the test will prove he is the father.

  23. 在我们自己的星系里可能有数以万计的行星系。

    Within our own galaxy there are probably tens of thousands of planetary systems.

  24. 数以万计得平民被杀死,约600万人抛家离舍。

    Tens of thousands of civilians were killed, around six million people abandoned their homes.

  25. 数以万计的平民被杀死,约600万人抛家离舍。

    Tens of thousands of civilians were killed, around six million people abandoned their homes.

  26. 数以万计生活被罪恶,可鄙的恐怖行动突然结束了。

    Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror.

  27. 细胞结构紧密,有能力适应数以万计的不同生活环境。

    The structure of bacterial cells is compact and capable of adaptations to a myriad of habitats.

  28. 一种新药可能会给数以万计的癌症患者带来希望。

    A new drug may give hope to millions of cancer sufferers.

  29. 一种新药可能会给数以万计的癌症患者带来希望。

    A new drug may give hope to millions of cancer sufferers.

  30. 但专家们估计,数以万计的非政府组织在世界各地活动。

    However, experts estimate that tens of thousands of NGOs are active around the world.




拼音:shù yǐ wàn jì

注音:ㄕㄨˋ ㄧˇ ㄨㄢˋ ㄐㄧˋ