


1. 屈 [qū]屈 [qū]使弯曲,与“伸”相对:~曲(qū)。~折。~膝。~伸(弯曲和伸直,引申为失意和得意)。首~一指。卑躬~膝。低头,降服:~服。~从。威武不~。冤枉,叫人不痛快:冤~。委~。~辱。~才。~就(受委屈而担任某种职务,……




1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……


1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……



汉语拼音:qū zhǐ kě shǔ








  • 【解释】:形容数目很少,扳着手指头就能数过来。
  • 【出自】:唐·韩愈《忆昨行和张十一》诗:“自期殒命在春序,屈指数日怜婴孩。”宋·欧阳修《集古录跋尾·唐安公美政颂》:“今文儒之盛,其屈指可数者,无三四人。非皆不能,盖忽不为尔。”
  • 【示例】:中国民族工业就只剩下~的几项了!
  • 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、定语;形容突出的人或事


  1. If all goes well, though, the days when a smoking funnel was an icon of every child's drawing of a ship on the horizon may be numbered.

  2. For a team as good as the Spurs there's only a handful of meaningful games during the regular season. This was one of them.

  3. he said to himself that his hour was in sight and that it behaved him to keep his eyes upon it.

  4. In his entire 70 years, it is likely that Mr. Kim heard only a few people directly criticize anything he said or did.

  5. By the age of six, the young Jacksons were playing strip clubs and burlesque palaces - the only venues open to them in Gary.

  6. The president-elect will be one of only a handful of presidents to have moved directly from Capitol Hill to the White House.

  7. Do not be discouraged by set backs and delay tactics used by the dark hats, as their days in power are numbered at this late stage.

  8. It was one of those rare occasions when I ignored the crotchety old voice that spoiled my fun.

  9. Even in Britain, where there are just a handful of stand-alone Burberry shops, the company's best customers are foreign tourists.


  1. 这样的好作家屈指可数。

    Good authors like this are few and far between.

  2. 在世的大诗人屈指可数。

    You can count up the great poets still alive, on the fingers of one hand.

  3. 还健在的伟大诗人已经屈指可数了。

    The great poets still living can be reckoned up on the fingers of one hand.

  4. 世界上,拥有书法艺术的民族屈指可数

    Few nations in the world have calligraphy as a form of art.

  5. 难怪台湾的邦交国一直以来都屈指可数。

    It's no wonder that taiwan's diplomatic allies can almost be counted on one hand.

  6. 这种实验式的做法,使得硬性规定屈指可数。

    That experimental approach means there are few hard rules.

  7. 那里面的女演员屈指可数, 是部男人戏。

    There are few actresses in it, it's a TV play of men.

  8. 那里面得女演员屈指可数,是部男人戏。

    There are few actresses in it,it's a TV play of men.

  9. 在全球范围内, 我的女同事也屈指可数。

    I have only a handful of female colleagues at the global level.

  10. 最近的民意测验显示他当权的日子屈指可数了。

    The latest opinion polls suggest that his days as leader are numbered.

  11. 其原因屈指可数, 但提出的理由却难以胜计。

    The causes are few, but the reasons given are numerous.

  12. 除了灵长类动物,会使用工具的哺乳类动物屈指可数。

    PRIMATES apart, few mammals employ tools.

  13. 穷尽一生, 能达到这一境界的程序员屈指可数。

    Very few programmers ever achieve this level in their lifetimes.

  14. 穷尽一生,能达到这一境界得程序员屈指可数。

    Very few programmers ever achieve this level in their lifetimes.

  15. 他是史蒂夫?乔布斯屈指可数的老上司之一。

    He was one of Steve Jobs'only bosses.

  16. 在和平时期,可称之为改变了世界的政治家屈指可数。

    ONLY a handful of peacetime politicians can claim to have changed the world.

  17. 她也是一位国会议员,那个年代女议员屈指可数。

    She was a congresswoman when there weren't very many congresswomen.

  18. 是国内除中石油、中石化外屈指可数的大型石油公司。

    Except CNPC and CPCC, it is the biggest private petroleum company in domestic market.

  19. 类显得不够重量级, 仅仅包含屈指可数的几个成员。

    Classes seem without enough weight, consisting of only a few members.

  20. 这个圣诞节里, 世界经济让人们兴高采烈的理由屈指可数。

    THIS Christmas the world economy offers few reasons for good cheer.

  21. 在现阶段, 我国从事科技传播的名记者屈指可数!

    At the present stage, there are just few famous journalists engage in technical communication in our country!

  22. 很多人认为,阿罗约夫人执政的日子已经屈指可数。

    Many thought that with that,Mrs. Arroyo's days were numbered.

  23. 既然现在有这样的设备了, 偷窥者的好日子将屈指可数。

    Now that there is one, the eavesdropper's days may be numbered.

  24. 既然现在有这样得设备了,偷窥者得好日子将屈指可数。

    Now that there is one,the eavesdropper's days may be numbered.

  25. 随着社会的发展, 城里的太太会缝补衣服的已是屈指可数了。

    With the development of the society, few young ladies in cities can mend their clothes now.

  26. 他的军事指挥艺术和军事理论造诣,在国内外屈指可数。

    As a skilled commander and military theorist, he had few equals at home or abroad.

  27. 但一个良好用户体验,专业性的网络动漫平台却屈指可数。

    But specialised online anime platforms with good user experience are few and far between.

  28. 斯蒂芬妮?威尔逊是在太空中飞行的屈指可数的黑人妇女。

    Stephanie Wilson is one of only a handful of black women to fly in space.

  29. 虽然良杰掌握的英语词汇屈指可数, 他却一点儿也不孤单。

    Still, even with a few English words in his vocabulary, Liang doesn't a sense of loneliness.


  1. 问:屈指可数拼音怎么拼?屈指可数的读音是什么?屈指可数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:屈指可数的读音是qūzhǐkěshǔ,屈指可数翻译成英文是 can be counted on the fingers



