


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 识 [shí]2. 识 [zhì]识 [shí]知道,认得,能辨别:~辨。~破。~相(xiàng )。~途老马。所知道的道理:知~。常~。辨别是非的能力:见~。远见卓~。识 [zhì]记住:博闻强~。标志,记号。……







汉语拼音:bù shí zhī wú








  • 【解释】:连“之”字、“无”字都不认识。形容人不识字,文化水平很低。
  • 【出自】:唐·白居易《与元九书》:“仆始生六七月时,乳母抱弄于书屏下,有指‘无’字、‘之’字示仆者,仆虽口未能言,心已默识。”
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、定语;形容人不识字


  1. na.
  2. 连常用字都不识

  1. 老年人取药器之无障碍设计研究

    Design and Research of Barrier Free Drug Packaging for the Old Men

  2. 生活而无目标,犹如航海之无指南针。鲁斯金

    Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. J.Ruski

  3. 清理邪见之无底深渊, 思惟业力河流将生死流转斩断。

    Keep clear of the abyss of erroneous views, and Contemplating the river of karma, cut off rebirths flow.

  4. 可有可无之事物不是必要的事物

    Something that is not essential.

  5. 通往天堂的捷径无处无之。

    There is a short cut to heaven from everywhere.

  6. 通往天堂得捷径无处无之。

    There is a short cut to heaven from everywhere.

  7. 墨西哥共和国成立之初, 社会动乱无日无之。

    In the early days of the Mexican republic, social disorder was the norm.

  8. 它并非可有可无之事并非奢侈品,而是不可或缺的需求

    It's not optional. It's not a luxury. It's an absolute necessity.

  9. 美而无德,犹如花之无香。

    Beauty without grace is a violet without smell.

  10. 由是观之, 无恻隐之心, 非人也

    Deals without pity, inhuman also XiuEZhiXin

  11. 所选之物无一令人满意。

    None of the options is satisfactory.

  12. 这并非饥饿儿童的唯一事例, 很多类似报道无日无之。

    Only story of starving children. Many such cases are reported every day.

  13. 这并非饥饿儿童得唯一事例, 很多类似报道无日无之。

    Only story of starving children. Many such cases are reported every day.

  14. 金钱之海深无底,淹没荣誉,良心和真理。

    Money is a bottomless sea, in which honour, conscience and truth may be drowned.

  15. 所以,熟悉感和可即性之有无是紧紧相连的。

    And so, familiarity is very much attached and linked to accessibility or the lack thereof.

  16. 本站内容均经校对, 唯本站并不确保全部内容之正确无误。

    All the contents reposted have been proofread. Yet, we do not ensure they are all correct.

  17. 原来不敬虔之辈必无生育。受贿赂之人的帐棚必被火烧。

    For the congregation of hypocrites shall be desolate, and fire shall consume the tabernacles of bribery.

  18. 诸比丘!此等为正见之圣 无漏 出世之道支者也。

    This is the right view that is without fermentations, transcendent, a factor of the path.

  19. 诸比丘!如何为正命之圣 无漏,出世而有道支?

    And what is the right livelihood that is without fermentations, transcendent, a factor of the path ?

  20. 诸比丘!此等为正语之圣 无漏,出世而有道支者。

    This is the right speech that is without fermentations, transcendent, a factor of the path.

  21. 诸比丘!此等为正命之圣 无漏 出世而有道支者。

    This is the right livelihood that is without fermentations, transcendent, a factor of the path.

  22. 而,诸比丘!如何为正语之圣 无漏 出世而有道支者?

    And what is the right speech that is without fermentations, transcendent, a factor of the path ?

  23. 无用之物世上无。

    Nothing so bad in which there is not something of good.

  24. 反哺之猫世间无。

    Do you ever know a kitty brings a mouse to the old cat ?

  25. 防人之心不可无

    Never show the bottom of your purse or your mind

  26. 无视人之短,无说人之长。

    Blench peoples shortcoming, and dont publicity their eminency.

  27. 无爱之家庭犹如无灵魂之人。

    A home without love is no more a home than a man without soul.

  28. 此魔力之产生并无一定规则。

    For this charm there can be no rules.

  29. 无冻馁之虞

    be secure against hunger and cold.

  30. 无争辩之离婚

    uncontested divorce.


  1. 问:不识之无拼音怎么拼?不识之无的读音是什么?不识之无翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不识之无的读音是bùshízhīwú,不识之无翻译成英文是 To not even know simple words like 之 and 无, to be b...


不识之无( bù shí zhī wú):形容人不识字,文化水平很低。出自 唐·白居易《与元九书》。