




1. 囔 [nāng]囔 [nāng]〔~~〕小声说话(后一个“囔”读轻声)。〔嘟~〕见“嘟”。……



汉语拼音:dū nang





不间断地小声自言 自语。囔(nang)。



  1. 谓不断地、含混地自言自语。多表示不满。

    《红楼梦》第二十回:“﹝ 鶯儿 ﹞不敢出声,只得放下钱来,口内嘟囔説:‘一个作爷的,还赖我们这几个钱。’” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》八:“﹝ 祥子 ﹞嘴里还不住的嘟囔,象有点心病似的。” 浩然 《艳阳天》第六三章:“ 韩小乐 低声嘟囔一句:‘真不谦虚。’”



  1. 'Jane, help me, ' he murmured, almost falling. I helped him to sit down, and sat with him. He took my hand and rubbed it gently.

  2. "It's as if it were trying to escape, " gasped Mole, as he chased it down the slope.

  3. "I'm going up to the Sky Room and find somebody that'll dance with me, " he announced. "G'night. " He swayed softly toward the elevator.

  4. When he say we is trying to make a fool of him, I can only murmur that the creator have beat us to it.

  5. When one of the Filipinos went to the restroom, a Japanese woman grumbled that she should have held back in deference to the group schedule.

  6. This in whispers of the wind burble no escape Zhang big ears, he immediately past : " intermediary promised to you how much money? "

  7. "A guy walks into a bar with a duck on his head, " he mutters, concentrating on the pills.

  8. "I don't need friends, " Bobby whispered as his mother closed the door behind her.

  9. He muttered to himself in a way that struck ice into the soul of Jabez Stone .


  1. 嘟囔含混地说咕哝

    To utter indistinctlymumble.

  2. 用喉音低声嘟囔

    a low guttural growl

  3. 他嘟囔着走了出去。

    He rumbled to himself as he went out.

  4. 他嘟囔了几句就走了。

    He mumbled a few words and went off.

  5. 我听见他在后面直嘟囔。

    I heard him rumbling at the back.

  6. 他一边嘟囔着一边走了出去。

    He mumbled to himself as he walked out.

  7. 他们现在又在嘟囔些什么

    What are they chewing the rag about now

  8. 沃尔什小声嘟囔了一句。

    Walsh muttered something under his breath.

  9. 别嘟囔了。你手里拿的 什么

    Enough grumbling. What have you got there?

  10. 我嘟囔着些无关紧要, 不着边际的话。

    I mumbled something about not attaching too much importance to them.

  11. 她嘟嘟囔囔地道了歉就走了。

    She mumbled an apology and left.

  12. 他低声嘟囔了几句, 离开了教室。

    He rumbled out a few words and left the classroom.

  13. 我嘟囔着些无关紧要,不着边际得话。

    I mumbled something about not attaching too much importance to them.

  14. 老天爷,你们两个还在嘟囔些什么

    For heaven's sake, what are you two jawing about?

  15. 老样子,他那故作可怜的妻子嘟囔道。

    As usual,'muttered his martyred wife.

  16. 他一边走一边嘟囔这样对待他简直是不近人情。

    He rumbled as he walked that it was simply unreasonable to treat him like this.

  17. 她总是嘟囔着说一切都太不公平了。

    She's always whingeing about how unfair everything is.

  18. 她不知嘟囔了几句什么后就不再开口。

    She muttered something unintelligible and lapsed into silence.

  19. 普通纸不是更好折吗?他低声嘟囔道。

    Paper is much easier to work with, he grumbled.

  20. 他嘟囔着说出了他不喜欢这个安排的理由。

    He grumbled out his reasons from disliking the arrangement.

  21. 她一边蹭着紧张的肌肉, 一边嘟嘟囔囔地祈祷着。

    As she rubbed those taut muscles, she hummed and prayed.

  22. 试试阻止我,她边嘟囔着边砍倒了三名骑士。

    Try and stop me, she muttered as she cut the three knights down.

  23. 黑人嘟囔了几句,大意是说对此谁都没辙。

    The black man said something to the effect that no one could do nothin'about it.

  24. 艾舍斯特沉醉于自己的骑士精神,继续嘟囔着。

    Drunk on his own chivalry, Ashurst went on murmuring.

  25. 我摇摆着头躲避着, 嘴里嘟囔着让他快去刷牙。

    The head is avoiding my waveringly, the mutter to oneself in the mouth is worn make him fast brush ones teeth.

  26. 对铜币他稍稍犹豫了一下,想了想,他嘟囔着也拿了去

    He hesitated a little over the large sous. After due reflection, he took them also, muttering

  27. 当母亲端出清蒸鱼时, 亲戚们很高兴, 低声嘟囔着。

    My relatives murmured with pleasure when my mother brought out the whole steamed fish.

  28. 你不该总这么嘟囔,你说的话我一个字都听不懂

    You really shouldt mumble, beacuse i cant understand a word youre saying

  29. 这句话似乎太刺耳了, 大家都嘟嘟囔囔表示抗议。

    the witticism appeared somewhat too stinging , and there was a murmur of protest.

  30. 他变得嘟嘟囔囔且内心敏感,经常在是非边缘徘徊。

    He has become inarticulate and fragile, and the line between right and wrong has become blurred.


  1. 问:嘟囔拼音怎么拼?嘟囔的读音是什么?嘟囔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嘟囔的读音是dūnang,嘟囔翻译成英文是 mumble

  2. 问:嘟囔语拼音怎么拼?嘟囔语的读音是什么?嘟囔语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嘟囔语的读音是dū nāng yǔ,嘟囔语翻译成英文是 glossolalia




【拼音】dū nang


【近义词】嘀咕 嘟哝

【反义词】喧闹 吵闹
