







汉语拼音:áo xiáng








  1. 回旋飞翔。

    《庄子·逍遥游》:“翱翔蓬蒿之间,此亦飞之至也。”《楚辞·离骚》:“凤凰翼其承旂兮,高翱翔之翼翼。” 唐 谷神子 《博异志·阴隐客》:“五色鸟大如鹤,翱翔乎树杪。” 明 徐霖 《绣襦记·厌习风尘》:“鸞和凤并翱翔,云霞灿灿夺目光。” 陈山 《旅顺口》诗:“春天来到了北地,桃花烧红了碧海,白鸥在上下翱翔。”

  2. 徘徊不进,停滞不前。

    宋 苏轼 《答李琮书》:“今 韩存宝 等诸军,既不敢与 乞弟 战,但翱翔于近界百餘里间。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭续录·百菊溪制府》:“其后官阶蹭蹬,翱翔科道者二十餘年。” 梁启超 《中国专制政治进化史论》第二章:“莽莽数千年,相持相低昂,徘徊焉,翱翔焉,直至最近世,然后为一大结束。”

  3. 犹遨游。

    《诗·齐风·载驱》:“ 鲁 道有荡, 齐 子翱翔。” 毛 传:“翱翔,犹彷徉也。”《汉书·司马相如传上》:“於是 楚王 乃弭节徘徊,翱翔容与。” 颜师古 注引 郭璞 曰:“翱翔容与,言自得也。” 南朝 梁 沉约 《齐太尉文宪王公墓铭》:“翱翔礼园,优游文馆。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·海公子》:“彼寻胜翱翔,妾以艰於步履,故留此耳。”



  1. Especially love flying a plane flying in blue sky BaiYunZhong, as if only in heaven, and he thought launch can obtain the acme of publicity.


  2. Yes, Madam. I myself always wanted to talk to someone who has flown up in the sky with a plane.


  3. More than any other feature of our technical civilization, these now prosaic flights are emblematic of what powers are now ours.


  4. When I look up to the blue sky, flying in the sky to see my fellow gentlemen, I will remember with affection a kind of admiration.


  5. Take your look to soaring heights by turning up the volume on your lashes, lips, and hair. Get ready to go over the top.


  6. I hope it's all right gonna go find me a rainbow and hang it up in the sky.


  7. A rough outline slowly came up to her dull mind in white glory, meanwhile, the passionate heart were to fly high in the universe.


  8. the days when our spirits soared like the eagles, supreme and free to live up to what and who we were created to be.


  9. And in the light of the early dawn, my heart came to a stop as I watched a single majestic eagle soaring in the sky.


  1. 在空中翱翔

    to sail in the sky.

  2. 飞行员翱翔长空。

    The pilots were soaring in the skies.

  3. 凌空翱翔的鹰

    a soaring eagle.

  4. 助我展翅翱翔

    Breathing air below my wings

  5. 你翱翔的思绪,

    You hover the train of thought

  6. 星空翱翔小游戏

    Hovering in the night sky Games

  7. 展翅翱翔的想象。

    Imagination to soar on wings.

  8. 老鹰在山巅翱翔。

    The eagle is soaring over the mountains.

  9. 张开双翅翱翔?

    Spread my wings and fly.

  10. 鸟儿乘风翱翔。

    The bird rode on the wind.

  11. 在天空翱翔的鹰

    the eagle that soars in the sky

  12. 鹰在狂风中翱翔。

    The eagle is riding on the fierce wind.

  13. 秃鹰在高空翱翔。

    Buzzards soar overhead at a great height.

  14. 我们在天空中翱翔。

    We're surfing in the air.

  15. 星空翱翔游戏攻略

    Hovering in the night sky Introduction

  16. 鹰翱翔于高山之上。

    The condor soars above the mountain heights.

  17. 翱翔长空的女飞行员

    women pilots soaring in the skies

  18. 调整翱翔文本盒大小。

    Adjusted hover text box sizes.

  19. 禿鹰翱翔于高山之上。

    The condor soars above the mountain heights.

  20. 我们就能翱翔进光明

    We can glide into light

  21. 灰色得鹰在空中翱翔。

    Gray hawks are sailing the sky.

  22. 灰色的鹰在空中翱翔。

    Gray hawks are sailing the sky.

  23. 老鹰再山颠翱翔。

    The eagle is soaring over the mountains.

  24. 哦,飞,飞呀,翱翔于天际。

    Oh, fly, fly, so high against the sky.

  25. 鹰在山谷的上空翱翔。

    The eagles soared high above the valleys.

  26. 鹰在山谷得上空翱翔。

    The eagles soared high above the valleys.

  27. 我将翱翔至远彼方

    To far horizons I will fly

  28. 在夜晚翱翔的那些日子

    And all the moths that fly at night.

  29. 这只鸟在天空中翱翔。

    The bird hovered in the air.

  30. 一只云雀在云上翱翔。

    A skylark soars above the clouds.


  1. 问:翱翔拼音怎么拼?翱翔的读音是什么?翱翔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:翱翔的读音是áoxiáng,翱翔翻译成英文是 soar

  2. 问:翱翔火箭系统拼音怎么拼?翱翔火箭系统的读音是什么?翱翔火箭系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:翱翔火箭系统的读音是áo xiáng huǒ jiàn xì tǒng,翱翔火箭系统翻译成英文是 Hovering Rocket System


