


1. 散 [sàn]2. 散 [sǎn]散 [sàn]分开,由聚集而分离:分~。解~。涣~。~落。~失。~逸。分布,分给:~布。~发(fā)。天女~花。排遣:~心。~闷(mèn)。解雇:他干的不好,让那家饭店给~了。散 [sǎn]没有约束,……





汉语拼音:sǎn hù






  1. 零星小户头。

    茅盾 《子夜》二:“ 老赵 是有名的大户多头,他一出笼,散户多头就更加恐慌,拼命要脱手了。”



  1. In recent months, US retail investors have continued to put money into government and investment grade bond funds.


  2. But over three out of every four buyers of the Goldman deal were retail investors.


  3. Some of these individual investors now say they weren't sophisticated enough, despite their relative wealth, to understand the dangers.


  4. Makers of the only two times with minimal funds can be left alone by small investors were all eaten, so easily achieved elevating effects.


  5. Thanks fellow odd dealers the support which works to us to wish the general odd dealer friend once more to invest smoothly! ! ! !


  6. "JAL has always been a popular retail stock, " said one broker. "People buy it in part for the goodies, like discount fares. "


  7. "Volume hasn't been normal for a bull market, " Detrick said. "The retail crowd has missed a good chunk of this rally. "


  8. So individuals like you and me are best off blocking out the noise and allocating only a small portion of our money to gold, if any at all.


  9. Retail interest in QDII funds is being driven by an overpriced domestic stock market and a lack of investment options at home.


  1. 首域亚太散户基金

    First State Asia Pacific Retail fund

  2. 二者均是受到新散户的推动。

    Both were driven by new retail investors.

  3. 农户散户的效益比规模饲养的效益高。

    Scale farmers benefit ratio of individual investors the benefits of feeding high.

  4. 最牛散户刘芳就是黄光裕?

    Niu is the most retail Wong Kwong Yu Fang?

  5. 在现款方面,他们更愿意同散户打交道。

    They prefer to bargain with individual clients, for cash.

  6. 他们的行为就像散户投资者中的大户。

    They behave like super retail investors.

  7. 为散户安排的股票,得到近48倍超额认购。

    The retail tranche was nearly 48 times covered.

  8. 市场反弹并没有让散户投资者情绪好转。

    The rebound is not making retail investors feel better.

  9. 散户跟着大主力买股, 通常不会亏钱。

    Along with large individual investors to buy the main unit, does not normally lose money.

  10. 但散户的世界里却发生着一些奇怪的事情。

    But something curious is happening in the retail world too.

  11. 无论是机构还是散户认购部分均未得到足额认购。

    Both the institutional and retail portions were undersubscribed.

  12. 在整个亚洲, 散户投资者一直是热情的买家。

    Across Asia, retail investors have been enthusiastic buyers.

  13. 散户与机构部分得超额认购分别达到500倍和40倍。

    The retail and institutional tranches were more than500 times and38 times subscribed respectively.

  14. 散户与机构部分的超额认购分别达到500倍和40倍。

    The retail and institutional tranches were more than500 times and40 times subscribed respectively.

  15. 中英文对照最牛散户刘芳就是黄光裕?

    Niu is the most retail Wong Kwong Yu Fang

  16. 另一方面,散户们对侯宁的急流勇退并不感觉奇怪。

    Individual investors, on the other hand, are not so surprised at Hou's hasty retreat.

  17. 此次发行中, 散户申购部分获得414倍得超额认购。

    The offering was414 times subscribed in its retail portion.

  18. 此次发行中,散户申购部分获得414倍的超额认购。

    The offering was414 times subscribed in its retail portion.

  19. 操作这些大蓝筹, 并不是散户得资金可以做到得。

    These large chip operation, not the individual funds can be done.

  20. 操作这些大蓝筹,并不是散户的资金可以做到的。

    These large chip operation, not the individual funds can be done.

  21. 还有另一种散户外汇交易者处于弱势的体现。

    There is yet another way that the retail forex trader is vulnerable.

  22. 庄家就是这样在散户的帮助下, 把股票变成了利润。

    Banker is coming loose so namely door below the help, turned the stock into profit.

  23. 也有人质疑最牛散户刘芳就是黄光裕。

    Some people also question the cattle most individual investors is Liu Fang Wong Kwong Yu.

  24. 散户群体之所以操盘失败, 是因为技术分析不行吗?

    Trader reason for the failure of small groups, because of technical analysis will not do it?

  25. 该公司的客户包括了机构和散户黄金投资者,还有珠宝商。

    Clients include institutional and retail gold investors, as well as jewelers.

  26. 但高盛这只债券超过四分之三的买家都是散户。

    But over three out of every four buyers of the Goldman deal were retail investors.

  27. 散户投资者有机会获得公共信息, 而且它们的价格相对不贵。

    Retail investors have access to public information, and it is relatively inexpensive.

  28. 人们原本预计新闻报道会是正面的, 散户也将依葫芦画瓢。

    One would expect news coverage to be positive and small investors mimic the trade.

  29. 昨天午盘, 不少散户响应媒体上的进军冲锋号, 在高位进仓了。

    Yesterday afternoon, many individual investors came into the position following the media about fighting promotion.

  30. 操作方面, 短线技术较好的散户投资者可在震荡中低吸高抛。

    Operations, technology shortterm retail investors may be better in the bargainhunting in highthrowing concussion.


  1. 问:散户拼音怎么拼?散户的读音是什么?散户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散户的读音是sǎnhù,散户翻译成英文是 small-scale investor