







汉语拼音:áo yóu








  1. 亦作“ 遨游 ”。亦作“ 遨逰 ”。游乐;嬉游。

    战国 楚 宋玉 《小言赋》:“蝇蚋眥以顾盼,附蠛蠓而遨游。”《后汉书·张衡传》:“虽遨游以媮乐兮,岂愁慕之可怀。”《文选·张衡<思玄赋>》作“游娱”。 唐 陈子昂 《上元夜效小庾体》诗:“三五月华新,遨游逐上春。” 明 沉德符 《野获编补遗·畿辅·元夕放灯》:“四海承平日久,輦下繁富百倍,外方灯市之盛,日新月异,诸司堂属,俱放假遨游。” 清 宣鼎 《夜雨秋灯录·记李三三逸事》:“谈笑於稠人广众之中,遨游乎雪月风花之地。” 丁玲 《一九三○年上海》一:“ 美琳 想到那些自然的美景,又想到自己能终日与 子彬 遨游其中,反觉得很高兴了。”

  2. 漫游;游历。

    《列子·力命》:“请謁不及相,遨游不同行,固有年矣。” 汉 司马相如 《琴歌》之一:“凤兮凤兮归故乡,遨游四海求其凰。” 唐 李白 《飞龙引》之一:“遨游青天中,其乐不可言。” 宋 张世南 《游宦纪闻》卷十:“既久居 洛 ,多遨游佛道祠。” 明 陈献章 《程乡县儒学记》:“所以遨逰乎圣人之方,而玄同乎圣人之神者,非可揣摩而得也。”《古今小说·李公子救蛇获称心》:“﹝ 范蠡 ﹞后见 越王 义薄,扁舟遨游五湖,自号 鴟夷子 。” 清 性休 《渔父图》诗:“东西南北任遨游,万里 长江 一叶舟。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·佟客》:“君遨游四海,閲人綦多,曾见异人否?” 方廷楷 《寄寄尘》诗:“我已十年甘隐遯,君犹千里事遨游。” 郭小川 《三门峡》诗:“明明在中原落脚,为什么又像遨游 西子湖 畔?!”

  3. 犹言奔走周旋。

    《后汉书·马援传》:“ 世祖 迎笑谓 援 曰:‘卿遨游二帝閒,今见卿,使人大慙。’” 明 沉德符 《野获编补遗·释道·真人张元吉》:“其人……至今遨游诸贵戚间,饮博谐謔之外,他无所解。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·采薇翁》:“翁不时乘马出,遨游部伍之间。” 清 俞樾 《茶香室续钞·陈士庆》:“ 献忠 死, 士庆 遨游 孙可望 、 李定国 间。”

  4. 见“ 遨游 ”。



  1. Anyway, I seemed to want to fly freely and swim in the sea sort of due to my thoughts of dreaming to be free.


  2. I'm part of the bird that's not in the sky. I can swim in the ocean and yet remain dry. What am I?


  3. So you see, we're navigating the web for the first time as if it's actually a web, not page to page, but at a higher level of abstraction.


  4. He fed Golden fishes and look down to the end of water, following closely pelagic Golden fishes with his eyes and finding its places.


  5. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw this cool photo of a crow landing on an eagle.


  6. A WebE for the Best Science Website can be found in a cave where cyber explorers travel back in space-time.


  7. Being the third son of the family, and not bred to any trade, my head began to be filled very early with rambling thoughts.


  8. But as the years went by, my realistic side told me that my dream of flying in space would not be fulfilled.


  9. As a result sheet transfer and carry it out of paper teeth in the wheel and oscillating cams comparatively static state.


  1. 遨游太空计划

    plan of roaming the space

  2. 漫步遨游全球

    Walking and Traveling in the Whole World.

  3. 遨游空中的动物

    Animals Up in the Air

  4. 遨游学海淡泊人生

    Cruise in sea of knowledge and enjoy simple life

  5. 人造卫星在太空遨游。

    Satellites are flying in space.

  6. 遨游在蓝天的穹谷

    Traveling in vault of the sky

  7. 英语助我们遨游世界!

    English can help us around the world!

  8. 英语助我们遨游世界!

    English can help us around the world!

  9. 在我们遨游创世之时。

    When we play the game.

  10. 遨游者践起的水花

    And splash of october swimmers

  11. 今晚你会同我遨游梦境么?

    Say will you dream with me tonight?

  12. 我像一朵孤云般遨游。

    I wandered lonely as a cloud.

  13. 没错, 你可以遨游世界七大洋!

    Yes, you can put your mind at ease.

  14. 真羡慕他能在宇宙中遨游!

    I'm very envious that he can walk in space!

  15. 在梦中,我在纸张的海洋中遨游。

    I was swimming in an ocean of paper.

  16. 在高清晰电视的世界里遨游

    How to Navigate the World of High Definition

  17. 在安全, 祥和与舒适中遨游世界

    Flying in Safety and Comfort

  18. 散步的时候他任自己的思绪遨游。

    he let his mind roam as he walked.

  19. 总是张着大嘴在海中遨游

    swimming around with their mouth open.

  20. 我一心一意想离家去遨游世界。

    My thoughts were bent on seeing the world.

  21. 谁是第一个遨游太空的宇航员?

    Who is the first astronaut that travelled in space?

  22. 但愿我能像宇航员那样遨游太空。

    I wish I could travel through space like an astronaut.

  23. 就能成为你的同伴,陪你遨游天际。

    The comrade of thy wanderings over Heaven.

  24. 他是第一位遨游太空的美国人。

    He was the first American to be lunched in two launched into space.

  25. 我将不是遨游太空的第一位教师。

    I would not be the first teacher to fly in space.

  26. 女宇航员已经乘坐宇宙飞船遨游太空了。

    Women astronauts have travelled in space ships already.

  27. 我能成为一条鱼儿,在大海遨游。

    I can be like a fish, and swim in the ocean.

  28. 我童稚的天真永远遨游于湛蓝的太空。

    I Childishness naive forever traveling in the blue space.

  29. 你可以任意地遨游,然后自己学习新知

    You can fly around yourself and you can learn for yourself.

  30. 他年轻时曾遨游海上, 寻求惊险和刺激。

    He roved over the sea in search of adventure when he was young.


  1. 问:遨游拼音怎么拼?遨游的读音是什么?遨游翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遨游的读音是áoyóu,遨游翻译成英文是 travel


