




1. 难 [nán]2. 难 [nàn]3. 难 [nuó]难 [nán]不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(……



汉语拼音:liú nàn








留难 [liú nàn]
  1. 指流连颠沛的艰难。

    汉 焦赣 《易林·观之震》:“盘迂九迴,行道留难。”

  2. 无端阻留;故意刁难。

    汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·本议》:“间者,郡国或令民作布絮,吏恣留难,与之为市。”《法苑珠林》卷三一:“智者若见有人欲出家,应勤方便,勿作留难。”《明史·邹缉传》:“前岁买办颜料……大青一斤,价至万六千贯,及进纳,又多留难。” 邹韬奋 《萍踪忆语》二:“因为 伦敦 美 领署的公文已到,所以略谈几句便算了事,未曾受到什么留难。”



  1. After some difficulty, and after their solemn promises of amendment , they were taken on board.


  2. Linda saw starfish, but instead get down, but also more support, so hilarious reservoir dogs, bitter LiuNan starfish everywhere.


  1. 经过种种留难, 经过他们答应痛改前非, 他们才被收容上船。

    After some difficulty, and after their solemn promises of amendment, they were taken on board.

  2. 美丽的景物慢慢消逝难留。

    Gradually the regaling views of nature die out.

  3. 美丽得景物慢慢消逝难留。

    Gradually the regaling views of nature die out.

  4. 罗兰德对于你而言,很难做出留在家中得决定吗

    ROWLAND Was it a hard decision for you guys to make, for you to stay home.

  5. 罗兰德对于你而言, 很难做出留在家中的决定吗?

    ROWLAND Was it a hard decision for you guys to make, for you to stay home

  6. 学生们被教授留的家庭作业难住了。

    The students were confused about the homework that the professor told them to do.

  7. 花魂鸟魂总难留,鸟自无语花自羞。

    It is always hard to ask their souls to stay behind, That birds are silent and flowers feel ashamed, I find.

  8. 信由光阴难留住,长河远去赴天涯。

    How time flies, so transient, like the long river vanishing to the horizon.

  9. 此情难留,纤影远去,惆怅飘送一季的风霜。

    This situation is difficult to stay, fiber film away, melancholy drift to send season's wind and frost.

  10. 时钟难倒转,光阴不可留。

    You can not turn back the hand of the clock.

  11. 此证明不难,留给读者。

    The easy proof of this is left to the reader.

  12. 许多留学生发现很难适应新得环境。

    Many foreign students find to to a new environment.

  13. 最棘手得事, 最难搞定得障碍, 应该留在最后。

    The toughest problems, the greatest obstacles, should be saved for last.

  14. 最棘手的事,最难搞定的障碍,应该留在最后。

    The toughest problems, the greatest obstacles, should be saved for last.

  15. 想要不留痕迹地就失踪了是很难的。

    It's difficult to disappear without a trace.

  16. 你为什么把所有难做的事都留给你母亲?

    Why do you leave all the hard work up to your mother?

  17. 酒桶长留原装酒味。幼年所受的影响很难消除。

    Cask savors of the first fill.

  18. 过去的留不住,未来的难预测,守住现在,当下即是。

    The past is gone The future is unpredictable.All we have is now.Male great use of it.

  19. 过去得留不住,未来得难预测,守住现在,当下即是。

    The past is gone The future is unpredictable.All we have is now.Male great use of it.

  20. 难闻的蒸汽由船坞中余留的泥浆散发出来。

    Noisome vapours arise from the mud left in the docks.

  21. 这个比较难懂,不太显而易见,所以我把它留到最后。

    This is the hard one, the one that isn't obvious. That's why I leave it to the end.

  22. 优秀的软件工程师很难找,更不要说聘用和留住他们了。

    Great software engineers are hard to find, let alone hire and keep.