




1. 难 [nán]2. 难 [nàn]3. 难 [nuó]难 [nán]不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(……



汉语拼音:diāo nàn








  1. 故意使人为难。

    清 李渔 《玉搔头·极谏》:“难道要刁难几刻,好索他的润笔不成?”《清史稿·世宗纪》:“丙子,敕八旗人员有为本旗都统、本管王公刁难苛索者,许其控诉。” 陈登科 《赤龙与丹凤》第一部十三:“又说我白天不给他们在学校开会是刁难。”



  1. When Haldeman harassed me, I could be sure that it was to carry out some design of the President.


  2. I don't want to make it hot for you. But I won't tell you the true story of that till you return the letter to me.


  3. he never dreamed I would actually leave him, and I never in my wildest imagination thought he would make it so difficult for me to go.


  4. Poxi proud to harmony, are ashamed to make things difficult for others to take care of the children proud, ashamed to play all day.


  5. She's just trying to make it hard for you.


  6. However, the probability of this happening has lessened in the past few days as the final composition of his 27-strong team emerged.


  7. None of which is to suggest that China is resisting a movement on the currency just to spite the U. S. It has reasons for caution.


  8. To respect the kitchen- employees' work ; do not make difficulties designedly .


  9. We have caused extra gigatons of greenhouse gases to be released into the atmosphere by being so precious about nuclear.


  1. 遭政府审查刁难

    Get snagged by government censors

  2. 他事事刁难阻挠。

    He behaved in a very obstructive fashion.

  3. 排斥打击, 百般刁难

    thwart, spurn and attack

  4. 对某事故意刁难

    to be nasty about

  5. 他对我百般刁难。

    He made it very hard for me.

  6. 他常故意刁难人。

    He deliberately makes things difficult for others.

  7. 她这是在故意刁难。

    She's just being obstructive.

  8. 他这是故意刁难我们。

    He is intentionally making things difficult for us.

  9. 他这是故意刁难我们。

    He is intentionally making things difficult for us.

  10. 为什么你这么刁难人,什么

    Why are you so hard on people? What?

  11. 我走下来刁难那个暴发户。

    I am going down to make it hot for that upstart!

  12. 我不是有意想要刁难你。

    I did't mean to make it hot for you.

  13. 她想,老天爷真是爱刁难人。

    How perverse the gods, she thought.

  14. 故意不予合作的。存心刁难的

    Deliberately unhelpful or obstructive

  15. 刁难、阻挠税务人员进行检查。

    Create difficulties for and obstruct tax collectors from conducting examination.

  16. 像往常一样,戈登企图百般刁难。

    Gordon, as ever, tried to make difficulties.

  17. 他做了那件事来刁难我。

    He did it to spite me.

  18. 你们谈得怎么样,你没刁难她吧?

    How was it? You weren't mean to her, were you?

  19. 伊迪的保险公司一直在刁难她。

    That insurance company is putting eddie through hell.

  20. 伊迪的保险公司一直在刁难她。

    That insurance company is putting eddie through hell.

  21. 伊迪的保险公司一直在刁难她。

    That insurance company is putting Eddie through hell.

  22. 保罗在海关时,海关官员百般刁难他。

    When Paul was at customs, the customs officer gave him a hard time.

  23. 我在跟他共事的时候,他对我百般刁难。

    He gave me a hard time when I worked with him.

  24. 士兵们常日常武力来刁难或迫害学者。

    Soldiers in the country frequently use theirs power to embarrass deprecate the scholars.

  25. 他们这样挑和争论就是要故意刁难我们

    They is provocative and controversial just to spite us.

  26. 每次我想进来的时候,看门的都刁难我。

    The bouncer always gives me a real hard time when I try to get in.

  27. 他们这样挑衅和争论就是要故意刁难我们。

    They are being provocative and controversial just to spite us.

  28. 自从发生争吵之后,校长老师刁难这位新老师。

    Ever since their argument the principal has been making it hot for the new teacher.

  29. 史密斯先生故意刁难,就是不肯照章办事。

    Mr. Smith was obstructive and refused to follow correct procedure.

  30. 她问这个问题只是因为应该问,而非存心刁难。

    She only asks the question because it ought to be asked,and does not lie upon the catch.


  1. 问:刁难拼音怎么拼?刁难的读音是什么?刁难翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刁难的读音是diāonàn,刁难翻译成英文是 make things difficult

  2. 问:刁难地拼音怎么拼?刁难地的读音是什么?刁难地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刁难地的读音是,刁难地翻译成英文是 despitefully



词目:刁 刁难——相关漫画难读音:diāo nàn (注意第四声)释义:故意使人为难。组词:百般刁难。

反义词:宽容 配合 协助

近义词:难为 为难 作对 找茬