


聚集:~少成多。处心~虑。~储。~愤。~郁。~怨。~愿。~累(lěi )。~攒。数学上指乘法运算的得数:~数。乘~。体~。容~。中医指儿童消化不良的病:这孩子有~。捏~。……


积聚,储藏,保存:~藏。~洪。~发(fà )。~养。积~。储~。兼收并~。存于心中:~志。~怨。~谋。~意。含~。等待:“孰谓时之可~?”……



汉语拼音:jī xù









  1. 积聚;贮藏。

    汉 董仲舒 《春秋繁露·五刑相生》:“﹝ 召公 ﹞亲入南亩之中,观民垦草发淄,耕种五穀,积蓄有餘,家给人足,仓库充实。” 元 郑光祖 《伊尹耕莘》第一折:“幼年颇看经书,隐居不仕,惟以务农为活,积蓄多年,广有钱穀,家业颇丰。” 巴金 《利娜·第五封信》:“得了钱她们就积蓄起来,不给男人用。”

  2. 指积蓄的财物。

    《史记·高祖本纪》:“ 宛 ,大郡之都也,连城数十,人民众,积蓄多,吏人自以为降必死,故皆坚守乘城。” 明 唐顺之 《凤阳等处灾伤疏》:“且 江 北人家素无积蓄,今岁原是子粒不收,起运京粮多从远处糴买,致之甚艰。”《红楼梦》第一一八回:“ 贾环 本是一个钱没有的,虽是 赵姨娘 有些积蓄,早被他弄光了。” 巴金 《奴隶的心》:“他越想越苦恼,加以他做了多年的奴隶,并没有积蓄,赔不起这一笔钱。”

  3. 蕴积,蕴蓄。

    唐 李白 《赠别从甥高五》诗:“自笑我非天,生事多契阔。积蓄万古愤,向谁得开豁。” 清 梅曾亮 《<柏枧山房集>自序》:“ 右军 《兰亭》之咏,不殊常语; 安仁 《金谷》之诗,未闻好词。何者?意非积蓄,词由豪举。”

  4. 指蕴蓄的思想、情感。

    宋 文天祥 《跋李龙庚殿策》:“君非碌碌,意积蓄必有深厚,故予独探其心表而出之。”



  1. "Nick had money, " he said. "He may have had three score pounds put by. "

  2. AS IF North Korea's people did not have enough reasons for gloom, on November 30th their savings were wiped out by government decree.

  3. Even as a lad, selling bags of firewood he had chopped himself, he kept all his savings on him in his trouser pocket.

  4. He did, though, have enough savings to keep him going for a few months and a burning desire to make a short movie with some friends.

  5. To fund the research and the various drafts of his chair, Li sold his house in Beijing and took out his life's savings and pension .

  6. He used the last of his savings to open a small restaurant opposite the train station near his apartment.

  7. Instead of trying to use up all their savings before they die, most prefer to leave substantial bequests.

  8. He bought much furniture, on which he spent almost all the money he saved every month.

  9. No doubt, China amassed more power while American might ebbed over the last decade, and Beijing is now throwing its weight around.


  1. 他积蓄致富。

    He amassed a large fortune.

  2. 家里有些积蓄。

    Well,we have some savings.

  3. 家里有些积蓄。

    Well, we have some savings.

  4. 我有一些积蓄。

    I have some money saved up.

  5. 我有一些积蓄。

    I have some money saved up.

  6. 有机体积蓄器

    accumulator organism

  7. 我得积蓄减少了。

    My savings have dwindled.

  8. 我的积蓄减少了。

    My savings have dwindled.

  9. 也许靠他们的积蓄?

    Perhaps on their savings

  10. 我还是有点积蓄的。

    I got a little something saved.

  11. 他们用尽了他们毕生积蓄。

    They spend their life savings.

  12. 我坐下片刻积蓄力量。

    I sat down for a moment to gather my strength.

  13. 我得积蓄已花光了。

    My savings are wiped out.

  14. 我的积蓄已花光了。

    My savings are wiped out.

  15. 存些积蓄以备不时之需。

    Keep savings as a buffer against unexpected cash needs.

  16. 那一年他积蓄了100元。

    In that year he had a hundred yuan saved.

  17. 安吉拉积蓄了许多钱

    Angela has a lot of money salted away.

  18. 一些恶棍抢夺寡妇的积蓄。

    Some villain robbed the widow of the savings.

  19. 你肯定有攒下点积蓄。

    You got to have some money saved up.

  20. 我们度假耗费了一些积蓄。

    Our holiday has eaten into the money we saved.

  21. 少来,我有一些积蓄的。

    Come on, I've got some to spare.

  22. 她拿走了我全部积蓄。

    She glommed on to every cent Id saved.

  23. 我们得花上全部的积蓄

    We'd have to put our savings into it.

  24. 通货膨胀蚕食了他们的积蓄。

    Inflation has whittled away their savings.

  25. 我们得花上全部的积蓄。

    We'd have to put our savings into it.

  26. 她骗取了他一生的积蓄。

    She swindles him out of his life savings.

  27. 你最好积蓄些钱以防老。

    You'd better save up some money for your old age.

  28. 他已经有为数可观的积蓄。

    He's got a healthy wad salted away.

  29. 通货膨胀抢光了我的积蓄。

    Inflation has robbed me of my savings.

  30. 他正在积蓄金钱以备晚年。

    He is laying aside money for his old age.


  1. 问:积蓄拼音怎么拼?积蓄的读音是什么?积蓄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:积蓄的读音是jīxù,积蓄翻译成英文是 save; savings

  2. 问:积蓄物拼音怎么拼?积蓄物的读音是什么?积蓄物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:积蓄物的读音是jī xù wù,积蓄物翻译成英文是 insudate

  3. 问:积蓄性生物体拼音怎么拼?积蓄性生物体的读音是什么?积蓄性生物体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:积蓄性生物体的读音是jī xù xìng shēng wù tǐ,积蓄性生物体翻译成英文是 accumulator organism



基本解释 (1) [save;accumulate;amass;in stock]∶积攒聚存 积蓄力量 (2) [savings]∶积存的财物 年年有积蓄