




1. 欠 [qiàn]欠 [qiàn]人在疲倦时张口出气:打哈~。身体稍稍向上移动:~身。短少,不够:~缺。~安。借别人的财物没有还或应当给人的事物还没有给:拖~。~账。……



汉语拼音:kuī qiàn








  1. 犹欠缺;不足。

    《朱子语类》第七五:“论得到极处固只是一箇道理,看时须做两处看,方看得周匝无亏欠处。” 明 高攀龙 《高子遗书·语》:“但自默观:吾性本来清浄无物,不可自生缠扰;吾性本来完全具足,不可自疑亏欠。”

  2. 拖欠;亏空。

    宋 苏轼 《论积欠六事并乞检会应诏所论四事一处行下状》:“臣顷知 杭州 ,又知 潁州 ,今知 扬州 ,亲见 两浙 、 京西 、 淮南 三路之民,皆为积欠所压,日就穷蹙,死亡过半,而欠籍不除,以至亏欠两税,走陷课利,农末皆病,公私并困。”《红楼梦》第七十回:“众姐妹都知他工课亏欠,大家自去吟诗取乐或讲习针黹之事,也不肯去扰他。” 茅盾 《子夜》十七:“电报是说镇上同时倒闭了十来家商铺,老板在逃,亏欠各处庄款,总计有三十万之多。”

  3. 损害,辜负。




  1. I do not want to see your vision of the helpless, I do not know whether you owe Lives, Many Masters in debt!


  2. But from another perspective, luck conservation, it is only God who owed a refund, those years luck always is not in the Sun.


  3. The stakes are just as high for AIG, and for America's Treasury and Federal Reserve, to which it owes $132 billion.


  4. On the night of that summer, I stood by her side, feeling extremely guilty of her, of our love.


  5. But while part of me owes my co-workers a smooth transition, another part wishes I could leave a bigger hole, just to say I was here.


  6. The United States, with its huge debts and credit lines with China, is behaving like an emerging market.


  7. Jiang Zemin and the new generation of Chinese leaders owe him much, for all that he has been a nuisance.


  8. Love realizing how much he owed the elder and asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me? "


  9. Love, realizing how much he owed the elder, asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me? "


  1. 杰克亏欠了100镑。

    Jack is 100 pounds to the bad.

  2. 没有人亏欠我什么。

    Nobody owes me anything.

  3. 我也亏欠我自己一点点。

    I owe quite a few myself.

  4. 她容忍你太多, 你亏欠她。

    She put up with you, so you owe her.

  5. 别到处说世界亏欠了你。

    Dont go around saying the world owes you a living.

  6. 他觉得他对儿子已无亏欠。

    He felt he had atoned for what he had done to his son.

  7. 是我,主啊!是我的背叛,我亏欠了袮。

    It is my treason, Lord, that has undone you.

  8. 到现在我总有亏欠他的感觉。

    Now I always have the feeling that he owed.

  9. 凡事都不可亏欠人,惟有彼此相爱。

    Owe on one anything except to love one another.

  10. 我们亏欠所有这些爱国人士一份情。

    We owe a debt of gratitude to all of these patriots.

  11. 我的看法是, 你们亏欠这个学校很多。

    Way I see it, you boys owe this school a major debt.

  12. 本赛季,科比应该拿回亏欠他的东西。

    This year, Kobe needs what is owed him.

  13. 本赛季,科比应该拿回亏欠他得东西。

    This year, Kobe needs what is owed him.

  14. 是我亏欠你的。我一辈子都还不起了。

    It is what I owe you. I still don't have during a lifetime.

  15. 而现在我亏欠了你更多,多过了我这一生。

    And I owe you more than life now, more than ever.

  16. 我终是不亏欠彼此和这时光境遇的。

    I always do not owe each other and this time the situation.

  17. 如果我们双方各拿一半, 我们就互不亏欠了。

    If we each take half, then we'll be even.

  18. 你曾拥有过什么或亏欠过什么也都不再重要。

    It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.

  19. 你在那里可以取得你亏欠了我的额外酬金。

    There you can procure the auxiliary fee that you owe me.

  20. 我现在亏欠了你更多,比我这一生还要多。

    I owe you more than life now, more than ever.

  21. 我所亏欠你的, 是我这一生中所有的快乐幸福。

    I owe all the happiness of my life to you.

  22. 拿走我得亏欠罪,从我得生命中剥离任何邪恶。

    Take away the guilt of my sin. Rid my life of any evil.

  23. 拿走我的亏欠罪,从我的生命中剥离任何邪恶。

    Take away the guilt of my sin. Rid my life of any evil.

  24. 我是个新来的,但是我感觉我的生活像我亏欠了你。

    I'm only a freshman, but I feel like I owe you my life.

  25. 根据神, 我们所有的人都有罪, 亏欠了他的荣耀。

    According to God, all have sinned and come short of His glory.

  26. 根据神,我们所有得人都有罪,亏欠了他得荣耀。

    According to God, all have sinned and come short of His glory.

  27. 别让你的配偶抱怨你亏欠他们太多的时间和浪漫。

    Don't let your mate bully you into thinking that you owe them your time and your life.

  28. 公司已经有超过1。1亿的大量的下个月应付的盈利亏欠。

    The company has over 1. 1 billion in debt coming due, the vast majority of it is payable within the next month.

  29. 你想, 我们当年的婚礼太简单了, 我总感觉很亏欠你的。

    You see, our wedding was so simple that I always feel sorry to you for this.

  30. 过去的日子里亏欠你一滴露水,你的一生将要有眼泪伴随

    Past life owed you a little bit of dew, your life is forever tears.


  1. 问:亏欠拼音怎么拼?亏欠的读音是什么?亏欠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏欠的读音是kuīqiàn,亏欠翻译成英文是 be in arrears

  2. 问:亏欠的拼音怎么拼?亏欠的的读音是什么?亏欠的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏欠的的读音是,亏欠的翻译成英文是 owing



拼音:kuī qìan释义:1. 犹欠缺;不足。2. 拖欠;亏空。损害,辜负。