


1. 饶 [ráo]饶 [ráo]富足,多:富~。~裕。~舌(多话)。宽恕,免除处罚:~恕。~命。尽管:~这样,他还不同意。另外增添:~头。买十~一。姓。……


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……


1. 兴 [xīng]2. 兴 [xìng]兴 [xīng]举办,发动:~办。~工。~学。~建。~叹(发出感叹声,如“望洋~~”)。百废待~。起来:夙~夜寐(早起晚睡)。旺盛:~盛。~旺。~隆。~衰。复~。~替(兴衰)。天下~亡,匹夫有责。……


送给,给予:~仕(退休)。~辞。~电。~力。~哀。~命。招引,使达到:~病。~使。以~。专心~志。样子,情趣:大~。别~。景~。兴(xìng )~。细密,精细:~密。精~。……



汉语拼音:ráo yǒu xìng zhì








  1. Out for the evening on a rare warm night, I saw three or four people do a double take as I passed by and regard me with intrigue.


  2. The child was quite interested in watching the sailors hoisting the cargo onto the ship.


  3. It noted with interest the constructive statement by the Delegation of Pakistan and hoped that the Secretariat would take due notice of it.


  4. I was caught up in conversation with a friend when someone knocked at the door.


  5. I don't have access to the full article, so if anyone does, I'd be interested to hear Golder and Macy's interpretations.


  6. We look on with interest at the shenanigans of the dark.


  7. No doubt its scientists are reading Dr Noggle's paper with interest.


  8. Our conversation was so delighted though we did not speak about important things.


  9. This interested third party was observing the "interactions" of two polar bears near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada.


  1. 我也饶有兴致地读了那些投票组成的那个表格。

    And I read the tabulation of the votes with interest.

  2. 人们经常在我们聚集的海岸线上,饶有兴致地观察我们。

    Humans along the shorelines where we congregate have often viewed the Walrus species with interest.

  3. 小孩饶有兴致地看着水手们将货物吊到轮船上去。

    The child was quite interested in watching the sailors hoisting the cargo onto the ship.

  4. 我变得饶有兴致,并记录了一对夫妇在这里的生活。

    I became very interested, and I wrote about a couple.

  5. 她默默地坐在那儿,饶有兴致地听着时高时低的谈话声。

    She sat in silence enjoying the ebb and flow of conversation.

  6. 饶有趣味的,搞笑的,

    Entertaining adjective amusing and enjoyable

  7. 饶有趣味的闲言碎语

    a succulent bit of gossip.

  8. 你有兴致听音乐吗?

    Are you in the mood to listen to music?

  9. 他的坦率还是饶有趣味的。

    His confidences were interesting.

  10. 可能你对减肥饶有兴趣。

    You may be interested in losing weight.

  11. 饶有兴趣的展示、显著的效果

    A striking display, effect

  12. 悲剧是个饶有兴趣的话题。

    The tragedy is an interesting topic.

  13. 听众饶有兴趣地听他讲话。

    The auditors, deeply interested, hung on his lips.

  14. 不过我有兴致吃蟹腿呢

    and,boy,am I in the mood for crab legs.

  15. 不过我有兴致吃蟹腿呢。

    And, boy, am I in the mood for crab legs.

  16. 我们希望使我们的工作饶有趣味。

    We hope to inject new interest into our work.

  17. 小女孩饶有趣味地看着我。

    The little girl looked at me in amusement.

  18. 我对你的谎话很有兴致听。

    I have fun listening to your lies.

  19. 孩子们饶有兴趣地看着剪羊毛。

    The children were amazed to see the sheep being clipped.

  20. 英语有着饶有趣味的发展历史。

    The English language has an interesting history.

  21. 其它人都饶有兴趣的看着他。

    The other people watched with interest.

  22. 这次谈话既长见识又饶有趣味。

    The talk was both informative and entertaining.

  23. 他饶有兴趣地看着我, 一直微笑着。

    He watched me with interest, smiling all the time.

  24. 他饶有兴趣地观看了我们的演出。

    He watched our performance with interest.

  25. 我们饶有兴趣地阅读了这份报告。

    We have perused this report with interest.

  26. 我们饶有兴趣地听取了她们的致词。

    We listened with great interest.

  27. 我们饶有兴趣地注意到工作组的报告。

    We note with interest the report of the Working Group.

  28. 她饶有兴趣地对邻居们的活动说三道四。

    She retailed the neighbours'activities with relish.

  29. 男孩饶有兴趣地观看着滴答滴答的钟。

    The boy watched the clicking watch with great interest.

  30. 一场饶有趣味的哑剧,正在她面前演出。

    A most amusing pantomime was acted before her.