


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 勾 [gōu]2. 勾 [gòu]勾 [gōu]用笔画出符号,表示删除或截取:~销。~乙(在报刊书籍的某些词句两端画上像“乙”的记号,表示作为资料)。画出形象的轮廓,描画:~画。~勒。用灰、水泥等涂抹建筑物的缝(fèng ):~缝。调……



汉语拼音:bù gōu






  1. 不够;不到。

    元 王实甫 《西厢记》第一本第二折:“这钱也难买柴薪,不勾斋粮,且备茶汤。” 元 杨显之 《酷寒亭》第一折:“头顶军资库,脚踏万年仓,若将来撒鏝,不勾几时光。” 明 朱有燉 《香囊怨》第二折:“如今这倈子这些儿东西,做他零的也不勾。”



  1. It's as easy to use as typing "msconfig" in the run dialogue (Win+R) and unchecking the items you don't want to launch at startup.


  2. In the Options section, you may want to uncheck the Case sensitive checkbox.


  1. 不勾选复选框的话,这些字段就会从数据透视表中移除。

    Un checking a checkbox will remove the field from the PivotTable.

  2. 请把你不理解的勾出来。

    Please tick what you cannot understand.

  3. 原来那鱼儿咬勾并不牢, 可随时吐掉鱼钩。

    It turned out that the fish do not bite hook prison, they can always sputtered hooks.

  4. 不幸的是,任何一个人勾起不好的的回忆总是很容易。

    Unfortuenatelly, it is easy enough for anyone to dredge up bad memories.

  5. 不幸的是, 任何一个人勾起不好的的回忆总是容易的很。

    Unfortuenatelly, it is easy enough for anyone to dredge up bad memories.

  6. 让一个犯错的人洗手不干非法的勾当真的那么难吗?

    Is it really so hard for a wrongdoer to wash his hands of illegal activities

  7. 我不知道他和黑帮勾结。

    I didn't know he was associated with mobsters.

  8. 方鸿渐不理会, 又把手勾她腰。

    He wasn't paying any attention and again put his arm around her waist.

  9. 取消字符连接,只要在段落窗口中不勾选该选项框即可。

    To disable Hyphenation, just uncheck the option box in the Paragraph window.

  10. 请在此打勾以示您不希望收到支票簿。

    Please tick here if you do not wish to receive check book.

  11. 如果你疏忽大意漏掉一勾,理货数字就不正确了。

    If you miss out one sling inadvertently, the tally figure will be inaccurate.

  12. 我不想卷入这一卑鄙勾当。

    I want no part of this sordid business.

  13. 我决不卷入这一卑鄙勾当。

    I want no part of this sordid business.

  14. 勾践长笑之时,谁都不敢作声。

    Now, the maiden made four moves and two Wu swordmen were disabled.

  15. 他直勾勾地看着她。不是我的,他喃喃地说。

    He stared at her. not mine, he said stupidly.

  16. 就算我眼珠被勾掉了也不能脱。

    If it tears out my eyeballs, it never comes off.

  17. 不凑巧,他也穿那个带勾品牌的球鞋。

    And he also happens to wear that swoosh.

  18. 不要尝勾起我的好奇心,我好久不干了。

    Do not tempt my addiction. I have gone through withdrawal, kid.

  19. 人的生命历程不能用单一的曲线来勾划。

    Says Mulish, The human life journey cannot be charted by a single curving line.

  20. 如果灌水是不可取的,勾边,可代替。

    Where padding is not desirable, contouring may be used instead.

  21. 公主和王子勾了尾指, 约定永远不分开!

    The princess and the prince crossed their little fingers and promised to be together forever.

  22. 股票挂勾产品、结构性产品和衍生工具不是保本产品。

    Equity linked products, structured products and derivatives are not capital protected.

  23. 你不嫌麻烦地把我勾到这就是为了报警?

    You go to this trouble to get me here, and now you call the cops?

  24. 因为剩下不任何人, 所以可能画勾号对抗。

    Probably ticked because there wasn't anyone left to fight.

  25. 他表示不会废除联系汇率不会让港元和美元脱勾。

    He ruled out dropping the dollar peg.

  26. 请在同意和不同意旁得方框内打勾。并签名盖章。

    Please tick in the pane of agree or disagree with signature and seal.

  27. 请在同意和不同意旁的方框内打勾。并签名盖章。

    Please tick in the pane of agree or disagree with signature and seal.

  28. 你也不要猜想我会设法勾消他的生命。

    Neither do thou imagine that I shall contrive aught against his life.

  29. 但是,把虫勾到鱼钩上是我最不想做的事。

    However, putting worms on the fish hooks was the last thing that I wanted to do.

  30. 咱们怀疑该客户端不只要勾选启联资源中心。

    We suspect that the client doesn't just check the CRC.