


1. 种 [zhǒng]2. 种 [zhòng]3. 种 [chóng]种 [zhǒng]生物在生态和形态上具有不同特点的分类的基本单位:物~。~差(chā),植物果实中能长成新植物的部分,又泛指生物传代繁殖的物质:~子。~禽。~畜。撒~。……


某些植物所结的种子:~实。~种(zhóng )。瓜~儿。……



汉语拼音:zhǒng zǐ







  1. 即种子。

    李大我 《同心结》:“现在变得坑坑洼洼,种籽也翻出地面。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第五章:“我们之间的友谊,就像一粒健康的种籽,通过你们的手,很快地发芽成长起来。”参见“ 种子 ”。



  1. Any human effort cannot change the process of growth from a seed into a tree. The gardener can only look after the growth of the tree .


  2. tropical tree with large prickly pods of seeds that resemble beans and are used for jewelry and rosaries.


  3. But if any man pour water upon the seed, and afterwards it be touched by the carcasses, it shall be forthwith defiled.


  4. He went in and grabbed a handful of wild flower seeds and spread them along the road from the following day on.


  5. The cotton grows on the plant as long hairs attached to the seeds inside the boll.


  6. Fresh out of the bottle, the nine refined seed oils I tested were almost odorless.


  7. English Nature argues that the offspring could become noxious weeds uncontrollable by existing chemicals.


  8. They ought to have more personal computers. They ought to have better seeds. They ought to do this and they ought to do that.


  9. The artificial board is made of wooden materials and by compacting green plant seeds.


  1. 苦扁桃种籽

    amygdala amara.

  2. 你有任何植物或种籽吗?

    Do you have any plant or seed?

  3. 每颗种籽都可能长成植物。

    Every seed is a potential plant.

  4. 大多数植物都是通过种籽繁殖的。

    Most plants propagate by seed.

  5. 种籽很轻,而大树很重,是吗?

    A little seed weighs next to nothing, and a tree weighs a lot, right?

  6. 有些植物得种籽是由风来传播得。

    Some plants have windborne seeds.

  7. 有些植物的种籽是由风来传播的。

    Some plants have windborne seeds.

  8. 你可以把种籽浸泡在一桶水里。

    You can take the seeds and put them in a bucket of water.

  9. 一进口, 水就化了, 种籽又辣又苦。

    In the mouth the water melts away and the seed chews sharp and bitter.

  10. 我们研究从种籽和花蕾到花得成长过程。

    We studied the evolution of flowers from seeds and buds.

  11. 我们研究从种籽和花蕾到花的成长过程。

    We studied the evolution of flowers from seeds and buds.

  12. 换句话说, 西红柿从自然种籽生长得方式改变了。

    In other rewords, the way tomatoes grow from a natural seed is changed.

  13. 换句话说,西红柿从自然种籽生长的方式改变了。

    In other rewords, the way tomatoes grow from a natural seed is changed.

  14. 上星期我种了点种籽,但现在还没长出来。

    I sowed some seeds last week, but they havent come up yet.

  15. 发现了种籽后熟,植株夏眠等生物学特性。

    Biological characteristics such as afterripening of the seed and summer dormancy of the plant are also revealed.

  16. 他取得了比使用当地种籽高一倍的产量。

    He reaped a yield twice as much as he would have done with local strains.

  17. 将种籽在滋养与大能的爱中种植在你的心田吧!

    Plant the seeds of your heart, in nurturing and powerful LOVE.

  18. 百合和桃金娘的种籽当它们在我的身躯上生长时。

    With seeds of jasmine, lilies and myrtle and when they.

  19. 早餐要吃得好, 如春季种籽萌芽, 需要充分得养份供给生长。

    Eat will at breakfast, just like buds need plenty of nutrition when sprout in spring.

  20. 有谁会不熟悉,好种籽与讨厌的莠子混在一起的麻烦呢?

    Who is not familiar with it, that annoying mixture of good seed and undesired weeds ?

  21. 早餐要吃得好,如春季种籽萌芽,需要充分的养份供给生长。

    Eat will at breakfast, just like buds need plenty of nutrition when sprout in spring.


  1. 问:种籽拼音怎么拼?种籽的读音是什么?种籽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:种籽的读音是zhǒngzǐ,种籽翻译成英文是 seed