







汉语拼音:tí jiào







  1. A cock began to crow, and it was strange to hear it in a crowded town.


  2. Crows in the trees sing, do not know if laughing at him?


  3. Just as I start to turn back home I hear it: the soft, two-toned whistle of chickadees.


  4. But the conqueror, straight-way flying up to the top of the house, began clapping his wings and crowing, to announce his victory.


  5. Even the sailor on the Atlantic and Pacific is awakened by his voice; but its shrill sound never roused me from my slumbers.


  6. The loch lay as still as a lake , only the gulls were crying round the sides of it, and the whole place seemed solemn and uncouth .


  7. Everything is supposed to be very quiet after a massacre, and it always is, except for the birds.


  8. Yes, from the moment of birth, as a baby crow, does not have a name in the " life" of the train.


  9. The birds of the air nest by the waters; they sing among the branches.


  1. 这鸟不时啼叫。

    The bird sometimes sings.

  2. 小鸟在树上啼叫。

    The small bird was tweeting in the tree.

  3. 小鸟在树上啼叫。

    The small bird was tweeting in the tree.

  4. 鸟儿啼叫,夜莺歌唱

    To hear the birds whistle, the nightingales sing

  5. 一只猫头鹰在附近啼叫。

    An owl hooted nearby.

  6. 东半球以啼叫闻名的普通鸟。

    common Old World thrush noted for its song.

  7. 天堂的上帝啊, 听听我痛苦的啼叫

    God of Heaven, Hear my cries of anguish

  8. 在异常的寂静中,一只画眉鸟啼叫着。

    In the utter silence a blackbird shouted.

  9. 于是他伸长脖子闭上双眼, 开始啼叫。

    He stretched out his neck, shut his eyes and began to crow.

  10. 还有翻滚得浪花, 鼓胀得泡沫, 以及海鸥得啼叫。

    And The flung Spray and the blown spume, and the seagulls crying.

  11. 还有翻滚的浪花,鼓胀的泡沫,以及海鸥的啼叫。

    And The flung Spray and the blown spume, and the seagulls crying.

  12. 外面的花园里, 鸟儿婉转啼叫, 蜜蜂嗡嗡作响。

    In the garden outside, the birds were singing and the bees buzzing.

  13. 我无法忍受杜鹃那带着断魂之哀的啼叫。

    I can't bear the cuckoos'cry with great woe.

  14. 这时候, 猴子最喜欢啼叫, 声音拉得最长, 最洪亮。

    At this time, the monkeys Tijiao favorite, was the voice of Latin Americas longest and most resonant.

  15. 科学家通过播放录制的鸟类啼叫来考察雌性鹩莺的反应。

    The scientists tested the response of female wrens by playing recorded bird calls.

  16. 走在丛林里,你会听见到处都有动物的啼叫。

    Walking in the jungle, you hear animal cries all around.

  17. 走在丛林里,你会听见到处都有动物的啼叫。

    Walking in the jungle, you hear animal cries all around.

  18. 号叫,啼发出一种特有的声音或叫声。用于指动物

    To utter a characteristic sound or call. Used of an animal.

  19. 乌鸦飞越野外时, 发出啼叫声。

    Crows crawk as they are flying over the field.

  20. 她还在啼叫,世人还在追逐。

    And still she cried, and still the world pursues.

  21. 我听到小鸟在树林中啼叫。

    I heard birds calling in the wood.

  22. 知更鸟得啼叫声惊醒了熟睡中地老农。

    A robin crowed, waking up the old farmer in deep sleep.

  23. 知更鸟的啼叫声惊醒了熟睡中地老农。

    A robin crowed, waking up the old farmer in deep sleep.

  24. 萨姆响应了猫头鹰的啼叫声。模仿得维妙维肖。

    Sam answered the owl's cry, imitating it exactly.

  25. 有那么一刻,一只鸟儿在温室里啼叫。

    At one point a bird trilled in the Conservatory.

  26. 他赐食给走兽和啼叫的小乌鸦。

    He provides food for the cattle and for the young ravens when they call.

  27. 以复杂而吸引人的啼叫闻名的北美洲画眉。

    North American thrush noted for its complex and appealing song.

  28. 夜间啼叫的鸟一种欧亚歌鸲属的其它夜鸣鸟

    Any of various other nocturnal songbirds of the genus Luscinia.

  29. 名叫强啼克利尔。

    His name was Chanticleer.

  30. 猿在啼, 虎在啸, 鹦鹉在在叫, 鸟和其它得各种动物在叫。

    Monkeys howled, jaguars roared, parrots and other creatures screamed.




【拼音】:tí jiào

【注音】:ㄊㄧˊ ㄐㄧㄠˋ