











汉语拼音:jí xiáng rú yì








  • 【解释】:祥:祥瑞。如意称心。多用祝颂他人美满称心。
  • 【出自】:元·无名氏《赚蒯通》:“再休想吉祥如意,多管是你恶限临逼。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;指吉利祥和,万事如意


  1. Chinese marriage hi words posted on the door , on behalf of good luck and wishful!

  2. No stone could have been the feelings of cold, stone-carved lion available has been tradition of good luck, peace and peaceful meaning.

  3. It is known as the "unique living hieroglyph " . The woolen tippet used by Naxi women is embroidered with sun, moon, and seven-stars.

  4. Thank you for your time. I wish you many blessings.

  5. Understand? That's good. Now, it's time for you to go. Be good!

  6. Jin, satin, crease, silk is China's production of silk fabrics, in these silk knitting, mostly are the symbol of good luck.

  7. Acquaint with friend, YuCheng department, a true friend, regardless of where the body always pay close ZhuWuYou and love, happy New Year!

  8. Ancient Mongolian, and Chinese New Year is called "White Day" on New Year is called white, are mean.

  9. New Year! New Year, and to all a good thing! I wish you and your family a happy New Year! Health! Smooth work! Jixiangruyi!


  1. 祝你吉祥如意!

    Good luck and happiness to you!

  2. 祝新年吉祥如意。

    May fortune smile upon and favor you with many blessing in new year.

  3. 踢踢兔脚,吉祥如意。

    Playing rabbit feet, good luck.

  4. 寓意吉祥如意, 年年有余。

    Moral luck, annual and superabundant.

  5. 恭祝农历己丑牛年新春吉祥如意!

    Happy Spring Festival of Lunar Jichou Ox Year!

  6. 祝您在新的一年里,吉祥如意!

    Luck and success in the coming year!

  7. 我希望新年能比去年更为吉祥如意。

    I hope that next year will be luckier than the last one.

  8. 祝各位新年身体健康,事业有成,吉祥如意。

    Wish everyone good health, a successful career and the very best of luck the new year.

  9. 在我动身的时候, 祝我吉祥如意吧, 我的朋友们。

    At this time of my parting, wish me good luck, my friends!

  10. 富贵平安,吉祥如意,是件不错的传统挂件。

    Fugui Ping An, Jixiangruyi, it is a good traditional pendant.

  11. 恭祝新年吉祥如意!幸福和欢乐永远属于您!

    Wishing you happiness during the holidays and houghout the New Year.

  12. 龙,在苗族人心目中是吉祥如意得象征。

    In the eyes of the Miao, the dragon is a symbol of good luck.

  13. 这一天以吉祥如意开始,却未能如此告终。

    The day did not close so auspiciously as it began.

  14. 大家都希望今年能够吉祥如意,招财进宝。

    Everyone hopes this year to luck and a thriving business.

  15. 绶带挽结的结与吉谐音,代表着吉祥如意。

    The ribbons knot together is homophonic to auspicious which means everything goes well.

  16. 如意金银条头部为祥云造型,称为吉祥如意。

    Ruyi head for gold and silver bar modelling, called auspicious clouds luck.

  17. 恭祝新年吉祥如意!幸福和欢乐永远伴你同行。

    To wish you joy at this holy season. Wishing every happiness will always come to you!

  18. 总之,英国人崇尚白色,它象征爱情纯洁、吉祥如意。

    In short, the British advocating white symbolizes purity of love, acting.

  19. 好心一起,一切吉祥如意。恶念一生,百万障门开启。

    Good will opens the gateway to good luck. Evil thought opens the gateway to hindrances.

  20. 祝愿你将来的每一天都像今天一样吉祥如意!

    May everyday of your future be as pleasant and auspicious as this day!

  21. 祝你在新的一年里三星高照, 吉祥如意!

    Wishing you the best of luck in the new year, may the heavens bless you with fortune, success, and longevity!

  22. 祝你在新的一年里三星高照、吉祥如意!

    Wishing you the best of luck in the new year, may the heavens bless you with fortune, success, and longevity!

  23. 祈祷天下的所有父母健康, 祝朋友们家庭幸福, 吉祥如意。

    The parents of the prayer all health, I wish friends family happiness, prosperity.

  24. 我相信玉代表吉祥如意, 能带给收藏者福气和好运。

    I believe jade objects are auspicious, bringing good fortune to those who love them.

  25. 瓶身花纹相间, 两只喜鹊遥相呼应, 象征吉祥如意, 喜事连连。

    The bottle pattern alternate with, two magpie, symbol of luck and echo each other at funerals repeatedly.

  26. 祝你,杰夫还有你们的小杰西卡身体健康,吉祥如意。

    May the years ahead be filled with good health and good fortune for you and Jeff and your little Jessica.

  27. 包个饺子, 包上幸福快乐, 如意吉祥。

    Make a dumpling. And wrap up happiness and luck.

  28. 祝新年快乐, 前程似锦, 如意吉祥!

    I would like to wish you a joyous New Year, a bright future and much happiness!

  29. 但愿我的祝福带给你如意吉祥。

    May everything beautiful and best be condensed into this message.

  30. 如意头雕琢福寿图纹,如意柄尾镶嵌吉祥云纹黄杨木。

    You head carve pattern longevity, you handle inlaid auspicious cloud the mast.


  1. 问:吉祥如意拼音怎么拼?吉祥如意的读音是什么?吉祥如意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吉祥如意的读音是jíxiáng rúyì,吉祥如意翻译成英文是 good fortune and receive everything you desire...



“吉祥如意”是个多义词,它可以指吉祥如意(汉语词语), 吉祥如意(2007年黑洁明著小说作品), 吉祥如意(2007年凤凰传奇专辑), 吉祥如意(菜谱), 吉祥如意(凤凰传奇演唱歌曲), 吉祥如意(MV贺岁专辑), 吉祥如意(民间年画艺术), 吉祥如意(电视剧), 吉祥如意(谢雨欣和解小巍演唱歌曲), 吉祥如意(2015年电视连续剧), 吉祥如意(Flash游戏名称), 吉祥如意(凤凰传奇交响乐版)。