


排成的行:罗~。行(háng )~。队~。~岛。众多,各:~位。~强。~传(zhuàn )。摆出:~举。安排到某类事务之中:~席。量词,用于成行列的事物:一~火车。类:不在此~。姓。古同“烈”,强烈,猛然。古同“裂”,分裂。……





汉语拼音:liè jǔ








  1. 逐项举出。

    草明 《乘风破浪》三:“他列举了资本主义国家钢铁增长的速度来证明不可能之后,又列举现有的条件不够来说明这种不可能。” 马南邨 《燕山夜话·老鹰能比英雄吗》:“如此这般驯鹰的方法,书上介绍得很详细,这里不必要一一列举了。”



  1. Although there was no need to marshal the grave facts, Mr. Reynald dwelt not obscurely upon the possible French withdrawal from the war.

  2. To be able to audit any software package on a source- code level is often cited as an advantage of open source software .

  3. And even if I were able to create a list of every potential problem, would anyone read it and follow the guidelines?

  4. As if determined to deliver on the name, it inserts bullet points into text with little provocation.

  5. Step one is to brainstorm a list of words and phrases you think someone would type into a search engine looking for a business like yours.

  6. When contacted by a reporter, Mr. Li said he never cited an exact figure, but analysts say the figure is within the realm of possibility.

  7. Well, it did happen, but right now it does seem to have been a bad idea for exactly the reasons the skeptics cited.

  8. First of all, I got a lot of personal advice. Let me quote a few of the typical comments that I wrote down.

  9. To prove our point, we decided to round up a few authors who broke boundaries when swearing wasn't as common as it is today.


  1. 列举大量事实

    cite numerous facts.

  2. 理由列举如下。

    The reasons are listed below.

  3. 除非另有列举

    not otherwise enumerated

  4. 历数列举或排列

    To list or enumerate.

  5. 列举了大量例证。

    An abundance of instances is cited.

  6. 列举相关的标准。列举相关的标准。

    Enumerate all the criteria involved in performing the operation.

  7. 列举他失败的原因

    adduce the causes of his failure.

  8. 他列举了全部理由。

    He enumerated all his reasons.

  9. 报告列举了23处错误。

    The report itemizes 23 different faults.

  10. 列举当天发生的事情

    rehearse the events of the day

  11. 列举一个一个地数列举

    To mention one by oneenumerate.

  12. 他列举了几项理由。

    He named several reasons.

  13. 列举出小于10的素数。

    List the primes smaller than 10.

  14. 等级列举式分类法

    enumerative classification

  15. 他列举了他辞职的原因。

    He enumerated his reasons for resigning.

  16. 列举剪贴板内包含格式

    Is this Clipboard format available.

  17. 让我们仅列举这些因素。

    Let's just list these factors.

  18. 他向陪审团列举了事实。

    He enumerated the facts to the jury.

  19. 奎氏兄弟列举了一些例子。

    Quay Brothers provide several examples.

  20. 你列举的是脑部感染。

    You listed some brain infections.

  21. 文献目录中列举了大量文献。

    We have quoted in the bibliography a large number of items.

  22. 大意推断,细节列举专项训练

    QWho did the man buy the books for.

  23. 她列举她所要干的事情。

    She listed all the thing she have to do.

  24. 他列举了50个州的首府。

    He enumerated the capitals of the 50 states.

  25. 书内自始至终列举应用例题。

    Illustrative applications are described throughout.

  26. 试析列举分承式结构

    Analysis of a type of sentence structure.Enumeration and continuation

  27. 列举一个对象的公有方法

    Listing the Modifiers of a Class Object

  28. 他列举事实来证实他的论点。

    He marshaled his facts to support his argument.

  29. 这儿列举了一些他们的理念

    And here are some of the ethical principles.

  30. 我在这列举了很多例子

    I've put up a bunch of examples up here.


  1. 问:列举拼音怎么拼?列举的读音是什么?列举翻译成英文是什么?

    答:列举的读音是lièjǔ,列举翻译成英文是 list

  2. 问:列举的拼音怎么拼?列举的的读音是什么?列举的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:列举的的读音是,列举的翻译成英文是 enumerative

  3. 问:列举主义拼音怎么拼?列举主义的读音是什么?列举主义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:列举主义的读音是liè jǔ zhǔ yì,列举主义翻译成英文是 doctrine of enumeration

  4. 问:列举式规定拼音怎么拼?列举式规定的读音是什么?列举式规定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:列举式规定的读音是liè jǔ shì guī dìng,列举式规定翻译成英文是 stipulation by samples



词目列举拼音liè jǔ