


用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来:~装。~饺子。包好了的东西:邮~。背(bèi )~。装东西的袋:书~。皮~。容纳在内,总括在一起:~括。~举(总括)。~容。~涵。~罗万象。无所不~。总揽,负全责:~销。~揽。保证:~赔。~在我身上。约定的,……


1. 藏 [cáng]2. 藏 [zàng]藏 [cáng]隐避起来:埋~。包~。~奸。~匿。隐~。蕴~。~污纳垢。收存起来:收~。~品。~书。储~。藏 [zàng]储放东西的地方:~府。宝~。道教、佛教经典的总称:道~。大~经。三~(佛教……



汉语拼音:bāo cáng








  1. 隐藏;包含。

    《南史·萧正德传》:“岂谓汝狼心不改,包藏祸胎,志欲覆败国计,以快汝心。” 唐 元稹 《度门寺》诗:“剪凿基阶正,包藏景气浓。” 元 无名氏 《博望烧屯》第四折:“你手掿着黑白二子,乾坤事一掌包藏。” 巴金 《关于<海的梦>》:“海是那么大,那么深,它包藏了那么多的没有人知道过的秘密。”

  2. 指包含隐藏的祸心。

    宋 王禹偁 《右卫上将军赠侍中宋公神道碑》:“于时 李重进 凶狡无厌,跋扈有状。公明惟先见,志在夺谋,飞章述其包藏,密旨委以经略,故有 通州 巡警之役焉。” 宋 岳飞 《奏乞出师札子》:“ 粘罕 因得休养兵马,观衅乘隙,包藏不浅。”

  3. 包裹收藏。

    宋 苏轼 《寄周安孺茶》诗:“地僻谁我从,包藏置厨簏。”

  4. 犹包涵;宽容。

    陈残云 《山谷风烟》第一章:“便是平日谁跟谁有什么过不去的事儿,也得包藏包藏,犯不着对外人说。”



  1. Not a splendid show, but there was a great deal of love done up in the few little bundles.


  2. The father tried to hide the little bag in his pocket and cover it with his hands, so that his daughter couldn't take it.


  3. But when the scandal eventually broke, she made sure that Vickers noted that the madness was not from her side of the family.


  4. He let me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk. It was obvious that he was very embarrassed.


  5. Through his eyes we see the universal in the specific, large issues in small things, mystery in the obvious, poetry in the mundane.


  6. Very rarely does one find clear thoughts clothed in unclear language. Much more often does one find unclear thoughts expressed clearly.


  7. It harbors incredible wildlife and numerous indigenous cultures that maintain little or no contact with the outside world.


  8. His hero, aim high, abdominal have good plan, a parcel of the universe, the throughput of heaven and earth will also.


  9. Even the ugliest human exterior may contain the most beautiful viscera .


  1. 包藏纤维素

    occlusion cellulose.

  2. 溶剂包藏作用

    solvent inclusion

  3. 包藏气体性气孔

    occluded gas porosity

  4. 大海包藏着许多秘密。

    The sea contains many mysteries.

  5. 一个包藏种种后果的事件

    An event pregnant with consequences.

  6. 我们把自己包藏在虚伪下。

    We conceal ourselves under the hypocritical.

  7. 他面露微笑,却包藏祸心。

    Though he is all smiles on the outside, on the inside, he has an evil mind.

  8. 他面露微笑,却包藏祸心。

    Though he is all smiles on the outside, on the inside, he has an evil mind.

  9. 他常把脸包藏在被子里。

    He often hides his face under the bed clothes.

  10. 乳化液膜包藏溶胀的研究

    Study on Occlusion of Emulsion Membrane

  11. 还有你得把急救包藏起来

    Oh, you should also keep a stash in your kit.

  12. 装入, 尤其是封闭包藏或遮蔽。

    To contain, especially so as to envelop or shelter.

  13. 逐滴聚结对分层包藏的研究

    Study on the Occlusion Through the Coalescence of Individual Drop.

  14. 爱,包藏着百转的矜傲和轻视。

    Love has a hundred forms of pride and disdain.

  15. 果实是植物用来包藏种子得包裹物。

    Fruits are packages in which plants wrap up their seeds.

  16. 果实是植物用来包藏种子的包裹物。

    Fruits are packages in which plants wrap up their seeds.

  17. 他们的建议不仅一钱不值,而且包藏祸心。

    Their proposals are all worthless and designed out of sinister motives.

  18. 他那包藏祸心的全部计划都失败了。

    All his plans that harbored evil intentions went wrong.

  19. 你把我的钱包藏到哪儿去了

    What have you done with my purse

  20. 爱丽斯跑到小木屋后面把包藏起来。

    Alice dashed to the back of the shack to stashthe bag.

  21. 数是民族文化的一部分,它包藏着深厚的文化底蕴。

    Numerals, part of national culture, contain profound cultural messages.

  22. 即使是人的最丑的外表,也可能包藏着最美的脏腑。

    Even the ugliest human exterior may contain the most beautiful viscera.

  23. 因为, 一个平淡的词语, 常包藏着无数寒夜里的心悸。

    how much horrible in countless cold nights is comprehended in a simple plain word.

  24. 他把我领进屋,慌忙把一个大包藏到了桌子下面。

    He led me room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk.

  25. 当他们坐下来的时候会把他们的手袋或者公事包藏起来吗?

    Do they hide their handbags or briefcases when they sit down?

  26. 俄罗斯是被包藏在一个闷葫芦里面的神秘物体之中的谜。

    Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.

  27. 虽然没有什么能把你包藏起来, 星光却指出你藏于山洞之内。

    And a star showed Thee, whom nothing can contain contained within a cave.

  28. 在我们衣着光鲜的外表下,都包藏着一颗不安分的祸心。

    Under our only fresh clothing, headgear and footwear outward appearance, be harbouring a discontented evil intent.

  29. 俄罗斯是被包藏在一个闷胡芦里面的神秘物体之中的谜。

    Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.

  30. 全人类都无力抵挡和控制汹涌波涛中所包藏的无形力量。

    The whole of mankind has not the power to cope with, nor to control the intangible force wrapped up in the rolling waves of the oceans.


  1. 问:包藏拼音怎么拼?包藏的读音是什么?包藏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包藏的读音是bāocáng,包藏翻译成英文是 harbour; harbor

  2. 问:包藏杀机拼音怎么拼?包藏杀机的读音是什么?包藏杀机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包藏杀机的读音是bāocáng shājī,包藏杀机翻译成英文是 harbour murderous intentions

  3. 问:包藏性髓石拼音怎么拼?包藏性髓石的读音是什么?包藏性髓石翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包藏性髓石的读音是bāo cáng xìng suǐ shí,包藏性髓石翻译成英文是 embedded denticle


包藏,汉语词汇。拼音:bāo cáng释义:1、指蓄含;隐藏。2. 指包含隐藏的祸心。3. 包裹收藏。4. 犹包涵;宽容。语出《南史·萧正德传》:“岂谓汝狼心不改,包藏祸胎,志欲覆败国计,以快汝心。”