







汉语拼音:dī dī








  1. 低声,轻声。

    南唐 李煜 《蝶恋花》词:“桃李依依春暗度,谁在秋千,笑里低低语。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二一:“ 真静 想了一想,通红了脸,低低道:‘是了,是了。不该与这狠厮説!’” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第一章:“她突然伏在庙门前的石碑上低低地哭了。”

  2. 轻曼、舒缓貌。

    元 舒頔 《折桂令·寿张德中时三月三日》曲:“整整杯盘,低低歌舞。”

  3. 谓名次、等级低下。




  1. She sank down on the low bank, and stripping off the remnants of her slippers and stockings, dabbled her burning feet in the cool water.

  2. he strode over the low brambles and bracken , leaving a trail through the fern . for a minute or two he was gone.

  3. I looked back at my cousin, who began to ask me questions in her low, attractive voice.

  4. Overhead was the week's washing, hanging in festoons so low that Martin did not see at first the two men talking in a corner.

  5. Rhett Butler stood in the doorway, his black slouch hat low over his eyes, the wild wind whipping his cape about him in snapping folds.

  6. A vast stillness enveloped me, as though all the world were asleep or dead - only broken by the low panting as of some animal close to me.

  7. I looked back at my cousin, who began to ask me questions in her low, thrilling voice.

  8. Alicia had just dismounted from her mare, and stood in the low- arched doorway, with her great Newfoundland dog by her side.

  9. I stood on this hundred thousand turn back , raised his head can only find low gray the sky.


  1. 平均较低低水位

    mean lower low water

  2. 飞机低低地飞过田野。

    The plane flew low over the field.

  3. 即使我是低低的平原。

    Were I as base as is the lowly plain.

  4. 他低低地俯下身看。

    He was bent low over a book.

  5. 只能听到低低的私语

    could detect only the merest whisper.

  6. 飞机低低地飞过控制塔

    The plane buzzed the control tower.

  7. 她必须低头通过低低的门道。

    She had to duck to get through the low doorway.

  8. 我只能听到低低的私语。

    I could detect only the merest whisper.

  9. 太阳在天空上低低的挂着。

    The sun was low in the sky.

  10. 他的头撞到低低的天花板上。

    He banged his head on the low ceiling.

  11. 一个声音在我身后低低耳语。

    When a voice behind me whispered low.

  12. 他驾驶飞机穿过低低的云层。

    He navigated the plane through the low cloud.

  13. 冬天下午的太阳低低的,接近地平线。

    The afternoon sun on a winter's day is low on the horizon.

  14. 雨云低低地悬浮于玉米地的上空。

    Rain clouds are hanging low over the corn fields.

  15. 雨云低低地悬浮于玉米地得上空。

    Rain clouds are hanging low over the corn fields.

  16. 钢琴的弹奏声混杂着低低的交谈声。

    The piano music mixes with the murmur of conversation.

  17. 另外两个丫头也低低笑了起来。

    Moreover 2 wenches also laughed low.

  18. 低低的陆地上空, 出现了昏黄的色彩。

    A faint yellow tone came into the sky over the low land.

  19. 周围有低低的说话声,我苏醒过来。

    I awoke in recovery to the sound of whispers.

  20. 士兵们保持头低低地在堡垒的后面。

    The soldiers kept their heads down behind the bulwark.

  21. 一架客机低低地从田野上掠过。

    A flight of aircraft flashed low across the field.

  22. 一只大灯笼悬挂在低低的顶棚上。

    A large lantern swung from the low ceiling.

  23. 一只大灯笼悬挂在低低的顶棚上。

    A large lantern swung from the low ceiling.

  24. 所有得人异口同声发出一声低低得惊叹。

    A common, but low exclamation of surprise and admiration escaped every mouth.

  25. 所有的人异口同声发出一声低低的惊叹。

    A common, but low exclamation of surprise and admiration escaped every mouth.

  26. 他们背着全部器材,身子弯得低低的。

    They doubled along, carrying all their equipment.

  27. 当我抚摸猫时,它低低地鸣呜叫。

    When I stroked the cat, it gave a low purr.

  28. 突然间,他听到了儿子低低得哭声。

    Suddenly, he heard the tiny sobs of his son.

  29. 突然间,他听到了儿子低低的哭声。

    Suddenly, he heard the tiny sobs of his son.

  30. 他们低低交谈着,好象在商量什么事情。

    They spoke together confidentially, appearing to compare opinions.


  1. 问:低低潮拼音怎么拼?低低潮的读音是什么?低低潮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低低潮的读音是dī dī cháo,低低潮翻译成英文是 lower low water

  2. 问:低低切切拼音怎么拼?低低切切的读音是什么?低低切切翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低低切切的读音是,低低切切翻译成英文是 whispered

  3. 问:低低潮位基准面拼音怎么拼?低低潮位基准面的读音是什么?低低潮位基准面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低低潮位基准面的读音是dī dī cháo wèi jī zhǔn miàn,低低潮位基准面翻译成英文是 lower low water datam