







汉语拼音:lèi hén








  1. 亦作“泪痕”。眼泪留下的痕迹。

    南朝 梁简文帝 《和萧侍中子显春别》之三:“泪痕未燥詎终朝,行闻玉珮已相要。” 唐 李白 《怨情》诗:“但见泪痕湿,不知心恨谁。”《儿女英雄传》第三二回:“説到这里,早已满面泪痕,往下説不出来了。” 魏巍 《东方》第五部第十四章:“ 郭祥 看信上,泪痕斑斑,已使多处字迹模糊。”



  1. She wiped her eyes, and a slight smile began to crease her tear-stained cheeks.


  2. I found a crumpled, tear-stained sheet stuffed in the back of his desk.


  3. You showed up right in front of me, with trace of tears on your face right before the exams that afternoon.


  4. When he reached the workhouse, he waited for a minute to make sure his face was suitably tearful and frightened.


  5. The quarrels with his feeling of beauty, deep sit Pin roll bead shade EMei. But see traces, do not know who hates wet heart.


  6. There was a suspicion of tears in her eyes.


  7. The old woman sat down, traces of tears still on her cheeks.


  8. The candle, wasted by the draught, was standing where it had been placed.


  9. Try to be brave, she thought ashis tear-streaked face appeared at the door, eyes red, face pale, snotty-sleeved.


  1. 猎豹的泪痕

    The Tearmarks of the Cheetah.

  2. 她面带泪痕。

    Her face bore signs of tears.

  3. 能以笑容烘干泪痕。

    They can dry tears with a smile.

  4. 一切苦难都没有泪痕

    All the misery is of no tear stains

  5. 她脸上是道道泪痕。

    Tears streaked her face.

  6. 她的脸上带着泪痕。

    Her face bore signs of tears.

  7. 我看到她满脸泪痕。

    I saw her face bathed in tears.

  8. 我笑了, 并且伴有一些泪痕。

    I laughed, and companion has a few tear stains.

  9. 他的眼中有一丝泪痕。

    TITe were a suspicion of tears in IT eyes.

  10. 他满脸泪痕地望着我。

    He looked at me and his face was covered with traces of tears.

  11. 惜月满脸泪痕,泣不成声。

    Cherish a full face of month cut smudge, sob.

  12. 擦干你腮边伤心的泪痕。

    It wipes the sad tear stains on your cheeks dry.

  13. 你能从她脸上看到泪痕

    You can tell From the lines on her face

  14. 这孩子脸很脏而且布满泪痕。

    The child's face was grimv and streaked with tears.

  15. 忧郁的癖性 披下来遮掩着泪痕。

    Taught drooping from the head that hangs aside.

  16. 她说了, 这信纸上还有泪痕。

    She does for the ink is run with tears.

  17. 贞洁得白袍沾满了你得泪痕。

    But when tears stained thy robe of vestalwhiteness.

  18. 贞洁的白袍沾满了你的泪痕。

    But when tears stained thy robe of vestalwhiteness.

  19. 我不忍看她那布满泪痕的脸。

    I could not bear to look at her tearstreaked face.

  20. 你的眼睛和嘴唇肿了,泪痕干了。

    Your eyes and lips swollen tight with salt.

  21. 她的妆也无法掩饰她脸上的泪痕。

    Her make-up couldn't conceal the tearstains on her face.

  22. 泪痕也有可能产生于不同的原因。

    The stain may also be caused by several factors.

  23. 芦苇片片根连根, 晶莹露珠如泪痕。

    The reeds were thick, and the dew still remained.

  24. 情人节礼物斑竹枝,斑竹枝,泪痕点点寄相思。

    Valentine's Day gift spot bamboo, spot bamboo, the tear stain point point send to long for.

  25. 那位老太太坐在椅子上,仍然满面泪痕。

    The old woman sat in the chair, tears still on her cheeks.

  26. 她的眼睛里含着残留的泪痕,还没有干。

    Her eyes were still wet with a few vague tears.

  27. 我看到她的面颊上有一长条泪痕。

    I noticed a long streak of a tear on her cheek.

  28. 我注意到她脸颊上有一道长长的泪痕。

    I noticed a long streak of tear on her cheek.

  29. 外界泪痕淋漓的景象,在她的脸上重复出现。

    The tearfulness of the outer scene was repeated upon her face.

  30. 她在车里匆匆擦了点胭脂, 以遮盖泪痕。

    She dabbed her face quickly in the car to cover the tear stain.


  1. 问:泪痕拼音怎么拼?泪痕的读音是什么?泪痕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泪痕的读音是lèihén,泪痕翻译成英文是 tear stains



“泪痕”是个多义词,它可以指泪痕(1980年李文化执导电影), 泪痕(汉语词语), 泪痕(霹雳布袋戏中虚拟人物), 泪痕(Lotte Girls演唱歌曲), 泪痕(湫然创作漫画作品)。