







汉语拼音:lèi yǎn







  1. 亦作“泪眼”。含泪的眼。

    北周 庾信 《昭君辞应诏》诗:“片片红颜落,双双泪眼生。” 宋 欧阳修 《蝶恋花》词:“泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过鞦韆去。”《水浒传》第四五回:“那妇人掩着泪眼只不应。” 鲁迅 《故事新编·铸剑》:“他们泪眼模糊地四顾,只见武士们满脸油汗,还在打捞。”



  1. Ten minutes later, in Ouyang's cries and tears in her eyes, they are terrified, a drawer, a man and woman's intimate photo.


  2. He cried openly, fists in his eyes . There was no one to see him, and he cried himself out.


  3. "I have to leave, " he said quietly, through his tears. "If I don't, I'll spoil Christmas for everyone! "


  4. But it was all going by too fast now for his blurred eyes and he knew that he had lost that part of it, the freshest and the best, forever.


  5. And when he did remember, she got a bit teary-eyed, and said: "We are so happy together, what difference does it make? "


  6. The spectacle of her suffering convinced him that he had been a brute, yet in the soul of him he could not see how nor why.


  7. When a female has tears in her eyes the one who cannot see is the male.


  8. With dim eyes, I seemed to see the mother once the pair of tender and white hand. . .


  9. When a female has tears in her eyes, the one who cant see is the male.


  1. 他泪眼模糊

    his eyes misted over

  2. 她泪眼汪汪。

    Her eyes were swimming.

  3. 她泪眼模糊。

    Her eyes blurred with tears.

  4. 我们泪眼相望,

    We look at each other with tearful eyes

  5. 他泪眼模糊了。

    His eyes misted with tears.

  6. 她泪眼盈盈。

    Her eyes brimmed with tears

  7. 她泪眼迷离。

    Her eyes blurred with tears.

  8. 她哭得泪眼蒙胧。

    As she cried, her eyes filmed over.

  9. 她变得泪眼模糊。

    Her eyes misted over with tears.

  10. 让日落暮色渗满泪眼

    May twilight shine upon tearful eyes

  11. 悲痛之下,她泪眼蒙眬。

    Her eyes dimmed with sorrow.

  12. 他泪眼模糊,开始颤抖起来。

    His eyes misted over and he started to shake.

  13. 如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然。

    It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry.

  14. 烟使她的眼睛泪眼盈眶。

    The smoke made her eyes stream with tears.

  15. 他们走了, 心情悲痛, 泪眼汪汪。

    They have gone with weeping eyes and hearts.

  16. 他泪眼模糊,悲伤地看着我。

    He looked at me sadly through a mist of tears.

  17. 小男孩哭得泪眼蒙眬。

    The boy cried and his eyes blurred with tears.

  18. 我觉得我已经有点泪眼朦胧了。

    I think Im misting up already.

  19. 到了第三句,她泪眼盈框

    By the third sentence, she was in tears.

  20. 连那警察也泪眼模糊了片刻。

    Even the policeman's eves were momentarily dimmed with tears.

  21. 她泪眼朦胧地望着他的脸。

    She saw his face through a mist of tears.

  22. 她泪眼模糊,凝视着面前的景象。

    She gazed at the scene through a mist of tears.

  23. 阿多泪眼朦胧地抬头看着她。

    Ardo looked up through the blur of his tears.

  24. 执手相看泪眼, 竟无语凝噎。

    Holding hands we watch the tears fall Hearts fill with grief we are lost for words.

  25. 我猜,当时女郎一定泪眼汪汪了吧。

    I think there were tears in her eyes.

  26. 君面惨淡忧郁兮, 相看带笑泪眼。

    Youce is pale and blue a tearful smile.

  27. 她试着透过朦胧的泪眼看他。

    She tried to see him through the mist of tears.

  28. 我只得再一次地擦干泪眼。

    I dry my eyes again.

  29. 女性泪眼朦胧时,视线受阻的是男性。

    When a female has tears in her eyes, the one who cant see is the male.

  30. 泪眼朦胧时,也只有我壹个人罢了。

    Wet eye dim moonlight, also only I a person only.


  1. 问:泪眼拼音怎么拼?泪眼的读音是什么?泪眼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泪眼的读音是lèiyǎn,泪眼翻译成英文是 tearful eyes; one's eyes be filled with tears...


