







汉语拼音:bān bān






  1. 斑点众多貌。

    唐 李益 《寄赠衡州杨使君》诗:“湘竹斑斑 湘 水春, 衡阳 太守虎符新。” 宋 黄机 《乳燕飞·次徐斯远韵寄稼轩》词:“满袖斑斑功名泪,百岁风吹急雨。”《红楼梦》第三四回:“枕上袖边难拂拭,任他点点与斑斑。” 王汶石 《风雪之夜》:“他们在掐指头,拨算盘,商量一阵,争辩一阵,那份计划书被涂改得墨迹斑斑了。”

  2. 形容为数众多。

    宋 王庭珪 《春日山行》诗:“迸林新笋斑斑出,隔水幽禽欵欵飞。” 元 辛文房 《唐才子传·李季兰》:“是有昔贤妇人,散情文墨,斑斑简牘,概而论之。” 郭沫若 《再谈中苏文化交流》:“我们 中国 文化影响到 苏联 的,在历史上也斑斑可考。”

  3. 色彩鲜明貌。

    唐 白居易 《利仁北街作》诗:“草色斑斑春雨晴, 利仁坊 北面西行。” 元 柳贯 《浦阳十咏·东岭秋阴》:“断雁残鸿飞杳杳,緑芜红叶映斑斑。”

  4. 犹彬彬,文雅貌。

    宋 苏轼 《伏波将军庙碑》:“自 汉 末至 五代 ,中原避乱之人,多家於此,今衣冠礼乐,盖斑斑然矣,其可復言弃乎?”



  1. She had ceased crying and only sobbed, wiping her red, discoloured face with the end of the kerchief on her head.


  2. The system would still be far from perfect, but it would be a good deal more just.


  3. The children left dirty marks all over the kitchen floor.


  4. He took the pulse of the man with blood all over him and directed a nurse to do something.


  5. Bloodied witnesses said the area shook like an earthquake.


  6. Honesty is dried scabbers stare upon it, as if to say: "you how so rude? "


  7. Asano has just climbed down from that bridge and is sitting on cracked steps leading up to a bronze, flower-laden statue of King Rama I.


  8. First, I need to see his dead body all bloody with one of our soldiers holding up today newspaper in there hand.


  9. Under the lip of the removable cushioned seat she had found a small catch, rusty enough to break two nails.


  1. 布满血迹。血迹斑斑

    be bathed in blood

  2. 血迹斑斑的人

    a gory figure

  3. 血迹斑斑的衬衫

    a bloodstained shirt

  4. 墙上血迹斑斑。

    The walls were splattered with blood.

  5. 墨迹斑斑的桌子

    A table spotted with ink

  6. 血泪斑斑的家史

    a family history of blood and tears

  7. 留下斑斑点点的痕迹。

    Mark with a spot or spots.

  8. 播散出斑斑火星闪亮,

    Spread out in fiery points

  9. 汽车底部锈迹斑斑。

    The underneath of the car was covered with rust.

  10. 一块血迹斑斑的布

    a cloth stained with blood

  11. 雪地沾满了斑斑血迹。

    The snow was stained with blood.

  12. 白桌布上的斑斑污迹。

    smutty marks on the white tablecloth

  13. 白桌布上得斑斑污迹。

    smutty marks on the white tablecloth.

  14. 我们的祭坛是血迹斑斑。

    Our altars are stained with blood.

  15. 经过长年风化, 斑斑点点的。

    Through a long period of weathering.

  16. 我的车底部锈迹斑斑。

    My car is badly rusted on the underside.

  17. 片片的雾, 块块的冰, 斑斑的阳光

    Patches of fog, ice, sunlight

  18. 银色的绒羽便污渍斑斑。

    The stain upon his silver down will stay.

  19. 杀人犯手上仍血迹斑斑。

    The murderer's hands still reek with blood.

  20. 地上被照得光点斑斑。

    that freckled the ground with innumerable little spangles of light.

  21. 墙上长着斑斑点点的青苔。

    The wall was patched with moss.

  22. 有个锈迹斑斑的篮球架。

    It had a basketball hoop that was rusty.

  23. 血迹斑斑的手套就是匪徒的罪。

    The bloodstained glove told of the bandits crime.

  24. 小径上洒下斑斑点点的阳光。

    The path was dappled with sunlight.

  25. 沙发背和扶手上的斑斑油渍。

    Grease marks on sofa backs and arms.

  26. 斑斑血迹,又使黄中呈褐。

    Full of stains or spots bloodstain, make Huangzhong shows brown again.

  27. 警察到达时发现卧室血迹斑斑。

    When the police arrived, they found the bathroom spattered with blood.

  28. 磨损, 毁损因痕迹斑斑而受损伤

    To deface by covering with marks.

  29. 表现得现象是腐蚀得表面斑斑点点。

    Performance situation is full of little surface corrosion.

  30. 表现的现象是腐蚀的表面斑斑点点。

    Performance situation is full of little surface corrosion.


  1. 问:斑斑拼音怎么拼?斑斑的读音是什么?斑斑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斑斑的读音是bānbān,斑斑翻译成英文是 full of stains or spots



“斑斑”是个多义词,它可以指斑斑(《哈利·波特》中的虚拟宠物), 斑斑(形容词性词语), 斑斑(香港著名女艺人)。