




1. 知 [zhī]2. 知 [zhì]知 [zhī]晓得,明了:~道。~名(著名)。~觉(有感觉而知道)。良~。~人善任。温故~新。~难而进。~情达理。使知道:通~。~照。学识,学问:~识,求~。无~。主管:~县(旧时的县长)。~府。~州……


1. 肚 [dù]2. 肚 [dǔ]肚 [dù]腹部,胸下腿上的部分,亦指人的肠胃部分:~子。~胁。~皮。牵肠挂~(挂念,不放心)。器物下面的中心部分:炉~儿。圆而凸起像肚子的:腿~子。手指头~儿。肚 [dǔ]供食用的动物的胃:猪~子。羊~……





汉语拼音:xīn zhī dù míng








  1. I know, and he knows I know, so even as he gets up to leave, I keep waiting for the wink.


  2. And deep down you know this is true but still you waste your effort and energy trying to get what you know cannot make you happy.


  3. Mr Thaksin has called her his "clone" , and everyone knew it, though she insists that voters plumped for her policies and management style.


  4. But it highlights the increasingly precarious financial position Hicks finds himself in.


  5. The girl knew as well, and she felt proud, contented. But the look on her face was cool and fastidious.


  6. But when he described Thailand as seemingly "without a government, soldiers and police officers" , he had a point.


  7. We know living like this is can be very miserable; for there is no freedom, but only bondage.


  8. AS CAR dealers know only too well, the global downturn has made people think twice before splashing out on pricey new machines.


  9. And, knowing this, the reliable old autocrats thought all they needed to do to stay safely on their perches was to wait Mr Bush out.


  1. 女人心知肚明。

    Women know.

  2. 你我心知肚明,咱俩结婚。

    We both know why we got married.

  3. 你我心知肚明,咱俩结婚。

    We both know why we got married.

  4. 挚友则会心知肚明却不动声色。

    Great friends pretend nothing happened in the first place.

  5. 我们以前都心知肚明彼此的想法

    She and I just used to know what the other one was thinking.

  6. 你想要他的职位,你我心知肚明

    You want his job. You know it and I know it.

  7. 我心知肚明, 但我仍踏上了警戒线。

    I never know but I was walking in line.

  8. 你做了些什么你心知肚明, 你这个混蛋!

    You know what you've done, you jerk!

  9. 转身数字音乐人的他对此心知肚明。

    The music promoter turned digital entrepreneur ought to know.

  10. 你心知肚明,那根本就是个卑鄙的谎言!

    That's a dirty lie and you know it!

  11. 兔特也是心知肚明,可是又不愿表露。

    Toot knew the truth, too,but she did not want to let the fairy know.

  12. 他们心知肚明只不过是在欺遍自己罢了。

    They knew at bottom that they were only deceiving themselves.

  13. 这通过查看邮寄信息或邮戳就可心知肚明。

    I can easily look up tracking information or read a postmark, you know.

  14. 我们心知肚明这是事实,我们一见面就开始调情。

    We both know, it's true. We've been flirting since we met.

  15. 心知肚明病人的生命系于自己一人之手

    Knowing that a patient's life, depends on you and you alone.

  16. 导致它们消失的原因 在场所有人都心知肚明。

    They're disappearing for the reasons that all of you in this room know only too well.

  17. 若情况不改,华文何时见底,大家心知肚明。

    If circumstances do not improve,we should not be surprised to see the standard of Chinese slide further.

  18. 华文何时见底,若情况不改,大家心知肚明。

    If circumstances do not improve, we should not be surprised to see the standard of Chinese slide further.

  19. 加入这场角逐的各家公司对此无不心知肚明。

    All companies in the game are aware of that.

  20. 但是日益严峻的财务状态只有希克斯心知肚明。

    But it highlights the increasingly precarious financial position Hicks finds himself in.

  21. 这就无意中透露出一个我们都心知肚明的事实

    betrays the fact that we know this to be true.

  22. 你我都心知肚明的事,又何必翻腾出来伤己伤彼。

    You and I are well aware of the matter, why should churn out injured he has been hurt.

  23. 我妹妹仍然说她和我们玩牌的时候捣了鬼,其实我心知肚明。

    My sister still claims she cheated on us at cards, but I know better.

  24. 三六零,卑鄙心,心知又肚明。

    Three six 0, Contemptible, Knowing you and me.

