




1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……







汉语拼音:xiōng yǒu chéng suàn







  • 【解释】:犹言胸有成竹。比喻在做事之前已经拿定主意。


  1. 网络
  2. forewarned is forearmed

  1. 我是走一步看一步, 心里没什么成算。

    I am just groping along without any preconceived plans.

  2. 最近在森林保护方面的大力推进能有多少成算?

    Does the recent push on forest conservation stand much chance?

  3. 不能把过去的错误都算成是毛主席一个人的。

    We should not lay all past mistakes on Chairman Mao.

  4. 一件工作被算成是劳动还是工作取决与个人的喜好。

    Whether a job to be classified as labor or work depends on one's taste.

  5. 一件工作被算成是劳作还是工作取决于个人的喜好。

    Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends on the tastes of the individual.

  6. 英雄卡用于开始游戏,所以它不被算成牌组的一员。

    You may include any number of unlimited cards in your deck.

  7. 难道这就算了不成?

    How can we let it go at that?

  8. 才算真的梦想成真

    then I'll be living my dream.

  9. 一个人既有成算,若不迅速进行,必至后悔莫及。

    A personal current become to calculate, if not and quickly carry on, necessarily go to too late to regret.

  10. 你把爱也算成利?

    You pursue love also enumerate benefit.

  11. 这些根本算不上什么成体系的外交政策。

    This scarcely adds up to a foreign policy.

  12. 每个月能在黑啤酒上赚多少呢?按十桶算,纯利打一成 吧

    How much would that tot to off the porter in the month ?

  13. 明算帐自成好友。

    Les bons comptes font les bons amis.

  14. 并验算了结构的成桥应力。

    Checking the stree of the structure.

  15. 如果我成不了事,不如现在放弃算了。

    If I can't cut it at work, I may as well give up now.

  16. 我妻子想把厨房刷成白色, 她说了算。

    My wife want the kitchen painted white, and what she say, go.

  17. 您可以手动更改成本累算的方式。

    You can manually change how costs accrue.

  18. 考虑到它是手工织成得,价格还算合理。

    Considering that it is handmade,the price seems reasonable.

  19. 考虑到它是手工织成的,价格还算合理。

    Considering that it is handmade, the price seems reasonable.

  20. 每一压缩算子能被扩张成一个部分等距算子。

    Every contraction can be extended to a partial isometry.

  21. 乳化炸药中石油馏分标准生成焓的求算

    Calculation of Standard Formation Enthalpy of Petroleum Distillation Cuts in Emulsion Explosives

  22. 好吧, 不如扁我成个蠢蛋, 干脆叫我芜菁算了。

    Well, spank me silly and call be a rutabaga.

  23. 成龙有一部电影算得上是武打片的里程碑。

    One of Jackie Chang's films was a milestone in martial arts films.

  24. 先算22日的简单均线,然后转换成指数移动平均线。

    Begin by calculating a 22 bar simple MA and then switch to the EMA.

  25. 这样, 我终算没有成为诗人, 就是成的话, 也是个末流诗人。

    Thus I escaped being a poet, and probably a very bad one.

  26. 成亲王算得上是当时朝延里最显贵的人。

    The Duke of Chengqingwang can be counted as the most prestigious person in court at that time.

  27. 成亲王算得上是当时朝延里最显贵的人。

    The Duke of Chengqingwang can be counted as the most prestigious person in court at that time.

  28. 还有的用不算悦耳的嗓音唱着它们自己的不成调的心曲。

    The others sang their tone of their mind in their not very arioso voice.

  29. 通过恒容燃烧能的测定计算出配合物的标准生成焓。

    The standard enthalpy of formation was obtained by the determination of the combustion energy.

  30. 谁能用智慧数算云彩呢。尘土聚集成团,土块紧紧结连。

    Who can number the clouds in wisdom? Or who can stay the bottles of heaven