


心地仁爱,品质淳厚:~良。~心。~举。~事。~人。~男信女。慈~。好的行为、品质:行~。惩恶扬~。高明的,良好的:~策。~本。友好,和好:友~。亲~。和~。熟悉:面~。办好,弄好:~后。擅长,长(cháng )于:~辞令。多谋~断。赞许:“……


1. 政 [zhèng]政 [zhèng]治理国家事务:~治。~府。~党。~权。~纲。~策。~令。~绩。~见。~客(为个人或某一集团利益从事政治活动的人)。~局。~变。参~。议~。国家某一部门主管的业务:财~。邮~。民~。家庭或集体生活中的……



汉语拼音:shàn zhèng






2.清明的政治;良好的政令。《书·大禹谟》:“德惟善政,政在养民。”《后汉书·臧宫传》:“今国无善政,灾变不息。”《南史·垣护之传》:“木连理,上有光如烛,咸以善政所致。”明 唐顺之《廷试策》:“要之,官得其人,则善政行而天下蒙其福。”范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第三编第二章第二节:“唐顺宗 即位,下令蠲免民间对官府的各种旧欠……这些,在当时都是善政。”

3.良好的政绩。《新五代史·杂传·史圭》:“﹝ 史圭 ﹞为 寧晋、乐寿 县令,有善政,县人立碑以颂之。”明 宋濂《碧崖亭辞》:“﹝先生﹞学问富而德行脩,践扬中外,其善政盖章章云。”欧阳予倩《桃花扇》第三幕第一场:“他们说,自从 马老爷 入阁拜相,善政流传,真是民之父母。”

4.泛指良好的管理。《红楼梦》第六八回:“﹝ 尤二姐 ﹞又见 周瑞 家等媳妇在傍边称扬 凤姐 素日许多善政。”



  1. 妥善的法则。


  2. 清明的政治;良好的政令。

    《书·大禹谟》:“德惟善政,政在养民。”《后汉书·臧宫传》:“今国无善政,灾变不息。”《南史·垣护之传》:“木连理,上有光如烛,咸以善政所致。” 明 唐顺之 《廷试策》:“要之,官得其人,则善政行而天下蒙其福。” 范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第三编第二章第二节:“ 唐顺宗 即位,下令蠲免民间对官府的各种旧欠……这些,在当时都是善政。”

  3. 良好的政绩。

    《新五代史·杂传·史圭》:“﹝ 史圭 ﹞为 寧晋 、 乐寿 县令,有善政,县人立碑以颂之。” 明 宋濂 《碧崖亭辞》:“﹝先生﹞学问富而德行脩,践扬中外,其善政盖章章云。” 欧阳予倩 《桃花扇》第三幕第一场:“他们说,自从 马老爷 入阁拜相,善政流传,真是民之父母。”

  4. 泛指良好的管理。

    《红楼梦》第六八回:“﹝ 尤二姐 ﹞又见 周瑞 家等媳妇在傍边称扬 凤姐 素日许多善政。”



  1. Confucian good government ethics is an experience that Confucian realized from the long-term governing practice.


  2. The country has ended up with a travesty of good governance.


  3. Good governance was important for the efficient running of all international organizations including WIPO.


  4. In the political realm, it undermines democracy and good governance by flouting or even subverting formal processes.


  5. On the Essential Reasons That Caused the Rise of the West Wei Dynasty


  6. Constructing a public service government on the foundation of people


  7. From "Good Government" to "Good Governance" : The modern transformation for the city governance in China


  1. 人权,民主和善政。

    V. Human rights, democracy and good governance.

  2. 我们还决心处理善政问题。

    We are also committed to addressing issues of good governance.

  3. 承诺2国家和国际一级善政

    Commitment2 Good governance at the national and international levels

  4. 这是一个很大的善政。

    This move was a substantial improvement.

  5. 这是一个很大得善政。

    This move was a substantial improvement.

  6. 这使我想到了善政问题。

    This brings me to the issue of good governance.

  7. 他是善政和民主的捍卫者。

    He was a champion of good governance and democracy.

  8. 这种司法部门促进和加强善政。

    That kind of a judiciary promotes and strengthens good governance.

  9. 我们还对提及缺乏善政有所保留。

    We also have reservations as concerns the reference to lack of good governance.

  10. 它为我们提供了善政的适当背景。

    It provides us with the right setting of good governance.

  11. 善政应当是协商同意的,而不是强加的。

    Good governance should be agreed, not imposed.

  12. 善政是可行的和平, 安全与发展的关键。

    Good governance is the crux of viable peace, security and development.

  13. 由谁来决定何为其他国家的善政?

    Who decides what good governance is for other countries?

  14. 促进民主、法治、善政和对人权的尊重。

    ? Promoting democracy, rule of law, good governance and respect for human rights.

  15. 本文所论及的善政主要指行善政之义。

    The Good Government involved here chiefly refers to implementing good governance.

  16. 还必须履行民主、人权和善政的承诺。

    The broader commitments to democracy, human rights and good governance must also be discharged.

  17. 这些包括善政、法治、教育和贫困等问题。

    Those include problems of good governance, the rule of law, education and poverty.

  18. 此外,各国必须确保善政和尊重人权和法治。

    Furthermore, States must ensure good governance and respect for human rights and the rule of law.

  19. 善政是嬴得并维持公民的信任的唯一途径。

    Good governance is the only way to win and preserve the trust of citizens.

  20. 维持和平创造的环境有利于发展和善政。

    It created an environment that was conducive to development and good governance.

  21. 欧盟的优先目标是支持善政、人权和法治。

    The EU's priority is to support good governance, human rights and the rule of law.

  22. 需要善政,以防止和减轻贫困及提供救济。

    Good governance was needed to prevent and alleviate poverty and to provide redress.

  23. 第五个方面是促进善政和任期的保障。

    The fifth area is promoting good governance and security of tenure.

  24. 相信善政对于成功地实现发展权很重要。

    Believes that good governance is important to the successful implementation of the right to development.

  25. 善政是政治可持续性和人民参与的基础。

    Good governance is the basis of political sustainability and people's participation.

  26. 阿富汗政府和人民也希望实现安全、发展和善政。

    The Afghan Government and people, too, want security, development and good governance.

  27. 归根结底, 这是法治和善政的一个关键方面。

    In the final analysis, that is a key aspect of the rule of law and good governance.

  28. 还应当思考善政、贫穷、疾病与不公正的问题。

    The problems of good governance, poverty, disease and injustice must also be addressed.

  29. 联合国开发计划署有一个关于善政的数据库。

    The United Nations Development Programme maintains a database on good governance.

  30. 我们赞扬科索沃政府促进善政和法治的努力。

    We commend the efforts of the Government of Kosovo to promote good governance and the rule of law.


善政,指清明的政治;良好的政令等。语出《书·大禹谟》:“德惟善政,政在养民。”拼音:shàn zhèng