


1. 暴 [bào]2. 暴 [pù]暴 [bào]强大而突然来的,又猛又急的:~雷。~病。~动。~力。~涨。~发。风~。~风骤雨(亦喻声势浩大、发展迅猛的群众运动)。过分急躁的,容易冲击的:脾气~躁。~跳如雷。凶恶残酷的:凶~。~虐。~君……


1. 政 [zhèng]政 [zhèng]治理国家事务:~治。~府。~党。~权。~纲。~策。~令。~绩。~见。~客(为个人或某一集团利益从事政治活动的人)。~局。~变。参~。议~。国家某一部门主管的业务:财~。邮~。民~。家庭或集体生活中的……



汉语拼音:bào zhèng








  1. 指统治者推行的残酷地剥削、压迫人民的措施。

    《礼记·儒行》:“虽有暴政,不更其所。” 宋 王安石 《上时政疏》:“臣窃观自古人主享国日久,无至诚惻怛忧天下之心,虽无暴政虐刑加於百姓,而天下未尝不乱。” 老舍 《四世同堂》五三:“可是 东北 已丢给了 日本 ,而千千万万的 东北 人都在暴政与毒刑下过着日子。”



  1. From Europe to the Pacific, we have been a nation that has shut down torture chambers and replaced tyranny with the rule of law.


  2. The question of whether modern democracies can successfully resist populist tyranny is raised and then abandoned within two paragraphs.


  3. Now, it is up to you to face the malefic forces of Illidan and his minions in hopes of freeing Outland from chaos and tyranny.


  4. Old-fashioned copyright is nothing but a form of modern tyranny in the digital age.


  5. He imbued Mrs. Dogood with that spirited aversion to tyranny that he would help to make part of the American character.


  6. That Stalin was a Georgian did not save the region from his brutality.


  7. By now he was actively engaged in resistance against the regime and, as he has written, his conscience would not allow him to back down.


  8. Direct democracy in California is thus an aberration. It has no safeguards against Madison's tyranny of the majority.


  9. A dubious offer, no doubt, for a country that has already lost three years to political turmoil and military misrule.


  1. 多数人暴政

    majority tyranny.

  2. 暴政的弊端

    the abuses of tyranny.

  3. 暴政引发叛乱。

    Tyranny begets rebellion.

  4. 独裁者实施暴政。

    The dictator ruled with violence.

  5. 暴政的牺牲者

    a martyr to tyranny

  6. 暴政被推翻了。

    The despotism was toppled.

  7. 暴行暴政的行为

    A tyrannical act.

  8. 他们受暴政压迫。

    They were ground by tyranny.

  9. 恶棍贵族的暴政。

    The tyranny of a scoundrelly aristocracy.

  10. 暴政必须得到工具。

    Tyranny must have tools.

  11. 他们誓死反对暴政。

    They will fight tyranny to the death.

  12. 暴政往往导致反叛。

    Tyranny is often an invitation to rebel.

  13. 终生对暴政疾恶如仇

    a lifelong hatred of tyranny

  14. 受暴政压迫的民族

    a people ground by tyranny

  15. 被暴政压迫的民族

    a people who were oppressed By tyranny.

  16. 暴君之死,暴政之亡

    A finish to tyranny as horrible as ever visited on a tyrant

  17. 反对暴政的自由理想

    the cause of freedom versus tyranny

  18. 整个民族屈从于暴政。

    The whole nation bowed their necks to tyranny

  19. 压迫和暴政的受害者

    a victim of oppression and tyranny

  20. 坏的法律是最坏的暴政。

    Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.

  21. 他们推翻了暴政之墙。

    They broke down the walls of tyranny.

  22. 他们推翻了暴政之墙。

    They broke down the walls of tyranny.

  23. 受残酷暴政压制的人们

    people oppressed by a cruel tyranny

  24. 法律一终止,暴政就开始。

    Where law ends tyranny Begins.

  25. 然而, 暴政禁止不了爱情。

    But, tyranny forbid without end love.

  26. 不是为了反抗暴政或迫害。

    Not for tyranny, oppression or persecution.

  27. 我们对一切暴政都深恶痛绝。

    All tyranny is hateful to us.

  28. 他们来帮助人民摆脱暴政。

    They came to deliver free the people from tyranny

  29. 人们不久便起来反抗暴政。

    The people soon reacted against the tyrannical system.

  30. 把人民从暴政中解放出来

    emancipate the people from tyranny


  1. 问:暴政拼音怎么拼?暴政的读音是什么?暴政翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暴政的读音是bàozhèng,暴政翻译成英文是 tyranny; tyrannical rule; despotic rule