


本人,己身:~己。~家。~身。~白。~满。~诩。~馁。~重(zhòng )。~尊。~谦。~觉(jué )。~疚。~学。~圆其说。~惭形秽。~强不息。从,由:~从。~古以来。当然:~然。~不待言。~生~灭。放任~流。假如:~非圣人,外宁必有内……


1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……


1. 其 [qí]2. 其 [jī]其 [qí]第三人物代词,相当于“他(她)”、“他们(她们)”、“它(它们)”;“他(她)的”、“他们(她们)的”、“它(们)的”:各得~所。莫名~妙。三缄~口。独行~是。自食~果。指示代词,相当于“那”……





汉语拼音:zì shí qí lì








  • 【解释】:依靠自己的劳动所得来生活。
  • 【出自】:《礼记·礼器》:“食力无数。”陈浩集说:“食力,自食其力之人。”
  • 【示例】:居贫,~,隐田里间,以教授为业,非义不为,人敬惮之。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义


  1. An autodidactic technologist (his degree is in economics), Hefter created a prototype of the virtual desktop on his own in less than a year.


  2. The books he wrote about his art were, he said, a different matter; the reader had to make an effort to find out the information.


  3. His parents cannot take care of him anymore ; he must learn to paddle his own canoe.


  4. will, she in every way runs, found a work for him in some restaurant.


  5. She grew up in a rural village in Tanzania. Both her parents died and she supported herself through school.


  6. It's high time you were making a living by your own, my boy. You can't expect me to support you forever.


  7. Many times, the trick to getting these people back working the land and feeding themselves is to think big, but act small.


  8. Art is small beer. The really serious things in life are earning one's living so as not to be a parasite, and loving one's neighbour.


  9. However, in their desire to be independent, some students may be living a lie.


  1. 自力更生, 自食其力。

    addle your own canoe.

  2. 自力更生,自食其力。

    addle your own canoe.

  3. 一些人则自食其力。

    And some helped themselves.

  4. 她自食其力, 独自生活。

    Shes very independent and lives all alone.

  5. 他们让子女们自食其力。

    They make their children cut their own grass.

  6. 妮基希望我们能自食其力

    Nikki wants us to do it on our own.

  7. 他现在在伦敦自食其力。

    He now cuts his own grass in west London.

  8. 他们毕业后可自食其力。

    They will be able to stand on their own legs after school.

  9. 她打算要光明磊落自食其力。

    She proposed to earn her living honestly.

  10. 我儿子现在能自食其力了。

    My son can maintain himself now.

  11. 我能自食其力吗?我暗暗自问。

    Will I be able to support myself? I wondered.

  12. 到什么时候,孩子才能自食其力

    When is my kid go to go out and live on their own.

  13. 就等我能自食其力了为止。

    But just until I get back on my feet again.

  14. 就等我能自食其力了为止。

    But just until I get back on my feet again.

  15. 我巴望能到自食其力的年龄。

    I ached to be of an age to take care of myself.

  16. 考虑他的年纪,他不应该自食其力。

    He shouldn't cut his own grass,not at his age.

  17. 是你学着自食其力的时候了。

    It's time you learn to paddle your own canoe.

  18. 我宁可自食其力也不与他结婚。

    I would rather work for my bread than marry him.

  19. 我宁可自食其力也不与他结婚。

    I would rather work for my bread than marry him.

  20. 我不开车送她是因为我自食其力

    And the reason I don't drive her is because I work for a living.

  21. 他们过着可尊敬的,自食其力的生活。

    They live respectably from hand to mouth.

  22. 是你自食其力的时候了。现在你是自食恶果。

    It is time you stood on your own two feet.

  23. 后悔什么,生活要自食其力,你还想吃老公的?

    What regret, to live on their own feet, you also want a husband ?

  24. 我已挺过这关。自食其力。我已付清我的债, 是的。

    I done made it through. Stand on my own two. I paid my dues. Yeah yeah!

  25. 他像牛马那样勤劳,能克服一切困难,而且自食其力。

    He is like a horse or an ox, but he conquers all difficulties and leads his own life.

  26. 我想重返校园,学成后经济独立,自食其力,养家糊口。

    I would like to go back to school so that I can become economically independent,support myself,and,if need be,support those dependent upon me.

  27. 从小老师就告诉了我们这样自食其力,怎么样自主生活。

    When I was a boy, our teachers had told us how to cut our grass and how to stand on our own feet.

  28. 当他们长大成人, 能自食其力时, 他参加了雅典军队。

    When they were grown and able to do for themselves, he joined the Athenian army.

  29. 如果你宣称自己是一个宅男, 请先自食其力。

    If you claim to be an Otaku, Please feed yourself well.

  30. 对退休人员的调查表明,大部分人都自食其力,享受生活。

    A survey of retired people has indicated that most are independent and enjoying life.


  1. 问:自食其力拼音怎么拼?自食其力的读音是什么?自食其力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自食其力的读音是zìshíqílì,自食其力翻译成英文是 to support oneself by one's own labour; to...

  2. 问:自食其力生活拼音怎么拼?自食其力生活的读音是什么?自食其力生活翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自食其力生活的读音是zì shí qí lì shēng huó,自食其力生活翻译成英文是 self-supporting life


自食其力,解释:凭力气吃饭。(吃饭指义为生存,吃饭只为常用语)词性为褒义。自食其力,依靠自己的能力而生活。 出处《礼记·礼器》:“食力无数。”陈浩集说:“食力,自食其力之人。”