







汉语拼音:chāng jué









  1. 亦作“ 猖蹶 ”。任意横行。

    汉 贾谊 《新书·俗激》:“今世以侈靡相竞,而上无制度……其餘猖蹶而趋之者,乃豕羊驱而往。”一本作“ 猖獗 ”。《北齐书·儒林传·孙灵晖》:“﹝ 南阳王 ﹞ 绰 所为猖蹷, 灵暉 唯默默忧顇,不能諫止。”《三国演义》第四三回:“ 刘琮 孺子,听信佞言,暗自投降,致使 曹操 得以猖獗。” 郭沫若 《芍药及其他·小麻猫》:“小麻猫失掉,隔不一星期光景,老鼠又猖獗了起来。”

  2. 犹凶猛。

    宋 沉辽 《南岩导师赞》:“復有戾虎,咆哮猖獗。师不为骇,虎亦驯率。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·饮馔·肉食》:“虎不食醉人,非不食也,因其醉势猖獗,目为劲敌而防之也。” 鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·五猖会》:“﹝五猖庙﹞神像是五个男人,也不见有什么猖獗之状。”

  3. 颠覆;失败。

    《三国志·蜀志·诸葛亮传》:“孤不度德量力,欲信大义於天下,而智术浅短,遂用猖蹶,至于今日。”《晋书·殷浩传》:“进军 河 洛 ,修復园陵。不虞之变,中路猖蹶,遂令为山之功崩於垂成,忠款之志於是而废。”《南齐书·刘善明传》:“公神武世出,虽当静以待之,因机奋发,功业自定。不可远去根本,自貽猖蹷。”



  1. By this I don't just mean the rampant anti-Americanism on parts of the left. In a sense, that is relatively easy to counter.


  2. Child trafficking is rampant in Southeast Asia, with hundreds of thousands of children caught up in this lucrative and shadowy business.


  3. If this move becomes excessive, we have to take decisive action. I already instructed my staff on Saturday to be prepared to take action.


  4. There is significant rebel activity here at the moment. The jungles are something of a no-man's-land.


  5. Sixty-one percent of those actively considering an overseas move said crime and antisocial behaviour was the key reason to leave.


  6. Just when the political situation was growing more stable, increased terrorist activity began to rock the boat.


  7. Wary of widespread fraud, Mr. Kwong said he had turned down numerous offers from immigration lawyers to be a witness in asylum cases.


  8. Since when has it become "OK" for your leaders to run rampant around the world destroying whatever they wish to destroy for whatever reason?


  9. Historically, it was an African American ghetto that had a reputation as a crime-ridden no-go zone among white Angelenos.


  1. 犯罪行为猖獗。

    Crime was rampant.

  2. 猖獗发生适度

    epidemiological bonitation

  3. 猖獗的犯罪现象

    rampant criminality

  4. 鼠害猖獗的岛屿

    an island overrun with mice

  5. 种族歧视盛行而猖獗

    The racism is alive and kicking.

  6. 伪科学何以如此猖獗?

    Why Pseudoscience Runs so Wild?

  7. 猖獗地传播的疾病

    disease that ran rampant.

  8. 疾病在这个国家猖獗。

    Sickness was rampant in the country.

  9. 种族憎恨网站活动猖獗

    Report Details Rise in Hate Web Sites

  10. 流行病猖獗因而人心惶惶。

    The threat of an epidemic caused great alarm and trepidation.

  11. 在乌干达, 艾滋病猖獗。

    In Uganda, Aids is rampant.

  12. 他们之中大多数是猖獗的。

    Ignorance is rampant among them.

  13. 独裁者死后政治混乱猖獗。

    Anarchy was rampant after the dictator died.

  14. 正因如此, 海盗业才如此猖獗。

    And so piracy flourishes.

  15. 现在我的家中蟑螂猖獗。

    My house has been overrun by cockroaches

  16. 这段边境走私活动很猖獗。

    There's a lot of smuggling across this frontier.

  17. 通奸最猖獗得是非洲国家。

    The most adulterous countries in the world are African.

  18. 怒东瀛之猖獗兮,辱我人民。

    indignation at the brutish offense of Japan, the peoplere shamed.

  19. 可是数字上的争论仍然猖獗。

    But still the numerical controversies raged.

  20. 电影和音乐盗版现象尤为猖獗。

    Piracy of films and music, in particular, is rampant.

  21. 猖獗多年的天花终于灭迹了。

    Smallpox, rampant for centuries, has finally been eliminated.

  22. 香港的贩运人口活动并不猖獗。

    Human trafficking is not rampant in Hong Kong.

  23. 地方政府换届日, 迷信骗子猖獗时

    Superstition and Cheat Prevail in Some Regions

  24. 同时,罪恶的勾当也许会十分猖獗。

    In the mean time evil may be triumphant.

  25. 七个月前,暴力事件还相当猖獗。

    Seven months ago violence was still rampant.

  26. 野生动物制品的非法交易仍旧猖獗。

    The illegal trade in animal products continues to flourish.

  27. 由于春雨连绵, 蚊子云起, 黄热病猖獗。

    Spring rains gave rise to clouds of mosquitoes and an outbreak of yellow fever.

  28. 教会和报纸严辞谴责猖獗的犯罪。

    The churches and newspapers fulminated against the crime wave.

  29. 肯尼迪国际机场的盗窃活动十分猖獗。

    The thieving is awful at kennedy international.

  30. 在这个行业中,贿赂和腐败现象猖獗。

    Bribery and corruption were rife in the industry.


  1. 问:猖獗拼音怎么拼?猖獗的读音是什么?猖獗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猖獗的读音是chāngjué,猖獗翻译成英文是 rampant

  2. 问:猖獗的拼音怎么拼?猖獗的的读音是什么?猖獗的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猖獗的的读音是,猖獗的翻译成英文是 rampant

  3. 问:猖獗临界拼音怎么拼?猖獗临界的读音是什么?猖獗临界翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猖獗临界的读音是chāng jué lín jiè,猖獗临界翻译成英文是 epidemiological threshold



表示行为或者是动作让人难以接受 “ 猖”是指狗在闹市撒野。“ 獗”是指狗因癫狂过度而自己昏厥在地。“猖獗”形容狗撒野时间很长,无人能制止,最后靠它自己昏厥而收场。亦作“ 猖蹶 ”。