







汉语拼音:fàng sì








  1. 放纵,不加约束。

    《关尹子·六匕》:“一蜂至微,亦能游观乎天地;一鰕至微,亦能放肆乎大海。”《新唐书·李绛传》:“治生於忧危,乱生於放肆。” 金 王若虚 《文辨一》:“ 马子才 于《长游》一篇,驰骋放肆,率皆长语耳。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第二五章:“她竭力克制着自己,不让压抑了将近三年的情感放肆地奔腾。”

  2. 弃市。

    晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·献帝纪二》:“ 硕 以瓦器奉职 天臺 ,不思先公而务私家,背奥媚灶,苟諂大臣。昔 孔子 诛 少正卯 ,以显刑戮, 硕 宜放肆,以惩姦伪。”



  1. At this point I expected to have to quell a revolt, or at least quieten things down while those who objected to this effrontery walked out.


  2. The very chutzpah of somebody thinking that you could explain consciousness is just out of the question.


  3. Please do not accuse me of presumption if I yield to this impulse of love.


  4. Frank liked him because he took life in a hearty , jovial way, rather rough and off - hand for this somewhat quiet and reserved household .


  5. You'll apologize to me for your impertinence , or you'll quit the office instantly!


  6. none of your sauce, my boy; move on or I'll take you to the police station.


  7. The corners of her mouth voluptuously turned up, as in the antique masks of Erigone, had an air of encouraging the audacious.


  8. When coming back home, she wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment in her mother's arms.


  9. You see I never allow myself to behave like that. I keep up a gentlemanly tone with my clients: few words, politeness and severity.


  1. 放肆的家伙

    a wild fellow.

  2. 别那麽放肆!

    Less of your lip!ie Don't be so cheeky!

  3. 胆敢如此放肆!

    How dare you take such liberties!

  4. 不要太放肆!

    Don't presume too far!

  5. 你太放肆了!

    You're getting far too cheeky!

  6. 仆人不应放肆。

    A servant ought not to presume.

  7. 极放肆得举动。

    A diabolical liberty,ie an act that one resents very much

  8. 行为冒失的, 放肆的

    Unduly forward and brazen in manner

  9. 你还真是逍遥放肆?

    You are just loose as a goose,aren't ya?

  10. 这样得自由是放肆得。

    This kind of freedom is licentious.

  11. 这样的自由是放肆的。

    This kind of freedom is licentious.

  12. 你还真是逍遥放肆?

    You are just loose as a goose, aren't ya?

  13. 如果我让这感觉放肆

    When I let it sink in

  14. 他们放肆地大声喊叫。

    They shouted in gay abandon.

  15. 不要再放肆了,小伙子!

    Thats enough of your insolence, boy!

  16. 我指着他们放肆咒骂。

    I raved at them, swore at them, gesticulated at them.

  17. 我指着他们放肆咒骂。

    I raved at them, swore at them, gesticulated at them.

  18. 侵略者表现出来的放肆。

    The licence shown by the invaders.

  19. 他们越放肆,结局就越近。

    They are the more insolent, and it is the nearer ended.

  20. 你为什么表现得如此放肆

    Why are you showing such effrontery

  21. 那孩子有点太放肆了!

    That child is a bit too perky!

  22. 笑了很放肆很放肆得那种。

    Laughed for a very very presumptuous kind of unbridled.

  23. 笑了很放肆很放肆的那种。

    Laughed for a very very presumptuous kind of unbridled.

  24. 放肆!你实在太过份了。

    How dare you! You have gone too far.

  25. 放肆会惹得女王大怒。

    To take a liberty would call down her Majesty's wrath.

  26. 他这个人脾气放肆得很。

    He is a man with ungovernable temper.

  27. 超高的点击率,放肆的语录。

    Ultra high click through rate, familiar quotations.

  28. 我讨厌他们的谎言和放肆。

    I hated them for their lies and presumptuousness.

  29. 如果我示弱,她就更加放肆。

    If I show weakness, she will only grow bolder.

  30. 如果我示弱,她就更加放肆。

    If I show weakness, she will only grow bolder.


  1. 问:放肆拼音怎么拼?放肆的读音是什么?放肆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放肆的读音是fàngsì,放肆翻译成英文是 wanton

  2. 问:放肆地拼音怎么拼?放肆地的读音是什么?放肆地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放肆地的读音是,放肆地翻译成英文是 presumptuously

  3. 问:放肆的拼音怎么拼?放肆的的读音是什么?放肆的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放肆的的读音是,放肆的翻译成英文是 presumptuous



“放肆”是个多义词,它可以指放肆(放肆乐队), 放肆(五月天创作歌曲), 放肆(汉语词语)。