









汉语拼音:sān tū chū






  1. “文化大革命”中提出的文艺创作塑造人物的原则,即在所有人物中突出正面人物,在正面人物中突出英雄人物,在英雄人物中突出最主要的中心人物。

    巴金 《随想录·观察人》:“只有‘四人帮’才想得到什么‘三突出’、‘高起点’一整套的鬼话。” 韦君宜 《<未完成的画>读后》:“这比那些给人物头上戴光圈的‘三突出’写法,效果强得多。”



  1. Thirdly, highlight projects involving people's livelihood and improve the development.


  2. Third, give prominence to the first position in the ideological line of emancipating the mind;


  1. 三突出、三位一体医学科技管理系统设计

    Three. Three Units Manage System Design

  2. 我谨强调三个突出问题。

    I would stress three outstanding issues.

  3. 本文有三个突出的创新点。

    There are three innovations in this dissertation.

  4. 本系统有三个突出的优点。

    There are three outstanding advantages of the system.

  5. 高职电算会计专业统计学原理教学应突出三个特点

    The three characteristics that should be highlighted in the teaching of statistics principles for electronics accounting majors of professional education of higher learning

  6. 三是突出抓好重点行业和企业。

    Three is to concentrate on key industries and enterprises.

  7. 一般来说, 喜剧片的规矩是每页至少有三个突出的笑料。

    Generally, the rule is that a comedy feature at least three jokes per page.

  8. 然而, 这种愿景存在三个突出的问题, 而且全都集中于美国。

    There are three glaring problems with this vision, however, all centred on the US.

  9. 三, 本年突出纠纷

    Highlight Disputes in the Year

  10. 三,本年突出纠纷。

    Highlight Disputes in the Year.

  11. 过去三年更加突出了当时提出的各项问题的重要性。

    These last three years have highlighted even more the importance of the issues raised at that time.

  12. 腰胯和双肩的关节瘦骨嶙峋,突出身体三英寸之多。

    The knotty joints of his hips and shoulders stood out a good three inches from his body.

  13. 这快节奏的情节将会在2010年更加精彩。突出在三个方面。

    This fastmoving plot will thicken in 2010, in three ways.

  14. 我相信,他们三个将成为突出的大胖子!

    I believe that they will become the highlight of the three major fatty!

  15. 突出菱形中加三。

    Three line in projecting diamond.

  16. 顾恺之却把这三根汗毛画得特别突出, 裴楷非常满意。

    Gu laid great emphasis on the three hairs, and Pei was very satisfied.

  17. 因工作成绩突出多次受嘉奖,荣立三等功一次。

    Due to several outstanding achievements of the awards, awarded one third class.

  18. 第三,突出学生的主体地位。

    Third, the dominant position of outstanding students.

  19. 第三,发行人应当主营业务突出。

    The 3 rd, publisher ought to advocate business Wu is outstanding.

  20. 第三,突出重点是儿童发展的当务之急。

    Thirdly, an urgent task with regard to child development is highlighting priorities.

  21. 交响乐第三乐章中反覆突出的号音。

    the insistent horn phrase in the third movement of the symphony

  22. 由于工作能力突出, 他的升迁实现了三级跳。

    Because of his outstanding work ability, he was promoted quickly.

  23. 由于工作能力突出, 他得升迁实现了三级跳。

    Because of his outstanding work ability, he was promoted quickly.

  24. 由于工作能力突出,他的升迁实现了三级跳。

    Because of his outstanding work ability, he was promoted quickly.

  25. 俯卧式三屈位牵引综合治疗腰椎间盘突出症

    Special Traction Manipulation on Patients with Lumbar Disc Herniation

  26. 第三方面,对当前突出的房地产投资过热进行了探讨。

    The third part discusses the reasons of the excessive investment in real estate industry.

  27. 三梦记的结构在短篇小说发展史上具有突出特点。

    The structure of Tales of Three Dreams is outstandingly characterized in the development history of short novels.

  28. 用简单的词,描述你的三项最突出的优点和一个缺点。

    Usingsingle words, tell me your three greatest strengths and one weakness.

  29. 马克李有步枪三型单堆杂志,其中突出以下股票从。

    The Mark III rifles had a Leetype single stack magazine, which protruded below from the stock.

  30. 在前三场比赛的沉寂之后,刘易斯在第四战表现异常突出。

    Following three fairly quiet games, Lewis is the standout in Game Four.