




1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……



汉语拼音:zhì huì






  1. 最好的运会。




  1. Radioactivity is painful to right shoulder or back visible at cholelith disease, to perineal ministry person wait for ureter stone.


  2. Being late or rushing makes a bad impression - especially when everyone else is punctual .


  3. River rafting, from tobacco to be Shan Park, about 15 kilometers, about 3 hours.


  1. 这就意味着这处枪伤不会至她于死地。

    That means the gunshot wound didn't kill her.

  2. 即使是良性的脑脊膜瘤也会至死。

    Even a benign meningioma can kill.

  3. 我们立下的爱的誓言将会至死不变。

    The vows of love which we have made will live until we die.

  4. 手术可改变髋臼前倾角,部分会至异常范围。

    The operation to correct hip dysplasia produced an abnormality in acetabular anteversion.

  5. 我们把考虑新约定的事延至下次会吧。

    We'll leave the consideration of the new appointments over until the next meeting.

  6. 运动的强度至少达至身体会流汗及心脏会加快跳动的程度。

    The intensity of the exercises should suffice to cause the body sweating and increasing the heartbeat.

  7. 我至死不会忘记党的恩情。

    I'll never forget what I owe to the Party to my dying day.

  8. 周一至周五你们会营业得比较晚吗

    Are you open later on weekdays.

  9. 当同学们随队参观至长征胜利会师的场面时,

    A handsome boy named Liu Wei who asked the visitor some questions about the meeting winning Long March.

  10. 预计从现在至12月会获得大量更多的电子装置。

    It is anticipated that a significant number of further electronic devices will be acquired between now and December.

  11. 将这些项移至回收站将会永久删除它们。是否继续

    Moving these items to the Recycle Bin will cause them to be permanently deleted. Are you sure you want to continue

  12. 颁布后的标准,原则上每五至七年会修订一次。

    After the enactment of the standard, in principle every five to seven years will be revised again.

  13. 研究看来至少会持续至2002年。

    Research appeared to continue at least through 2002.

  14. 海平面将会 上升至什么程度?

    What sea level rise can we look forward to?

  15. 愚见此会可延至明日举行。

    I think that the meeting may be put off till tomorrow.

  16. 阁下个人资料会保存至会藉终止。

    Your personal data will be destroyed upon the termination of your membership.

  17. 该谈判可能会延续至1993年夏天。

    The talks could be stretched into the summer of 1993.

  18. 会报告至存取范围用户端的角色。

    The role that will be reported to accessibility clients.

  19. 如果我有了孩子 我会羞愧至死的。

    If I have baby, I will be shamed.

  20. 此会沿至1949年解放以后仍很盛大。

    This be along in 1949 to liberation is still grand.

  21. 一片冰冷 但生命依然会迁至大陆

    It is out in the cold, but it still could have come.

  22. 经济学家此前曾预测该指数会降至53。0。

    Economists had dip to 53.0.

  23. 形成底部之前,下跌行情将会延伸至2200位置。

    Allow for the clear out to extend to 2200 before looking for a base.

  24. 有些时候,我们期待的事情会不期而至。

    Sometimes our expectations sneak up on us unawares.

  25. 让您设定会套用至所有开发语言的选项。

    Lets you set options that apply to all development languages.

  26. 如获通过,将会追溯至2005 06课税年度生效。

    If the relevant legislation is enacted by the Legislative Council, it will take effect retrospectively from the year of assessment 2005 06.

  27. 这项设施日后可能会扩展至包括其他标书。

    The facility may be extended to other tenders in due course.

  28. 每个人都会升迁至自己不能胜任的级别。

    Individuals would find their level of incompetence.

  29. 每个人都会升迁至自己不能胜任的级别。

    Individuals would find their level of incompetence.

  30. 每个人都会升迁至自己不能胜任得级别。

    Individuals would find their level of incompetence.