




1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……



汉语拼音:qǐ sè








  1. 跃跃欲试的样子。

    汉 枚乘 《七发》:“‘此真太子所喜也,能强起而游乎?’太子曰:‘僕甚愿从,直恐为诸大夫累耳。’然而有起色矣。”

  2. 指情况好转。

    明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·经籍会通二》:“ 元瑞 自言:於他无所嗜,所嗜独书。飢以当食,渴以当饮,诵之可以当《韶》《頀》,览之可以当 夷 施 ,忧籍以释,忿籍以平,病籍以起色。”《天雨花》第六回:“吾弟既有起色,再将汤药调理。” 管桦 《雁池》:“一家小日子眼瞧着越过越有起色。”

  3. 指兴旺、兴隆。

    《廿载繁华梦》第三十回:“那 □盛店 近来办了 琼州 一个铁矿,十分起色。”

  4. 出息,出色之处。

    老舍 《骆驼祥子》五:“觉得自己只是个会跑路的畜生,没有一点起色与人味。” 老舍 《牛天赐传》六:“ 纪妈 唯恐他去抓太太所不愿意叫他抓到的东西,因为他是吃她的奶长起来的,他要是没有起色,显然是她的奶没出息。”

  5. 欢悦雀跃的样子。

    清 方朝 《田父行》:“筑场桑树边,儿曹皆起色。”



  1. After a year or so, however, I still hadn't gotten a break and began to doubt myself.


  2. Tony Ryall, health minister, said all those affected appeared to have only mild symptoms and had been responding to treatment.


  3. The company have had to lay up several of their fleet, and others are likely to be laid up if trade does not improve.


  4. After four years of struggling, Choi's career had begun to pick up when her body was found in her bathroom in southern Seoul.


  5. But the left, which might have expected to have benefited from a capitalist meltdown, is no better off.


  6. Ryan returned to her comedy roots for her feature producing debut, 1995's only modestly entertaining French Kiss.


  7. grandfather's condition did not seem to be any pick up.


  8. Average TV-set prices across the board have continued to plummet this holiday season amid lackluster demand.


  9. This they saw as the only hope of financing a turnaround in Ford's core North American business (Europe, at least, was already improving).


  1. 算是有点起色了。

    It's going, finally.

  2. 近来情况已有起色。

    Things have been looking up lately.

  3. 运动刚开始有点起色。

    The campaign is just getting into its stride.

  4. 去年秋季的销售有起色。

    Sales picked up last fall.

  5. 病人经治疗後未见起色。

    The patient did not respond to treatment.

  6. 最近水泥销售有了起色。

    Recently the cement sales rise.

  7. 临时的干得还没起色。

    And the temp I've got isn't working out.

  8. 病人经治疗后未见起色。

    The patient did not respond to treatment.

  9. 到星期四晚上,天气有起色。

    But Thursday night promised better.

  10. 他服了这药未见起色。

    He failed to respond to the medicine.

  11. 但是芳汀的病一点没有起色。

    In the meantime, Fantine did not recover.

  12. 今年的销售有了一点儿起色。

    Sales have shown a slight improvement this year.

  13. 病人服了这药未见起色。

    The patient failed to respond to the medicine.

  14. 手术后他的病有了起色。

    He is beginning to pick up after the operation.

  15. 1997年他的事业开始有了起色。

    His career took off in 1997.

  16. 我们的业务渐渐地有了起色。

    Business was picking up.

  17. 母亲得腿治疗后有没有起色?

    Is Mother's leg responding to treatment?

  18. 母亲的腿治疗后有没有起色?

    Is Mother's leg responding to treatment ?

  19. 她的癌症治疗已经有起色了。

    Her cancer has responded to treatment.

  20. 生意若无起色, 公司非垮不可。

    The firm will go under unless business improves.

  21. 但是其质量和效果仍无起色。

    However, their quality and thus their effectiveness remained poor.

  22. 看来病人的病情终于有起色了。

    At last the condition of the patient seems to be on the turn.

  23. 病经过治疗后很快就有起色。

    The illness quickly responded to treatment.

  24. 看不出你的写作有什么起色。

    I cannot see any improvement in your writing.

  25. 故事情节从第三幕开始有起色。

    The action picks up in the third act.

  26. 今年的投效比往年略有起色。

    The rate of return this year is slightly better than that of past years.

  27. 今年的投效比往年略有起色。

    The rate of return this year is slightly better than that of past years.

  28. 局部来看, 贸易状况仍未见起色。

    Partial view, the trade has yet to see improvement.

  29. 家中的纷乱使他的健康毫无起色。

    His health has not been improved by all the upset at home.

  30. 而网络院线产业一时难有起色。

    And industry of network courtyard line has improvement hard temporarily.


  1. 问:起色拼音怎么拼?起色的读音是什么?起色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起色的读音是qǐsè,起色翻译成英文是 improvement


起色,汉语词汇。拼音:qǐ sè释义:1、跃跃欲试的样子。2、指情况好转。3、指兴旺、兴隆。4、出色之处。5、欢呼雀跃的样子。