


1. 旋 [xuán]2. 旋 [xuàn]旋 [xuán]转动:~绕。~转。~舞。~梯。~律。盘~。天~地转。回,归:凯~。不久:~踵(喻极短的时间,如“~~即逝”)。~即。表示与各方来往或来往于各方之间:周~。斡~。古同“漩”,漩涡。姓……





汉语拼音:xuán niǔ






  1. This control allows you to set the maximum peak output level of the 166XL regardless of any other control.


  2. The opening and closing angel of the cantilevers of the clothes rack can be regulated by a knob at the lower end of a hook.


  3. To the left of all that are a pair of small knobs, a switch, and two pushbuttons.


  4. The Demand Siders are brilliant, but they write as if changing fiscal policy were as easy as adjusting the knob on your stove.


  5. Set the frequency of simple, easy to operate, only an external potentiometer gently rotating the knob, you can set the frequency.


  6. But as the labour progressed, the husband felt fine and asked the doctor to go ahead and bump it up a notch.


  7. To the right of that light, above and between the PFD and ND, are two knobs; these control what systems are linked to the pilot's displays.


  8. Modified mil dot reticle , Elevation knob , Windage knob Put the mouse cursor over the elevation and windage knobs to see the tops.


  9. At the bottom are two knobs that control the temperatures of each of the two zones.


  1. 保留式旋钮

    stick knob.

  2. 磁性天线控制旋钮

    ferrite rod knob

  3. 此旋钮调节音量。

    This knob controls the volume.

  4. 收音机的调谐旋钮

    the frequency selector of a radio.

  5. 冲头定轴心旋钮

    plunger centering knob

  6. 按顺时针方向转动旋钮。

    Twist the knob clockwise.

  7. 卷片旋钮不太好使。

    The film winder doesn't work well.

  8. 温控器的旋钮坏了。

    The temperature control knob doesnt.

  9. 拧开旋钮来启动机器。

    Turn the knob to start the machine.

  10. 调温器得旋钮坏了。

    The temperature control knob doesnt work very well.

  11. 调温器的旋钮坏了。

    The temperature control knob doesnt work very well.

  12. 绘制圆和三角形旋钮指标。

    Draw circles and triangle for knob indicator.

  13. 将旋钮旋转到全开位置。

    Rotate knob to full open position.

  14. 我收音机上的旋钮松动了。

    My radio's knob got loose.

  15. 她略微调了一下音量旋钮。

    She adjusted the volume control slightly.

  16. 重新安放旋钮,使其平头对准。

    Replace knob such that flats are aligned.

  17. 这个旋钮可调节收音机的音量。

    This knob controls the radio's volume.

  18. 旋钮圆形的控制开关或圆盘

    A rounded control switch or dial.

  19. 弗兰克旋弄着收音机的旋钮。

    Frank twiddled with the knobs of the radio.

  20. 我小提琴上的琴弓旋钮坏了。

    The nut on my violin is broken.

  21. 我小提琴上的琴弓旋钮坏了。

    The nut on my violin is broken.

  22. 我调了调音量旋钮便坐了下来。

    I adjusted the volume knob and sat down.

  23. 喜欢瞎搞所有的旋钮和转盘

    Liked to fiddle with all the knobs and dials.

  24. 这个旋钮只是用胶带粘住的。

    The knob is only held on by sticky tape.

  25. 逆时针转动旋钮可以开启切割机。

    The cutters are opened by turning the knob anticlockwise.

  26. 各插卡予设定旋钮位置正确。

    Location for presetting button of insert cards is right.

  27. 旋钮型界面快速和直观的编辑。

    Knobbased interface for quick and intuitive editing.

  28. 我们发现了一些黑色旋钮来比赛。

    We found some black knobs to match.

  29. 把旋钮拧到适当得定位挡上。

    Twist the knob to the right setting.

  30. 每个放大器是黑色大铜旋钮。

    Each amp is black with large brass knobs.


  1. 问:旋钮拼音怎么拼?旋钮的读音是什么?旋钮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旋钮的读音是xuánniǔ,旋钮翻译成英文是 knob

  2. 问:旋钮开关拼音怎么拼?旋钮开关的读音是什么?旋钮开关翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旋钮开关的读音是xuán niǔ kāi guān,旋钮开关翻译成英文是 rotary switch

  3. 问:旋钮灯口拼音怎么拼?旋钮灯口的读音是什么?旋钮灯口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旋钮灯口的读音是xuán niǔ dēng kǒu,旋钮灯口翻译成英文是 key socket


