




1. 券 [quàn]2. 券 [xuàn]券 [quàn]古代的契据,常分为两半,双方各执其一,现代指票据或作凭证的纸片:债~。国库~。入场~。证~。稳操胜~。券 [xuàn]〔拱~〕门窗、桥梁等建筑成弧形的部分。……



汉语拼音:jiǎng quàn







  1. I would like to earn large amounts of money. You could win a large amount of money in the United States through lotteries.


  2. The news got about that he had won the first prize in the state lottery andeverybody began asking him for money.


  3. After losing my job, it was cold comfort to be told I'd won the office raffle.


  4. Did you see that some kid in Russia found the last golden ticket?


  5. Where necessary, the SWD may impose additional criteria and conditions, on the advice of the Lotteries Fund Advisory Committee (LFAC).


  6. First, the lottery can be done? Lottery gaming platform is one kind of currency exchange prizes, lottery prize in the prize exchange mall.


  7. As the tickets are part of the token system I believe the refund functionality will be there.


  8. A similar framework for regulating the conduct of lotteries will also be provided.


  9. Lottery winnings do not bring happiness.


  1. 奖券,彩票

    A raffle or lottery ticket.

  2. 社会福利奖券

    social welfare lottery.

  3. 彩电对奖券

    A raffle for a colored TV

  4. 非法奖券活动

    unlawful lottery

  5. 国家政府奖券。

    national lotteries.

  6. 经营非法奖券活动

    conduct unlawful lottery

  7. 购买奖券的款项

    Payment for purchase of lottery tickets or raffle tickets

  8. 奖券活动牌照申请书

    Application for Lottery Licence

  9. 发行奖券或彩票罪

    distributing lottery tickets

  10. 社会福利奖券,爱的奉献。

    Social welfare lottery tickets are dedication to love.

  11. 中了奖券,我们兴奋极了。

    We freaked out when we won the lottery.

  12. 这张奖券可以兑取。

    This lottery ticket can be good and collectable.

  13. 奖券是向傻瓜们征的税。

    Lottery is a tax on fools.

  14. 奖券小偷把自己点着了

    Lottery Thief Sets Himself on Fire

  15. 津贴及奖券基金咨询委员会

    Subventions and Lotteries Fund Advisory Committee.

  16. 格兰特但可能是赠奖券哦。

    Grant But it could be a coupon.

  17. 你可以拿对奖券到指定的地点兑换奖品。

    You can gain a prize by taking lotteries to an appointed place.

  18. 销售奖券,引导嘉宾,现场协助募捐以及拍卖活动。

    Duties selling raffle tickets, directing guests, assisting fundraising and au.

  19. 印刷或其他质量问题不会使有效得奖券失效。

    Printing and other quality control errors will not invalidate an otherwise valid prize claim.

  20. 既然奖券也属于货币系统,我认为是可以退货的。

    As the tickets are part of the token system I believe the refund functionality will be there.

  21. 能够成功的对电子奖券进行加解密,保障较高的安全性。

    It can succeed of decrypting and guarantee a higher safety.

  22. 迈克尔肯因买风险值很大的奖券而富了起来。

    Mike Milken got rich by buying junk bonds.

  23. 售出之奖券存根必须于2月28日前寄回奥比斯。

    All ticket stubs should be returned to ORBIS by February 28th 2005 so that we can include them in the Raffle.

  24. 我失去工作以後, 听说我抽中了公司的奖券, 有同画饼。

    After losing my job it was cold comfort to be told Id won the office raffle.

  25. 该奖券卡获奖几率均等,做假可能性极小,可靠性强。

    The probability equal lottery ticket card has equal probability for winning prize, minimal false possibility and strong reliability.

  26. 我失去工作以后,听说我抽中了公司的奖券,有同画饼。

    After losing my job it was cold comfort to be told I'd won the office raffle.

  27. 售卖奖券款项能申请免税。收据只发予阁下惠之额外捐款。

    Raffle ticket sales are not tax deductible. Receipts will only be issued for additional donations enclosed.

  28. 这一切给电子奖券系统的研发、应用和推广提供了需求。

    All of these provided the need for the development, application and expansion of the electronics gift certificate system, also making the electronics gift certificate system research have an actual application value.


  1. 问:奖券拼音怎么拼?奖券的读音是什么?奖券翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奖券的读音是jiǎngquàn,奖券翻译成英文是 lottery ticket

  2. 问:奖券制度拼音怎么拼?奖券制度的读音是什么?奖券制度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奖券制度的读音是jiǎng quàn zhì dù,奖券制度翻译成英文是 token economy

  3. 问:奖券抽签拼音怎么拼?奖券抽签的读音是什么?奖券抽签翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奖券抽签的读音是jiǎng quàn chōu qiān,奖券抽签翻译成英文是 lottery drawing



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◎ 奖券 Jiǎngquàn [lottery tick;gift coupon] 彩票;作为奖励而赠送的优待票券 奖的含义包括奖金、奖品、中奖、奖项、奖励等,在奖券的组合中的含义与中奖与奖励贴近;券的含义就是一小张纸或者叫作纸片。可见奖券的含义就是能中奖或用于奖励的纸片。奖券的形式分为两种,一种是明码的,一种是暗码的;明码的就是得到奖券就知道是否中奖或者等待开奖时知道自己是否中奖(类似彩票),暗码的是把中奖符号用刮刮墨覆盖或制作在纸张的夹层里面,需要刮开或揭开才知道是否中奖。明码与暗码奖券各有其适用范围。奖券与彩票的最大区别是奖券只能用于商家对消费者的赠送,而彩票是需要购买的。