


各种颜色交织:~云。~虹。~霞。~绘。~陶。~绸。~笔。~车。~蛋(a.画在鸡、鸭蛋壳上的工艺品;b.方言,松花蛋)。~灯。五~缤纷。五色的绸子:剪~。指赌博或某种竞赛中赢得的东西:~金。~票。得~。称赞、夸奖的欢呼声:喝(hè )~。花样……


1. 券 [quàn]2. 券 [xuàn]券 [quàn]古代的契据,常分为两半,双方各执其一,现代指票据或作凭证的纸片:债~。国库~。入场~。证~。稳操胜~。券 [xuàn]〔拱~〕门窗、桥梁等建筑成弧形的部分。……



汉语拼音:cǎi quàn






彩券 [cǎi quàn]
  1. 一种赌博性的投机票券,中奖者发给奖金。也称为「彩票」。



  1. "What's the matter, Joyce ? It's only a ticket. . . " Liana was puzzled.


  2. You say I've won ten million dollars in the lottery? I can't believe it, It's a bit too good to be true.


  3. Hill said he only realized a couple of weeks after the Aug. 20 drawing that his ticket matched all five white balls.


  4. I'e never had so many calls. Een if I won the lotto I don't think I'd get so many calls.


  5. "I'm numb, " the 78-year-old said as she handed in the winning ticket at the Connecticut Lottery headquarters.


  6. Still, as Lula pointed out, what looks like a winning lottery ticket can all too easily become a curse.


  7. I found a NT$100 bill. What's even better, I played the lottery with it and won NT$100, 000.


  8. Secondly, the Taiwan Sports lottery is getting matured in lottery drawing, distribution channel, odds ratio, and the tournament selections.


  9. Milt: Be careful, Seth. Those things are all scams. Remember that fake scrape-off lottery ticket I got in the mail last week?


  1. 彩券盈余配额

    lottery earnings quota

  2. 公益彩券盈余

    public welfare lottery earnings.

  3. 公益彩券计算公式

    public welfare lottery formula

  4. 我确实赢了彩券!

    I actually won the lottery!

  5. 这就像彩券抽奖一样。

    This is a lottery.

  6. 那彩券本可以属于他。

    That ticket could've been his.

  7. 彩券的利益已经衰退了。

    Interest in lottery tickets has been waning.

  8. 去买一张彩券吧!

    Go Buy A Lotto Ticket!

  9. 去买一张彩券吧!

    Go Buy A Lotto Ticket!

  10. 高雄 拜一开始卖彩券。

    Geohiong starts selling lottery tickets tomorrow.

  11. 抽出彩券中得奖的号码

    Drew the winning number in the lottery.

  12. 大多数的人在投注站买彩券。

    Most people bought their tickets at lottery stalls.

  13. 你中了彩券?你一定在骗我的。

    You won the lottery ?You're kidding me.

  14. 我要赢到彩券,可能性不大。

    It is a fat chance that I will win the lottery.

  15. 她用甜言蜜语诱使她的丈夫买彩券。

    She wheedled her husband into buying a lottery ticket.

  16. 真希望我们的彩券可以中头奖。

    Max I really hope our lottery ticket will win the jackpot.

  17. 也许你是下一个赢得彩券的人。

    Perhaps you will be the next one to win the lottery.

  18. 这笔款是通过出售购物彩券筹集的。

    The money is raised by the sale of raffle ticket.

  19. 这笔款是通过出售购物彩券筹集得。

    The money is raised by the sale of raffle ticket.

  20. 这笔款子是通过出售购物彩券筹集的。

    The money was raised by the sale of raffle tickets.

  21. 这家公司表示, 他们不须承兑这些彩券。

    The company said it did not have to honor the coupons.

  22. 消息传开说他彩券中奖赢得一辆汽车。

    The news got about that he had won a car in the lottery.

  23. 亲爱的,我们把毕生的储蓄都拿来买彩券!

    Hey honey, let's spend our life savings on lottery tickets!

  24. 乐透彩券的中奖机率是百万分之一。

    The odds of winning the lottery are a million to one.

  25. 彩券中奖的那天晚上,我和太太出去通宵达旦。

    On the evening we won the lottery, my wife and I went out and made a night of it.

  26. 毋恪?这久已经有郎开始卖假耶彩券。

    In the mean time, counterfeit lottery tickets have already surfaced.

  27. 研究针对是那些突然获得财富的人, 如中了彩券的人。

    Studies have been carried out on people who acquired sudden wealth, as lottery winners.

  28. 荷莉除了那些, 还有各式各样的水果, 坚果和几张彩券。

    Holly That, and some different fruits and nuts and a couple of lottery cards.

  29. 所以你真的觉得买二十张乐透彩券就一定会中?

    So you really think that buying twenty lotto tickets will secure a win?

  30. 抽奖售货法一种抽彩给奖法,一些人购买彩券以获得奖品

    A lottery in which a number of persons buy chances to win a prize.


  1. 问:彩券拼音怎么拼?彩券的读音是什么?彩券翻译成英文是什么?

    答:彩券的读音是cǎiquàn,彩券翻译成英文是 lottery ticket; raffle ticket