


1. 改 [gǎi]改 [gǎi]变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。姓。……




1. 主 [zhǔ]主 [zhǔ]权力或财物的所有者,家庭的首脑:~人。物~。失~(失掉财物的人)。当家作~。旧时臣子称君王,下级称上级,仆人称家主:君~。~上。对事物的意见或认为应当如何处理,决定:~张。~见。~意。~义。对事物有决定权力……





汉语拼音:gǎi biàn zhǔ yì



  1. Charlie, who never believed in interfering if it could be avoided, left her alone, hoping that she would eventually come around.

  2. To many in the audience that night, it seemed as if he kept changing his mind and frequently repeated an answer as if waiting for a signal.

  3. I was going to leave tomorrow, but I've changed my mind about him.

  4. He rose and descended river-wards once more; then changed his mind and sought the side of the dusty lane.

  5. Sharon could change her husband's mind about many things, but she could do nothing with him on the specific issue of herself.

  6. Reggie didn't object to her visitors' suddenly changing their minds, and that there was always a room to spare in her elastic house.

  7. He said all he was scared of was that I'd change my mind at the last moment like Rose Spencer.

  8. He seems immune to any persuasion for he never changes his mind once he has made a decision.

  9. You might want to leave before I change my mind, and let her beat you to a pulp with her tiny, ineffectual fists.


  1. 我改变主意了。

    Well,I've changed my mind.

  2. 她经常改变主意。

    She is constantly changing her mind.

  3. 我无意改变主意。

    I have no intension of changing my mind.

  4. 女士们可以改变主意。

    Ladies are allowed to unmake their minds.

  5. 她改变主意了 吗?

    Has she altered her mind ?

  6. 斯隆改变主意了

    Sloan's having second thoughts.

  7. 你会改变主意的。

    You may change your mind.

  8. 你会改变主意的。

    You may change your mind.

  9. 你改变主意了吗?

    Have you altered your mind ?

  10. 好了,我改变主意了

    Yeah, I changed my mind.

  11. 什么,他改变主意了。

    What?He reconsidered.

  12. 什么,他改变主意了。

    What? He reconsidered.

  13. 苏总是在改变主意。

    Sue always changing her mind.

  14. 无法使她改变主意。

    She could not be turned aside.

  15. 凯特经常改变主意。

    Kate changed her mind too often.

  16. 凯特经常改变主意。

    Kate changed her mind too often.

  17. 但如果你改变主意。

    We can end this right now and go home.

  18. 或者,他会改变主意。

    Or that he will change his mind.

  19. 他一定会改变主意。

    He was surely about to change his mind.

  20. 我们还可以改变主意。

    We could still change our minds.

  21. 我能让他改变主意。

    I can sway him.

  22. 他说服女儿改变主意。

    He persuaded his daughter to change her mind.

  23. 嗯,可我改变主意了

    Yeah, well, I changed my mind.

  24. 是啊,我改变主意了。

    Yeah.I'm done with that.

  25. 是啊,我改变主意了。

    Yeah. I'm done with that.

  26. 为什么你改变主意了?

    I mean,I hope it wasn't because of me,because I told you it wasn't for you.

  27. 快走,小心她改变主意

    Quick,before she changes her mind!

  28. 快走,小心她改变主意!

    Quick, before she changes her mind!

  29. 我想说服你改变主意。

    I want to persuade you to change your mind.

  30. 他有可能改变主意吗?

    Does he have the possibility to change the idea?


  1. 问:改变主意拼音怎么拼?改变主意的读音是什么?改变主意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:改变主意的读音是Gǎibiàn zhǔyi,改变主意翻译成英文是 to change one's mind; to have a change of heart...