




一种金属元素,可以制货币和器皿、电子设备、感光材料、装饰品等:~子。~杯。~牌。旧时用银铸成块的一种货币:~币。~锭。~洋。~钱。~圆(亦作“银元”)。~号(规模较大的钱庄)。~行(hāng )。~票。像银的颜色:~白。~发(fà)。~河(……



汉语拼音:dìng yín






  1. 定钱。

    《儒林外史》第二五回:“ 邵管家 在被套内取出一封银子来递与 鲍文卿 道:‘这是五十两定银, 鲍师父 ,你且收了。其餘的,领班子过去再付。’”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五回:“那人却拿出一张五百两的票纸来,説是一时没有现银,先拿这五百两作定,等十天来拿。又説到了十天期,如果他不带了银子来拿,这五百两定银,他情愿不追还。”《廿载繁华梦》第二六回:“﹝ 周庸祐 ﹞立刻交了几千定银,一面回覆 马氏 ,好不欢喜。随备足十六万银两的价银,交易清楚。”



  1. 网络
  2. down payment;Bargain money;deposit

  1. 政府对于银的纯度定有官方的规格。

    The government has an official standard for the purity of silver.

  2. 从罗定铅阳极泥中回收银

    Recovery of silver from lead anode slime in Luoding

  3. 用还原性混合液回收废定影液中的银

    Retrieval of Silver from Photographic Fixers by Deoxidize Mixed Liquid

  4. 利用新型电解槽回收废定影液中的银

    Silver Reclamation From Waste Fixative With New Type of Electrolytic Cell

  5. 交流示波极谱滴定法测定废电镀液中的银

    Determination of silver in spent electroplating bath by a. C. Oscillopolarographic titration

  6. 本文简述了从废定影液中提取银的传统工艺。

    The traditional technique of drawing Ag from the waste fixing bath is introduced in this paper.

  7. 从废定影液中回收银及提银后废定影液再生的研究

    On the recovery of silver from abandoned fixer and the regeneration of left fixer.

  8. 硝酸银滴定

    silver nitrate titration.

  9. 银量滴定法

    argentometric titration

  10. 硝酸银滴定法

    nitrate radical titration method

  11. 间接银液滴定法

    Indirect argentimetry

  12. 说不定那里有金银财宝啊。

    There might be real treasures inside.

  13. 政府对于银得纯度定有官方得规格。

    The government has an official standard for the purity of silver.

  14. 定槽水银气压表检定证的编制

    Editing the verification certificate of KEW pattern barometer

  15. 用废铝回收废定影液中银的新工艺及装置

    New Technique and Device of Silver Recovery from Waste Fixing Solution with Waste Aluminium

  16. 硝酸银电位滴定法测定铁矿石中水溶氯

    Determination of water soluble chloride content in iron ore by potentiometric titration with silver nitrate

  17. 本文简述了从废定影液中提取银得传统工艺。

    The traditional technique of drawing Ag from the waste fixing bath is introduced in this paper.

  18. 研究了利用彩印漂定废液回收废感光胶片中银的方法。

    A method to recover silver from waste photographic film with waste fixing bath was studied.

  19. 水溶液银量法电位滴定中采用的电极系统是 什么

    What type of electrode pairs should be used for the potentiometric titration with silver nitrate

  20. 水溶液银量法电位滴定中采用得电极系统是 什么

    What type of electrode pairs should be used for the potentiometric titration with silver nitrate.

  21. 纳米银复合醋酸氯己定消毒凝胶的毒理学安全性评价

    Toxicological safety evaluation on the compound disinfectant gel of nanometer silver and chlorhexidine acetate

  22. 用银还原滴定分析法测定铁矿石中总铁含量的试验方法

    Test Method for Total Iron in Iron Ores by the Silver Reduction Titrimetric Method

  23. 叙述了保险粉对废漂定液的提银及再生原理、操作方法。

    The principle and method of recovering of silver and regeneration of waste colour bleach fix solution with sodium hydrosulfite is described.


  1. 问:定银拼音怎么拼?定银的读音是什么?定银翻译成英文是什么?

    答:定银的读音是dìng yín,定银翻译成英文是 bargain money