


1. 嘎 [gā]2. 嘎 [gá]3. 嘎 [gǎ]嘎 [gā]〔~~〕象声词,形容鸭子,大雁等的叫声。象声词,形容短促而响亮的声音:汽车~的一声刹住了。嘎 [gá]同“尜”。嘎 [gǎ]乖僻,脾气不好。调(tiáo )皮。……


1. 嘎 [gā]2. 嘎 [gá]3. 嘎 [gǎ]嘎 [gā]〔~~〕象声词,形容鸭子,大雁等的叫声。象声词,形容短促而响亮的声音:汽车~的一声刹住了。嘎 [gá]同“尜”。嘎 [gǎ]乖僻,脾气不好。调(tiáo )皮。……



汉语拼音:gā gā






  1. 亦作“嘠嘎”。象声词。禽鸟等的鸣叫声。

    唐 李山甫 《方干隐居》诗:“咬咬嘎嘎水禽声,露洗松阴满院清。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部一:“卖馃子的人跑进去,鹅都嘎嘎地高声大叫。” 刘白羽 《从富拉尔基到齐齐哈尔》:“几只小青蛙蹲在床底下嘎嘎的叫。”

  2. 象声词。笑声。

    魏巍 《东方》第三部第二章:“他正同人高谈阔论,不时地嘎嘎笑着。”《当代》1981年第2期:“正说着,忽然门外嘎嘎有人笑。”

  3. 象声词。物体活动时发出的声音。

    沈从文 《黑夜》:“筏身在转动中,发出嘠嘠声音,如人身骨节作响时情形。”

  4. 亦作“嘠嘎”。一种儿童玩具,两头尖,中间大。

    《三侠五义》第五四回:“原来里面是个嘎嘎形儿,全无抓手,用油灰抹亮,惟独当中却有一缝,望时可以见天。 展爷 明白叫通天窟。”



  1. "I feel sorry for Lady Gaga - she's just a plastic doll generated by the music money marketing machine, " Apps said in a press release.


  2. Then the waiter said "Quack, quack! " to which the waiter moved his head from sky to earth , and the inner man was soon satisfied.


  3. Viserion's claws scrabbled against the stones, and the huge chains rattled as he tried to make his way to her again.


  4. O'Connor said the Baby Gaga was just one of a dozen radical new flavors at the shop.


  5. One seems to hear the bones of the victim crack under the grasp of a boa-constrictor.


  6. Some one was at the head showing rooms, so that there was no delay for keys.


  7. Lady Gaga has been accused of lacking authenticity, and a dull, literal judge would no doubt find her guilty.


  8. We used to hear the rattle of the milk bottles in the early morning.


  9. Black cockatoos squawk and a pair of rare wedge - tailed eagles ride the thermals heavenwards .


  1. 小嘎嘎捉迷藏

    Little Quack is Hide and Seek.

  2. 使门把嘎嘎作响

    to rattle the handle of a door

  3. 那鹦鹉嘎嘎大叫。

    The parrot squawked loudly.

  4. 这儿嘎嘎, 那儿嘎嘎, 到处嘎嘎

    Here a quack. There a moo. Everywhere a quackquack.

  5. 这门老叽叽嘎嘎响。

    This door always creaks.

  6. 嘎嘎作响地慢慢停下

    to grind to a halt

  7. 河上嘎嘎叫的野鸭。

    Wild duck quacking on the river.

  8. 风震得窗户嘎嘎作响。

    The wind jarred the windows.

  9. 窗在窗框中嘎嘎作响。

    The window jarred in the frame.

  10. 窗户在风中嘎嘎作响。

    The window rattled in the wind.

  11. 鸟发出嘎嘎的惊叫声。

    The bird gave a startled squawk.

  12. 铁门吱吱嘎嘎地响了。

    The iron gate creaked.

  13. 窗子在窗框中嘎嘎作响。

    The window jarred in the frame.

  14. 运动时摇摆或嘎嘎作响。

    To vibrate or rattle while in operation.

  15. 送货车吱吱嘎嘎地前进着。

    The cart creaked along.

  16. 坏嘎嘎是好人削成的。

    A good fellow could turn bad.

  17. 风把窗户吹得嘎嘎响。

    The window was grating in the wind.

  18. 他们都高兴得嘎嘎地笑。

    They all cackled with delight.

  19. 百叶窗在风中发出嘎嘎声。

    The shutter rattled in the wind.

  20. 重型坦克嘎嘎地穿过广场。

    Heavy tanks ground through the square.

  21. 电锯在锯木头时嘎嘎作响。

    The electric saw whined as it cut the wood.

  22. 恐惧有时使人牙齿嘎嘎作声。

    Fear sometimes makes a person's teeth chatter.

  23. 楼梯也隐隐约约, 吱吱嘎嘎在响。

    The stairs creaked faintly.

  24. 电梯在升降井里嘎嘎响着。

    The lift grinds in the shaft.

  25. 楼娣仍然是那样吱吱嘎嘎地响。

    The stairs creaked just the same as ever.

  26. 时,铁门发出刺耳的嘎嘎声。

    The jarred when he opened it.

  27. 时,铁门发出刺耳得嘎嘎声。

    The jarred when he opened it.

  28. 如果钻头松动, 电钻会嘎嘎作响。

    A power drill will chatter if the bit is loose.

  29. 他把汽车排挡踩得嘎嘎作响。

    He ground the gears on the car.

  30. 我倾听着孔雀嘎嘎的哀叫声。

    I listened to the sad squawks of the peacocks.


  1. 问:嘎嘎拼音怎么拼?嘎嘎的读音是什么?嘎嘎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嘎嘎的读音是,嘎嘎翻译成英文是 quack-quack

  2. 问:嘎嘎响拼音怎么拼?嘎嘎响的读音是什么?嘎嘎响翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嘎嘎响的读音是,嘎嘎响翻译成英文是 rattle

  3. 问:嘎嘎地叫拼音怎么拼?嘎嘎地叫的读音是什么?嘎嘎地叫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嘎嘎地叫的读音是,嘎嘎地叫翻译成英文是 gaggle



“嘎嘎”是个多义词,它可以指嘎嘎(Lady GaGa), 嘎嘎(在线即时通讯软件), 嘎嘎(MP魔幻力量主唱—— 嘎嘎), 嘎嘎(汉语词语), 嘎嘎(《蛋神奇踪》人物)。