


1. 台 [tái]2. 台 [tāi]台 [tái]高平的建筑物:亭~楼阁。敬辞,用于称呼对方或与对方有关的事物:~鉴。~甫。像台的东西,器物的座子:井~。窗~。灯~。量词:一~戏。台湾省的简称:~胞。~币。姓。桌子、案子:写字~。发生在……






汉语拼音:tái shǐ







  1. 六朝 时指朝廷使者。

    《晋书·成都王颖传》:“ 虓 长史 刘舆 见 颖 为 鄴都 所服,虑为后患,祕不发丧,伪令人为臺使,称詔夜赐 颖 死。”

  2. 唐 时指未正名的监察御史。

    《通典·职官六》:“又有臺使八人,俸亦於本官请,餘同监察。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·补遗四》:“御史有臺使、里使,皆未正名也。”



  1. SAS Management Console enables you to easily manage metadata resources across multiple platforms.


  2. In a word, with patrol stations coming into every corner of our city, people's everyday life goes more convenient and secure.


  3. The auxiliary machine has a platform working table for making operation easy and is equipped with bubble stabilizing ring.


  4. In 2006, ningbo radio and television group decided to reform the pad, and 712 take more radio and television signal mission.


  5. The "G" button on the centre console makes the GLK with off- road engineering package even more assertive on rough terrain.


  6. in particular, designed and installed a group of retractors, disposable mobile sets, so that transport more efficient.


  7. To use the Exchange Management Console to enable faxes to be received by users who are associated with a dial plan


  1. 这台计算机使这些数据再现为一系列图表。

    The computer reproduces the data as a set of diagrams.

  2. 这种试验台能使陪试桥齿轮的寿命大大延长。

    In such a way, the operation durability of assistant axles can be greatly increased.

  3. 买一台电脑, 使你的工作更现代化。

    Get a computer and make your work modernized.

  4. 反弹把打到弹子台的橡皮边使之弹回

    To strike so that it rebounds from the cushion of the table.

  5. 眼下的珠光打亮与台绿色眼影使她显得端庄美丽。

    She has a pearl eye makeup and moss green eye shadow bringing out her gentle beauty.

  6. 你能使这台振动筛工作吗?

    Can you make this shale shaker work?

  7. 新的一层喷漆将使这台旧自行车焕然一新。

    A fresh coat of paint will dress up the old bicycle very much.

  8. 新得一层喷漆将使这台旧自行车焕然一新。

    A fresh coat of paint will dress up the old bicycle very much.

  9. 我们要使你知道,我们已经使这台机器全速运转了。

    We will have you know that we have made the machine work at full speed.

  10. 喷上点儿漆就立刻会使这台旧车焕然一新。

    A little paint will soon transform this old car.

  11. 他们正在尽最大的努力使这台旧截煤机重新运转。

    They are trying their best to reactivate the old coal cutter.

  12. 您必须重新引导这台机器才能使改变生效

    You must reboot this machine before the changes take effect

  13. 这台新机器将使我们从繁重得劳作中解脱出来。

    This new machine will emancipate us from all the hard work.

  14. 这台新机器将使我们从繁重的劳作中解脱出来。

    This new machine will emancipate us from all the hard work.

  15. 我不是有意要伤她使她下不来台的。

    It was not my intention to hurt or humiliate her.

  16. 这台新的办公机器使我们少用了一名秘书。

    This new office machine dispenses with the need for a secretary.

  17. 这台新得办公机器使我们少用了一名秘书。

    This new office machine dispenses with the need for a secretary.

  18. 父母可以设定这台机器的程序,使它在特定时间段无法开启。

    Parents can programme the machine not to turn on at certain times.

  19. 政变使他上了台。

    The coup brought him to power

  20. 革命的冲击波使政府垮了台

    Shock waves of revolution shattered the government.

  21. 真是使人下不了台!

    What a fiasco!

  22. 那男孩干的蠢事使他下不了台。

    The boy's stupid behavior got him into trouble.

  23. 但是,绝望使艾琳想起了这台计算机。

    But desperation turned Irenes thoughts towards the computer.

  24. 使您能指定这台计算机的名称和域。0。

    Enables you to specify the name and domain for this computer..

  25. 她决心离开这家公司,因为老板常常使她下不了台。

    She is determined to leave the company because the boss often crops her feathers.

  26. 我不明白为什么还是不能使我的的这台本本平稳运行。

    I could not figure why I could not get this laptop running smoothly.

  27. 一个女人问了我一些无法回答的问题,企图使我下不了台。

    One woman was trying to embarrass me by asking me questions I couldn't answer.

  28. 在我新男友面前使手机掉到洗手台里是件很乌龙的事!

    Dropping the phone in the sink in front of my new boyfriend was a big blooper!

  29. 摆动得钳台使夫钳上升, 易手夹住鞋帮。

    Wobbly clamp stage makes husband clamp rises, easy hand clips upper.

  30. 我们必须拥有一台使房屋内的空气湿润的机器。

    We have a machine that humidifier the air in the house.