


1. 佛 [fó]2. 佛 [fú]3. 佛 [bì]4. 佛 [bó]佛 [fó]梵语“佛陀”,是对佛教创始人释迦牟尼的简称,亦是佛教徒对修行圆满的人的称呼:~爷。~像。借花献~。指“佛教”(世界主要宗教之一):~家。~寺。~老。~经。~……





汉语拼音:fó xìng







  1. 佛教名词。谓众生觉悟之性。

    《涅槃经》卷二七:“我常宣説一切众生悉有佛性。”《北齐书·杜弼传》:“闻卿精学,聊有所问,经中佛性、法性,为一为异?” 宋 蔡絛 《铁围山丛谈》卷五:“此迺泥土瓦砾合成,安得有佛性耶?” 清 龚自珍 《法性即佛性论》:“宗--今立法性即佛性。”

  2. 借指礼佛修行之心性。参见“ 佛性禪心 ”。



  1. Until you understand a little bit, even a little bit of the concept of Buddha nature, the guru will confuse you.


  2. It is as if your ordinary mind gradually dies and dissolves, and your pure awareness, your buddha nature, your inner teacher, is revealed.


  3. On the contrary, Self-nature and Buddha-nature know all. In this way of practice, a man of practice appears to be common.


  4. The warmth of his wisdom and compassion will melt the core of our being and release the gold of the buddha-nature within.


  5. The Buddhist scriptures say that you are the Buddha and that the Buddha Nature is inside you.


  6. As Buddha said, attachments cloud the buddha-nature, and the concept of self is the worst and most deeply rooted attachment.


  7. The "authentic Dharma" , like the Buddha-that and the Buddha himself, is, in the end, Mystery.


  8. Similarly, the natural cause, the true state of our mind, is the Buddha nature.


  9. In the viewpoint of the origin, life is integration of material and the self-nature, Buddha-nature, Qi, calmness and refinement.


  1. 佛性论研究

    The Buddha nature theory of the Mahaparinirvana.

  2. 野生动物也同样有佛性。

    Wild animals all have Buddha natures, too.

  3. 佛性论与儒家人性论比较

    Comparison of the Theories of Human Nature of Buddhism and Confucianism

  4. 重大的困难使我们悟出佛性。

    Great hardship leads to attaining enlightenment.

  5. 重大得困难使我们悟出佛性。

    Great hardship leads to attaining enlightenment.

  6. 略论魏晋南北朝的佛性思想

    The thought about Buddha nature in Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties

  7. 在此我们试著开放, 与佛性相连结。

    Here we try to be open, be connected with buddha nature.

  8. 并且认为一阐提人没有佛性, 不能成佛。

    Also, they believe that icchatika cannot be a buddha.

  9. 这佛性就是我们最好的老师, 就是我们内在的善知识。

    Is that right? The Buddha nature is our best teacher as well the master that exists inside us.

  10. 本性来,它是从自己那个佛性生出来的。

    It is Vajra that supports and protects this mantra, which comes from our own Buddhanature.

  11. 缺乏勇气, 则让我们无法真实面对自己的佛性。

    A lack of courage keeps us from being true to our Budhha nature.

  12. 缺乏勇气,则让我们无法真实面对自己得佛性。

    A lack of courage keeps us from being true to our Budhha nature.

  13. 不动的心即是佛性。观到自己不动的心,即为见性。

    Unmovable Suchness is Buddha nature. cognition of unmovable suchness is called enlightenment.

  14. 人人本有清净纯真的佛性,只因烦恼无明遮蔽了。

    We all have a pure and clear Buddha nature, obscured by worry and delusion.

  15. 因为在佛性里, 根本连所谓涅盘, 轮回的名字都没有。

    Because in the Buddha, the not even the socalled Nirvana, reincarnation of the names are not.

  16. 在这时期, 本有的佛性还未失去, 清净的自性仍然存在。

    In this period, you have yet to lose your pure inherent nature, your Buddha nature.

  17. 审度了此刻的险境之后,深具佛性的菩提王对其他的鹿说

    Then the Banyan deer, who was filled with the spirit of Buddha, said to all

  18. 然而于实相中, 伊喜措嘉与我们自己的佛性并无分别。

    In reality, though, she is none other than our own buddha nature.

  19. 主旨在宣称人皆自性清净, 本有佛性, 但用此心, 直了成佛

    Then suddenly, the hunter becomes the prey a hungry boa snake slips and slithers along a branch.


  1. 问:佛性拼音怎么拼?佛性的读音是什么?佛性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佛性的读音是,佛性翻译成英文是 Buddha nature