







汉语拼音:yíng shēng








  1. 犹养生,保养身体。

    晋 陆机 《君子有所思行》:“善哉膏粱士,营生奥且博。”

  2. 谋生。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·崇教》:“贫贱者汲汲於营生,富贵者沉沦於逸乐。” 唐 陆贽 《冬至大礼大赦制》:“免其差役,任自营生。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》四:“家庭消灭,跳出去社会里营生。”

  3. 特指经商,做生意。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·安贫》:“ 范生 出则灭 吴 霸 越 ,为命世之佐;入则货殖营生,累万金之貲。”

  4. 指生意,买卖。

    元 李行道 《灰阑记》第三折:“这桩营生不爽快,常常被人欠酒债。” 吴组缃 《天下太平》:“他做了许多种不须资本的小营生。”

  5. 谋生之事;职业。

    宋 庄季裕 《鸡肋编》卷中:“两 浙 妇人,皆事服饰口腹而耻为营生。” 元 高文秀 《遇上皇》第一折:“那廝不成半器,好酒贪盃,不理家当,营生也不做,每日只是吃酒。”

  6. 径指活计。

    冯德英 《苦菜花》第十章:“一边哄孩子玩,一边做针线,不知不觉,快快乐乐,手里的营生就做完了。”

  7. 犹言生活。

    韩起祥 《翻身记》:“每天累得喉咙疼,还是半饥半饱度营生。”

  8. 犹勾当。


  9. 东西。指所厌恶之物。

    郭澄清 《大刀记》第九章:“ 二楞 一看见鬼子发的这个玩艺儿就生气,便说:‘不捎这营生!’”



  1. He assured me again and again that it was the last thing in the world he would dream of doing in a sober moment.


  2. That scalp business hasn't turned out at all profitable, and I've pretty much concluded to give it up, and to follow a less bloody calling.


  3. Some of the newly unemployed have stuck around (and a few have started a new industry: street crime).


  4. Thanks for a country where nobody's allowed to mind his own business.


  5. Is that quite fair? To deprive a man of his livelihood, when he's done nothing wrong?


  6. After a few days of rest, millions of Chinese have packed their bags and are heading off again to earn their living or chase their dreams.


  7. Street scene of the old town The reason why people like the old town is the consumption level here is low in addition to its cultural.


  8. He now owns two California restaurants , one of which he manages as a sideline to drawing Dilbert .


  9. After years of scorning fishing as dirty and boring, the paper-money princes may have second thoughts.


  1. 靠修鞋营生

    earn a living as a cobbler

  2. 靠木工手艺营生

    earn a living as a carpenter

  3. 他以货币兑换的营生过活。

    He earns his living from the interchange of currency.

  4. 他以货币兑换的营生过活。

    He earns his living from the interchange of currency.

  5. 这实际是一种敛财的营生。

    It was a lucrative racket.

  6. 猜猜德尔非诺靠什么营生?

    And guess what our boy Delfino does for a living?

  7. 猜猜德尔非诺靠什么营生?

    And guess what our boy Delfino does for a living?

  8. 许多人靠租房子给学生营生。

    Many people make a living by boarding students.

  9. 养马确实是个有风险的营生。

    Horse breeding is indeed a risky enterprise.

  10. 即使在圣地麦加,人们依旧赚钱营生。

    Even in Mecca people make money.

  11. 几年前,养奶牛看起来是个不错的营生。

    A few years ago, it looked like a good bet.

  12. 你一边宣传和平,一边又干着煽动纷争的营生。

    While you preach peace, you make it the business of your life to stir up dissension.

  13. 容易赚钱的生计一种轻松,有利可图的营生办法

    An easy, profitable means of livelihood.

  14. 这样公平吗无缘无故地就剥夺一个人的营生

    Is that quite fair To deprive a man of his livelihood, when hes done nothing wrong

  15. 幸好父亲年轻力壮,很快谋得营生支撑家庭。

    Fortunately, the prime of his father, and soon to make a living support for finding a family.

  16. 你一边宣传和平, 一边又利用和平来干你煽动纷争的营生。

    While you preach peace, you make it the business of your life to stir up dissension.

  17. 好,在这个营生里他也证明出他的能力与聪明。

    Very well then, even in this job he would prove his ability and intelligence.

  18. 他们或许讨厌他的营生,但他们要想活下来必须依靠他。

    They may hate what he does but their survival depends on him.

  19. 平底船安顿好后,船上的人各人干着各自的营生。

    As soon as the ark was properly secured, the different members of the party occupied themselves in their several peculiar manners.

  20. 老天,你是靠服务营生的人这种态度可不礼貌啊。

    Jeez. You sure are hostile for a guy who makes his living in a service industry.

  21. 他们都安分守己的混着,而他没有一点营生,在大街上闲晃。

    They were going contentedly about their work, while he was idling about the streets.

  22. 若赌风日衰,在赌场和赛马场营生的人就只好另谋职业。

    A decline in gambling would force croupiers and racing touts to seek more productive occupations.

  23. 友海街上多家私店, 早年闻名全球的上海木匠也在这里营生。

    There are numerous furniture shops on Ewe Hai Street, one of the world's famous Shanghai carpenter also ran a carpentry business here in the early days.


  1. 问:营生拼音怎么拼?营生的读音是什么?营生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营生的读音是yíngshēng,营生翻译成英文是 to earn a living; to make a living



营生,拼音:yíng shēng解释:职业;工作。1. 犹养生,保养身体。2. 谋生。

3. 特指经商,做生意。4. 指生意,买卖。