




1. 壳 [ké]2. 壳 [qiào]壳 [ké]坚硬的外皮:鸡蛋~儿。壳 [qiào]义同(一):甲~。地~。金蝉脱~。……



汉语拼音:qū qiào








  1. 指身体,对精神而言。

    宋 孔武仲 《松上老藤》诗:“蛇蟠筋脉壮,龙死躯壳在。” 清 李渔 《蜃中楼·传书》:“如今躯壳虽在 涇河 ,精灵实归 柳氏 。” 熊瑾玎 《闻端绶亦被捕》诗:“躯壳原无用,精神自不磨。”



  1. A holy calm rested on her face, as if the earthly remains bore the impress of the truth that she now stood in the presence of God.


  2. Drain the girl, drain her power until there is nothing but a vacant shell.


  3. As you used to say, my dear, "they are empty" ; just empty vessels, put there to cause disruption and confusion.


  4. Management culture is the soul, not the culture, management is the only place in the next dry with the body.


  5. As I stood there, hushed and still, I could swear that the house was not an empty shell but lived and breathed as it had lived before.


  6. But it will be like an old abandoned shell. There is nothing sad about old shells. . .


  7. The real Jane, however, was something of a lost soul.


  8. When you project in real time, you are just a point of consciousness with a poorly constructed etheric shell surrounding it.


  9. The money is good, money can buy many things , but it is the only body to buy, and buy the real value of it, so money is not omnipotent.


  1. 她的躯壳会死。

    Her body will die.

  2. 卑劣躯壳长牙剑

    The Vile Husk Tusk Sword.

  3. 他只剩下个躯壳。

    Hes a mere husk of his former self.

  4. 脱离肉体或躯壳或现实。

    Free from a body or physical form or reality.

  5. 动摇我自以为是的躯壳?

    Vacillates body which I think oneself infallible

  6. 他陷入绝望, 形同躯壳。

    The despair left him a mere shell of a man.

  7. 愿你在新的躯壳好运。

    Good luck in your new body.

  8. 你们的房屋是你们更大的躯壳。

    Your house is your larger body.

  9. 抱着回忆的躯壳, 回想从前的快乐。

    Holding memories of the body, recall past happiness.

  10. 蜷缩在一个病孩子的躯壳里。

    Trapped in the body of a sick child.

  11. 我只是和我的躯壳重新回到地狱。

    I just falling down to the hell again with my body.

  12. 疲倦的叶片越过你空虚的躯壳爱慕

    Our tired leaves over your empty shell

  13. 不要用衣服装饰躯壳, 而要用智慧丰富头脑。

    Don't deck yourself up with fine clothes, but enrich your mind with profound knowledge.

  14. 闹钟叫醒的只是我的躯壳, 叫不醒我那沉睡的心

    The alarm clock is my body, can't wake my sleeping heart

  15. 你们都不仅仅只是这一世人类的躯壳而已。

    You are not just the person that you are in this life.

  16. 我们的躯壳可能被死亡打垮,但我们的精神永在!

    Probably we may be vanquished to death by the misfortune physically, but never mentally!

  17. 但它只不过是一具被丢弃了的旧躯壳。

    But it will be like an old abandoned shell.

  18. 但身体是一个会损坏的躯壳, 灵魂则是完整的。

    But the body is an expendable shell, and all else is intact.

  19. 公爵说他会把这个可怕的躯壳带回陵墓。

    The Duke says he will carry that ghastly schlup with him to his mausoleum.

  20. 我是一具没有灵魂的躯壳,孤立,不变,空虚。

    I'm a spirit with preternatural flesh. Detached.Unchangeable. Empty.

  21. 所以, 忘掉这个躯壳般自我的人, 是天地之友。

    So, any one who forgets the shell is a friend of Heaven and Earth.

  22. 你死了,没有灵魂的躯壳,已经被蛆虫蛀空了。

    You have died a sheep without soul, which has already been engulfed by maggot's worm.

  23. 他们忘了怎么去笑,而最后,成为行尸走肉的躯壳。

    They forget how to smile and finally become physical and mental wrecks.

  24. 第一,他们清楚认识到 品牌是灵魂,而产品只是躯壳

    First, they really understood that a brand is a voice and a product is a souvenir.

  25. 也随饱含着伤痕的露珠病逝在被编织的躯壳里。

    The dew also follows full of bruise dies of illness in the body that is braided.

  26. 混沌的污浊,沾沾我躯壳,请相信我心,仍美丽如锦。

    Chaotic, filthy, complacent my body, please believe my heart is still beautiful, such as Kam.

  27. 我们美丽的宝贝如今只剩下一个失去了灵魂的躯壳。

    Just an empty shell where our beautiful baby girl used to live.

  28. 她想在稚童的躯壳上塑造出聪慧和美好的心灵。

    She wanted to form minds and hearts out of infantile clay.

  29. 吸干这女孩的能量, 直到她彻底变成一具躯壳。

    Drain the girl, drain her power until there is nothing but a vacant shell.

  30. 当铺中有许多典当了灵魂的躯壳, 他们做任何的家务。

    There are many qus hulls which pawned soul in the pawnshop, they do any household chores.


  1. 问:躯壳拼音怎么拼?躯壳的读音是什么?躯壳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:躯壳的读音是qūqiào,躯壳翻译成英文是 the body


