







汉语拼音:shí duì






  1. 如实对答。




  1. Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva told reporters the body will focus on promotion of human rights.


  2. If they don't do it for this program, it really doesn't count against them.


  3. Objective To investigate the different effects of 2 species of Fructus aurantii immaturus on cardiovascular and respiratory system.


  4. Retrieves the character kerning pairs for the font that is currently selected in the specified device context.


  5. He is a towser for work and perfect for job.


  6. Synthesis, Structure Characterization of Schiff Base-Containing Liquid Crystals and Effect of Rigid Core on the Mesogenic Behaviors


  7. Effect of Immature Bitter Orange on model rats of blood stasis in prethrombotic state


  1. 模拟降雨条件下成垄压实对硝态氮迁移的影响

    Study on nitrogen movement under localized compaction and ridge tillage by use of artificial rainfall

  2. 实是对没有起小许多!

    What a sorry little lot!

  3. 对实名举报的,应当将处理结果等情况予以回复。

    If the informant offers the tipoff in his real name, he shall be given a reply about the handling result and other information.

  4. 同时, 实生苗对光环境和水分环境的适应能力优于扦插苗。

    Meanwhile, the capacity of accommodation about light and water circumstances of seedlings was higher than that of the cutting stocks.

  5. 振幅对压实得影响存在阈值。

    The amplitude and threshold value exist.

  6. 实名制对微博用户所发言论有多大影响尚不清楚。

    It is unclear how much the realname requirement will affect what microbloggers say.

  7. 桃果实蒸腾强度对源叶净光合效率及相关生理反应的影响

    Response of leaf net photosynthesis and other photosynthetic parameters to fruit transpiration in peach trees

  8. 遮荫对野蔷薇实生苗根颈生长的影响

    Effects of shading on the growth of seedling crown of Rosa multiflora.

  9. 不同涂蜡处理对杨桃果实采后贮藏性能的影响

    Influence of Waxing on Ripening of Carambola Fruit

  10. 热调和间隙加温对桃果实冷害和果胶酶的影响

    Effect of heat conditioning and intermittent warming on chilling injury and pectolytic enzymes in peaches

  11. 每穗实粒数为两对主基因遗传模型。

    The optimum model for filled grain number per panicle was two major genes model without polygene.

  12. 我习惯对人实话实说。

    It is my custom always to tell the absolute truth.

  13. 我现在需要你对我实话实说。

    And I need you to be really straight with me now.

  14. 对推行股东实名制的几点认识

    On the Use of the Real Name of the Stockholder

  15. 我不妨对你实话实说,我没有任何自信心。

    I'll be quite honest with you, I haven't any faith in myself.

  16. 最重要得是, 你现在必须对我实话实说。

    Above all, you should be honest with me right now.

  17. 最重要的是,你现在必须对我实话实说。

    Above all, you should be honest with me right now.

  18. 活性炭处理对红杨桃果实贮藏特性的影响

    Effect of Activated Carbon Treatment on the Carambola during Stovage.

  19. 期望一个政客对你实话实说有点太乐观。

    It's a bit optimistic to expect a politician to tell you the unvarnised truth!

  20. 研究了活性炭处理对红杨桃果实贮藏特性的影响。

    Effect of activated carbon treatment on carambola during storage was studied.

  21. 说明丁香叶油对采后桃果实具有明显的防腐保鲜效果。

    The results showed that antisepsis preservation of clove leaf oil on the postharvest peach was very obvious.

  22. 你说的对 我没有实话实说。

    You're right, I haven't been telling the truth.

  23. 一种对实摄图象的变形矫正算法


  24. 木材干缩湿胀对实木家具设计的影响

    Influence of Wood Shrinkage and Swelling on Solid Wood Furniture Design

  25. 家具脚轮对实木复合地板表面损伤的研究

    The Study on Parquet Surface Damage from Furniture Casters

  26. 对实车碰撞的试验方法和试验设备进行了介绍。

    It also introduces some vehicle crash methods and test equipments.

  27. 他对实实在在的东西,而不是抽象概念感兴趣。

    He is interested in concrete objects instead of abstract notions.

  28. 紫外线强度对实木复合地板漆膜质量的影响

    Effect of Ultraviolet Exposure Intensity on Coating Quality of Red Oak Parquet

  29. 叶面施肥对实生毛竹苗鞭笋生长与萌发的影响

    Influence of Leaf Fertilization on Phyllostachys Shoot Grown from Seed.

  30. 浅水对实船试航航速和轴功率测量结果的影响

    Shallow Water Effect on the Measured Results of Ship Speed and the Shaft Power in a Trial.


  1. 问:实对称阵拼音怎么拼?实对称阵的读音是什么?实对称阵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:实对称阵的读音是shí duì chèn zhèn,实对称阵翻译成英文是 real symmetric matrix

  2. 问:实对称矩阵拼音怎么拼?实对称矩阵的读音是什么?实对称矩阵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:实对称矩阵的读音是shí duì chèn jǔ zhèn,实对称矩阵翻译成英文是 real symmetric matrix