







汉语拼音:zhān mào







  1. 毡制的帽子。

    《南史·夷貊传下·末国》:“土人剪髮,著毡帽。” 唐 李匡乂 《资暇集》卷下:“ 永贞 之前,组藤为盖,曰席帽,取其轻也。后或以太薄,冬则不御霜寒,夏则不障暑气,乃细色罽代藤,曰毡帽,贵其厚也,非崇贵莫戴,而人亦未尚。”《儒林外史》第二一回:“走近前去,看 韦驮殿 西边櫈上坐着三四个人,头戴大毡帽,身穿绸绢衣服。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·寄<戏>周刊编者信》:“我的意见,以为 阿Q 该是三十岁左右,样子平平常常……我记得我给他戴的是毡帽。这是一种黑色的,半圆形的东西,将那帽边翻起一寸多,戴在头上的。”



  1. " Papa, " she said one day. " Why don't you throw that old wool hat away and get a nice cool straw hat? "


  2. If you spend any time around Nuosu villages, eventually you will see one of the bimos, wearing a toadstool-shaped hat of black felt.


  3. A short man in a black coat and a black felt hat stepped down from the car .


  4. He placed a battered felt hat on his head.


  5. Of all the felt I ever felt, I never felt a piece of felt which felt as fine as that felt felt, when first I felt that felt hat's felt.


  6. Hats had to be worn when walking to and from school, blue felt in winter, straw in summer.


  7. Now, the country's shifting mores are reflected in a proposed new look : long dresses, skirts below the knee and Ottoman-style fez caps.


  8. Descending from the Tibetan plateau with their fur-clad retinue, the Tibetans used to winter comfortably in Tawang.


  9. fez is a brimless felt hat, usually red, with a black tassel hanging from crown.


  1. 黑色圆顶毡帽

    large black fur hat with a round crown

  2. 钟形女毡帽

    felt cloche

  3. 毡帽山趣谈

    Amusing Talk about Felt Hat Mountain.

  4. 我需要买个毡帽。

    I need to have a hat felted.

  5. 我需要买个毡帽。

    I need to have a hat felted.

  6. 狭带绒毡帽

    wool felt hat with narrow band.

  7. 他戴着一顶毡帽。

    He is wearing a felt hat.

  8. 男子也有戴幞头、毡帽的。

    Men are also wearing Fu towel or felt hats.

  9. 他们都戴着白色的毡帽。

    They were all wearing white felt hats too.

  10. 他把毡帽打了个草样。

    He blocked out the felt hat.

  11. 中阔度帽边毛毡帽

    medium brim fur felt hat

  12. 那人戴着一顶古怪的毡帽。

    The man wears an odd felt hat.

  13. 那人戴着一顶古怪得毡帽。

    The man wears an odd felt hat.

  14. 帽顶有一条折痕的一种毡帽。

    A soft felt hat with a deeply creased crown.

  15. 他把毡帽胡乱地往头上一戴。

    He crammed his Trilby on his head.

  16. 有一个灵活的宽边的软毡帽。

    A soft felt hat with a wide flexible brim.

  17. 一种有低圆顶的毡帽, 很象圆顶礼帽

    a felt hat with a low, rounded crown, similar to a derby

  18. 画架前带深色毛毡帽的自画像

    SelfPortrait with Dark Felt Hat at the Easel

  19. 毡帽兜,仅用帽模制成帽形或帽檐

    Felt hood simply blocked to shape or with made brims

  20. 一种有锯齿形帽峰的软毡帽

    a soft felt hat with a deeply creased crown

  21. 常礼帽圆顶, 窄的弯曲帽檐的硬毡帽

    A stiff felt hat with a round crown and a narrow, curved brim.

  22. 钉羽毛双箍活动耳遮瓜皮绒毡帽

    double brim calot of wool felt trimmed with feathers and with removable earlops

  23. 圆锥形绒线帽, 针织帽制作毡帽用帽边成形机

    Brim forming machine for felt hat making

  24. 绒毛毡帽, 由帽模, 帽坯, 帽兜或平顶制成

    fur felt headgear made from hat forms, hat bodies, hoods or plateaux

  25. 土耳其毡帽种毡帽, 通常, 帽顶垂根黑穗。

    fez is a brimless felt hat, usually red, with a black tassel hanging from crown.

  26. 她戴上毡帽走进了茫茫的风雪中。

    She put on her felt hat and walked into the boundless wind and snow.

  27. 她戴上毡帽走进了茫茫的风雪中。

    She put on her felt hat and walked into the boundless wind and snow.

  28. 低圆顶软毡帽一种有低圆顶的毡帽,很象圆顶礼帽

    A felt hat with a low, rounded crown, similar to a derby.

  29. 虽然爱土耳其毡帽、配腰带的长袍以及男孩子。

    As much as I love a fez, a caftan, and a teenage boy.

  30. 特里碧帽一种有锯齿形帽峰的软毡帽

    A soft felt hat with a deeply creased crown.


  1. 问:毡帽拼音怎么拼?毡帽的读音是什么?毡帽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毡帽的读音是zhānmào,毡帽翻译成英文是 A hat made of felt.




毡 : 毡(氊) zhān 用兽毛或化学纤维制成的片状物,可做防寒用品和工业上的垫衬材料:毡子。毡帽。毡靴 帽 : 帽 mào盖头的东西:帽子。草帽。凉帽。军帽。礼帽。器物的顶罩或套儿:笔帽儿。螺丝帽儿。